Every time a rampant/smug denier of COVID dies of... COVID; there is almost a satisfaction to it— like swatting a fly that was driving you crazy. What’s also interesting about these people is that there is no “I Told You So” that they can retort with to back their claims. They throw tantrums in public, deny the most simple logic and in the end they still make it rain L’s in the form of bodybags. And they STILL think they’re the ones who are correct.
hoping for the best, prepared for the worst. At this point, I know that covid won’t kill me, so I’m not as concerned as I used to be when that was a realistic possibility. I’m not looking forward to that second shot, but then again it’s worth it completely so whatever.
thanks man. I figure at this point, nothing that comes from it will be "bad" since I'm more than willing to write off a few days of feeling like crap for the improved immunities and especially the improved chances of not spreading it. Had my appointment a few hours ago. I think it was nett that mentioned he didn't like needles, and I used to be like that before I got run through the blood test gamut for years with my brain tumor. Gotta say, the dude who gave me my shot today was one of the most skilled at it that I've experienced. Combined with the ease of scheduling and such from CVS, and they got themselves a lifelong customer for sure. I figure since I got my injection today at 10 am, I should know by about 8-10 tonight if I'm going to have any issues from this.
pretty sure I'm in for a little ride with this one. I'm getting that weird mental fog like "am I high or am I drunk? And why is my speech slurring?" that hit right before I got the worst of the covid symptoms. Price of admission, fuck it.
This is such a weird virus. Some 70 year olds aren't affected at all, while some 30 year olds have been killed. I didn't feel a thing after the vaccine, but other people have been knocked on their ass for a day or more. I wonder if scientists will ever figure out what determines the severity of someone's response to it.
They’re constantly working on that. Today I was reading about how if you hate bitter tasting food you’re probably more tolerant to the virus.
I think the viral load is a lot about if you get it, but there’s also how it affects you once you’ve got it. I think there would be cases where you had a huge load but no symptoms, some where little load and big symptoms, and everything in between. It’s probably got a lot to do with your personal blood chemistry.
Probably affects severity of illness if you catch it in the wild, but a vaccine should be a standard "dose" to all who get vaccinated.
that makes sense. And with the bitters thing, I fucking love bitter flavors. Bitter and umami -- I'd eat straight glutamate if it was healthy for me. I think I just got really fucking unlucky, or really fucking lucky depending on how you wanna look at it. The way I explain the vaccine thing is that feeling like shit for a few days is a small price to pay in exchange for not going through what I did again, and I don't have to explain the vaccine thing to those who personally witnessed me go through it. Just a hunch based upon what I've personally seen, but I'm also guessing that those with super strong immune systems get it worse too.
Interesting. I am not a bitter food dude and I *rarely* get sick. I think I've had 2-3 colds in the last 15-ish years. I know for sure that I've missed one half day of work in the last 23 years from being sick. I just don't. get. sick. After the first shot at 5PM, I felt a little off around bedtime (10pm). Woke up fine. 2nd shot gave me the lymphnode lump that went away in a few days but I never felt ill. I also wasn't near as militant towards covid as I probably should have been* so there's a decent chance I might have caught it at some point. *Wife and I still went to work everyday and dealt with customers on a regular basis, had to fly cross country to Florida 5 times, my "bubble" was definitely larger than it should have been, went to a speakeasy where no one wore masks etc Not sure how that lands with other peoples vaccine reactions so YMMV
I get that we don't want to encourage bigotry or stigmas or hurting people's feelings, but when the variant in question originated in the Covid Cauldron that is India, that really needs to be more apparent imo. "Delta" isn't just any old mutant, it's a fucking graduate of the Xavier School. Apparently the Pfizer shot is 5x less effective against it. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06...f-coronavirus-detected-in-australia/100190460 https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/pfi...inst-covid-delta-variant-lancet-study-2456362