Ok whoa, this shit is a ride. Anyone get this metallic taste in their mouth? Reminds me like when I broke my nose and blood was dripping back there, except my nose isn’t broken again... I think also I spent a not insignificant amount of time trying to figure out if trees had nightmares. So I think hallucinations are a thing yaaa no fever (yet)!
I haven't been the same since my long covid. I get migraines frequently, my energy level is much lower and my general give a fuck has fallen sharply.
Yeah, almost instantly after they inject me. That has happened with other vaccines for me, also. The rabies vaccine, the metallic taste lasted the longest.
not as bad as I anticipated. Like I’m really fucked up right now, but this isn’t “praying for death” like I was with covid, as I’ve seen some people compare it to. Either I just got a much worse case of covid, or people are just being pussies with the shot. Granted, this is my first one and I know the second is worse, but I could do this every year no problem.
Schools here in NY have the option to lift mask mandates. Starting Monday, our schools will be making them optional for students and staff. I have to say I’m glad, because it’s been wreaking havoc with my skin as things heat up outside.
I can smell my morning coffee. First time I’ve smelled it in about 4.5 months. I’m cautiously optimistic this shot is doing something good now for the long haul shit
Trying not to overdo it too soon, but just chainsawed up a tree that fell on my sister’s pool during the last storm — most strenuous manual labor I’ve done since covid — and I’m perfectly fine. Not out of breath, no headaches, nothing. If this shot truly got me over long covid as quickly as I think it just did, it’s some voodoo magic shit
Two days out from the first covid vaccine and I can say with certainty now that my long hauler issues are gone. I cannot point to a single symptom or issue that it hasn't resolved completely actually, exception being maybe a tad bit of mental fog that has still gone away almost entirely. And my 5G hasn't improved, though my arm does beep when I pass cell towers... this mRNA tech is absolutely crazy *edit* three days out. Little mental fog like I said
Aaaand the NYS Dept. of Education reversed the mask mandate being lifted. The wailing and gnashing of teeth in social media was quick to follow.
https://twitter.com/TheTNHoller/status/1402408416228806663 How do people like this survive into adulthood. You would expect someone this dumb to die before reaching maturity. And the poor people conducting these hearings... how do you sit up there and listen to this drivel without openly mocking these retards?
Luck, and society doesn't hand down enough meaningful consequences for true stupidity. We protect the stupid with warning labels, and even reward them, in some cases, with huge payouts from civil suits.
Okay long covid is definitely over after the first shot. Walked 5 miles (and counting) today at legoland in 90°+ heat. If that doesn’t fuck me over, nothing will, especially since I could barely stand any temps over low 80s for longer than a few minutes during the long haul shit. large crowds are still a weird thing and something I’ll have to get used to again. I feel safe in my home, and at our schools where I work, and that’s it. Also anxiety that I could get it again when I go out in public is still a major thing, even though I know I’ve essentially doubled up on antibodies. Hell, I know people who got pregnant using IUDs and condoms. Again, the mental health side of this is going to be massive. Anxiety has been part of my life for a very long time — ptsd makes this look like nothing — but for people for whom it is a new experience, it’s gonna suck. Especially since it’s either telemed therapy, or go to them in person, which… triggers it. Last of the mental fog has lifted, only remaining issues are that I’m still slightly heat sensitive and I’m VERY caffeine sensitive now, which let’s be honest, caffeine is something I should cut back on. Decaf coffee might be in my future, because like alcohol, I still love the taste even if I no longer enjoy how it makes me feel.
I'd let your doc know. They may have some studies going on you can participate in, or at a minimum, they may just want to see what symptoms linger past the vaccine. That's fucking awesome, though. Congrats, man.