I second this... great to hear, and let your doc know! They're really anxious to collect any and all long-term information they can right now.
done. Just sent them a message for their records. I kinda was worried that the whole “shot can fix it” thing was a myth before, but for that first shot to resolve some rather drastic issues, that quick… I’m a fucking believer.
That’s one movie I support a remake of. It had so much potential for ideas and humour, and it was executed so poorly.
Also "testifying" at the same Ohio committee was this nurse. Does someone want to explain to her that most keys aren't magnetic? https://twitter.com/Tylerjoelb/status/1402646586379878409
Glad to hear the long 'vid is over for you. I mostly lurk, but your tales have been a lighthouse against being too wreckless.
It's exciting to possibly be rewarded for getting it, but it didn't seem to move the needle much in my state. Vaccinations have been slacking off,probably just due to the pool of people who still need it & want to get it. The expert at the end of the article says it is too early to say for sure what effect the lotteries have had on turnout though. https://www.oregonlive.com/news/202...1-million-jackpot-fails-to-motivate-many.html
They've dropped off badly here. Newly vaccinated get a bonus entry so I hope it motivates some of the fence sitters.
what’s crazy is, it wasn’t even that for me. Normally my own stupidity is the direct cause of pain for me. Except this time, it was an asshole parent (who is a cop of all things) lying about her child testing positive, in order to allow him to continue playing high school basketball, and thus allowing exposure to our family. We all got it from her son. My nephew, who was directly exposed, has been to the hospital multiple times for *just* asthma and she knew this. Thank god he didn’t die from covid. His mom/my sister also got it, as did her husband/my BIL, as well as my youngest son and obviously myself. I have some choice words for her next time I see her. Cunt.
As I understand it the money was originally allocated for vacation marketing awareness campaigns in which case the lottery and subsequent National/worldwide news coverage of them was a brilliant strategy. Interesting to see how much it moved the needle. I have to assume it did better than some Facebook sidebar add spending could have ever done with the same amount of money.
From what I understand, the lottery monies are state funds. Not sure where you're getting "leftover stimulus" money, but between the CARES Act and the ARPA funding, a lot of the federal money hasn't been spent yet.
https://www.yahoo.com/gma/2-passengers-test-positive-covid-003023545.html Fake vaccination card anyone?
well also, you can technically still get it with the vaccine, it just isn’t nearly as bad. I’m curious what kind of symptoms they showed
Going back to Texas tomorrow having spent a week in Florida. One noticeable thing remaining from covid: extreme heat sensitivity now. Fortunately that’s largely remedied with proper clothing like those long sleeve fishing shirts, gaiters, and full brim hats (mission brand ftw). I’ve learned that I can do wind and direct sun, or shade and no wind, but not direct sun and no wind. It might be as much an issue with my body properly cooling as it is heat sensitivity. Y’all idiots have any other tricks on how to resolve this until it resolves itself? Normally I’ve just been avoiding the worst parts of the day, but today I’m going out with a fishing guide so it’s kinda unavoidable. Gonna give my “proper clothing” a real test. Great guide I’ve known forever with a solid boat though, so I’m confident if it gets too bad he’ll reposition us. Unless we’re on the fish, then I just suck it up until I pass out lol
Passage weather says there will be a 10-15 mph breeze along most of the Florida coast, it gets a little lighter up near the panhandle where it's forecast to be 0-10. Hopefully enough to keep you cool. The boat doesn't have a bimini?
It has a small one yes from what I remember, though for all I know he could have upgraded since it’s been about two years since I went out with him. Getting some of those Florida storms in now — pour for 10 min then disappear as fast as they arrive — which has really cooled it down, so I’m not particularly worried about today. More of a general question mainly for when I get back home to Texas. Like I said, I’ve grown up in this heat and adapted to it largely, and now have the shirts and hats and the like to properly accommodate it when I am outside, but just trying to look for anything obvious I might have missed. Recently got a small rechargeable fan to take around with me too
https://www.marketwatch.com/story/c...work-somewhere-else-11623600540?siteid=yhoof2 Taken to court and upheld. That's a win for hospitals everywhere in my book.
It'll be interesting to see if this has wider implications. I know my company, with a huge HQ in Silicon Valley, has been very non-committal about forcing people to have vaccines before being allowed back into the office. Being a global company, there are a ton of different legal issues to handle around that. For instance, here in Ontario, the employer has a duty to provide a safe work space, and if someone gets Covid from that workspace, the company is on the hook for all expenses that result, as well as a potential WSB (Workplace Safety Board) fine. There is also a small but vocal part of the company that is anti-vax, and they are starting to be called out in company Slack channels, etc. It's getting bad enough that they are being called idiots and being told to STFU and "if you're going back to the office then I'm not". And yet the company feels some need (legal?) to consider their bullshit opinions as valid. I can't wait until we finally get back to a place where you can call some people's opinions (flat earth, anti-vax, etc) just fucking wrong and not feel obligated to give them an "equal share" of the conversation.
we are also watching this closely as a childcare. Obviously masks are still required for entry, zero exceptions. Eventually I believe we will require vaccinations, but only until/if there is significant case law precedent