This is the hospital where I work and I couldn’t be more proud of their stance. What was especially offensive about the whole lawsuit was their invoking of the Nuremberg thing as the justification of their claims. Treating a lifesaving vaccine the same as nazi experimentation is about as bad faith as it gets. Every single one of the plaintiffs who signed their name to the litigation should forever be ashamed.
I hope for that too, but we live in a world where being an idiot is now an identity and you “have to respect” these demographics as if they aren’t just taking up space. Is that toothpaste we can put back in the tube? Nowadays you have, for example, incels— another “group” with an “identity” demanding that people not make fun of them anymore simply because they’re the biggest losers in the solar system. Which is of course impossible, because they are the base formula for how a human being deserves to be made fun of. People/groups like this are SUPPOSED to be ashamed of themselves, and they aren’t anymore. I don’t get it. They shouldn’t be supporting and encouraging each other, they should be hiding in shame and crawling back under their rocks. Where it’s quiet. And we don’t have to hear them.
There needs to be a Brady List for people who willingly sign their names into bullshit like this. They have no business working in the places like the medical field, and other places should’ve warned ahead not to hire them. If you’re going to be stupid, go work a stupid person’s job. This “do vaccines work” discussion isn’t open for debate, and society needs to be slapped into realizing it.
Flat Earthers do have the advantaged of being part of the single most factually accurate conspiracy theory.
How educated were most of these people? As I understand it, becoming an RN isn't a cakewalk. Surely most of them are fairly low in the food chain so to speak.
More and more, yes, due to journalists' need to provide equal time to counterpoint arguments. We had a chicken processing plant project hit the news last year... $600m injected into the local economy... replacing an old, out of date one already here... and it was literally 7-10 mins around the project, then about 10 minutes given to 4 hippies in the News' lunchroom table, with homemade signs, preaching "chickens are people too" and why the project needs to be cancelled. Major WTF moment, but more and more as journalism gets shittier and shittier, reporters just go find someone, ANYONE, with the counter argument and throw them into the story.
The ESPN-ification of news has done so much damage. Just have your audience get lied at from multiple directions and hope it all balances out. Say what you will about Maddow's bias, her format is what journalism should be: "We looked into an issue, here's what we discovered and believe to be true, and for the complicated parts we've invited on a relevant expert to explain them."
It’s like with anything else. You can be smart at what you do but still be stupid in your personal life. It’s a shame that nurses with all of their education and training can still fall victim to propaganda. I’ve been begging one of the wife’s aunts to get the vaccine for months now and she just doesn’t trust it. She’s a moron who believes partisan propaganda. The ironic part is she wants trump to get all sorts of credit for the vaccine but won’t take it herself. That said, not every person in that group is a nurse. There’s other staff types in there as well. The hospital even gave us a $500 bonus a few months ago just for getting the vaccine. Some people still refused. Then they made it mandatory as was rumored. So now they had to get it and get zero bonus. I don’t want people employed at my hospital who put their Facebook medical research before their patients. Good luck getting a new job in healthcare and not be required to get it before on-boarding. Can't say I didn't see this coming.
That’s your anti-intellectual political party being anti-intellectual. Quality of life is not their concern, never has been.
first day back at the gym post-covid. Didn't kill me. Ran a quarter mile to warm up (farther than I've ever run post-covid) plus another quarter mile at the end. My lungs are for sure fine, and what's weird is that my stride has completely changed. I used to have a really plodding stride, now it's a lot more bouncy. I know that covid impacted me neurologically in a major way, so I'm sure that played into it, as well as the weight swings of 30+ lbs since january -- all that muscle structure just changing and being built and going away and coming back. Over an hour of doing both free weights and pulleys, I can tell I lost some serious strength, though fortunately not as much as I thought I did. I went from curling around 60 lbs to now struggling to do 25, but gotta start back somewhere. Biggest thing was that I was able to maintain an elevated heart rate without issue. 136 bpm avg over an hour of basically doing circuits with short rests between, and it didn't feel uncomfortable. During the long haul stuff, I'd frequently collapse after walking up a flight of stairs. This fucking disease is weird as hell. Second shot is on the 24th.
Could the change in stride be caused by a change in balance? Bouncy could mean your'e running more on the front of your foot (a la barefoot running). If you ever talk about curling here again, I am going to shit in an Amazon box, cover it with ants, scorpions and bed bugs, ask 8-10 hobos to season it with whatever fluids they can dispense from dicks that look like they are microwaved sausages and mail it to your house. Go do some pull ups or some rows, or just go ahead and start fellating every pus stick you find at a Young Republicans rally.
I was just using the curling thing as an example, because it was a dramatic change. I exercise for functional strength, not looks, and no one gives a shit how many tractor tire flips I can do in the pasture. the change in balance thing might explain it? I don’t really know. I lost all semblance of balance with the brain surgery which is why I have such a violent history with ladders.