Humans do generate antibodies to both of those viruses. They have some complex methods of escaping said antibodies. HIV mutates at crazy rates for example.
Ahhhh, traditional Chinese medicine. The phrase used for "the parts that actual medicine found to be hocus pocus". It's no wonder why naturopathic doctors spend a significant amount of time studying it.
Usually it’s the type of person who likes to wear white clamdiggers while sitting on the floor a lot.
Not to pile on here, but when your “medicine” includes the use of dried tiger penises and revolves around the balance of ambiguous “forces”, you’ve wasted your life getting advanced degrees in make believe.
To be fair, there can be some powerful shit from animals. Most of it kills you. Go eat a polar bear liver, or of any larger carnivore really. Lots of bit of puffer fish will really fuck you up. Lick a toad. So yea...
I still think the Wendigo theory is up in the air when it comes to eating human beings. Nobody has the balls to prove if it’s real or fake, pussy bitches.
Imagine the nuts on the peeps that saw others die from eating almonds and thought "maybe this time..." and lived. Tee hee...nuts.
I remember when i was having horrible migraines and my mother got me to go to one of those fuckers. They loaded me up on I think it was magnesium or some shit. Then a few months later an actual doctor did an mri and found the brain tumor. Dumbasses. my doctor also told me to take zinc, vitamin d and something else, forget the name, when I got covid, because “it couldn’t hurt.” While I understand the theory, it also didn’t do shit.
So, the one thing that naturopaths (and TCM I guess) _are_ good for is taking people who really just want/need the attention of a "medical professional" to talk over the shit that your doctor doesn't have a lot of time for. Things like diet, exercise, general lifestyle changes. They'll spend an hour, hour and a half, with you talking about that, your vague sense of unease, and then sell you some supplements. The GP/MD is gonna tell you "well, your joints likely hurt because you're about 60kg overweight, and have been for about 15 years. Shit's tough. Diet and exercise, go find a personal trainer. Next."
Anyone have a non-fear mongering take on how bad things are actually gonna be with this delta variant? I heard that LA county is now requiring masks, even outdoors, even for vaccinated individuals, due to the fear of it. part of me hopes that it’s no biggie, but part of me also hopes that it fucks things up and convinces people to get the shot. Hard to tell what’s gonna happen given range of opinions I’ve seen
On-the-ground experience in LA is most stores have "please wear mask if you're not vaccinated" signs, and most people are wearing masks indoors, but other than that things are pretty unencumbered. Delta variant will be bad in the sense that you'll be able to see it on a graph of deaths over time, but it won't cause spikes anywhere near as bad as the ones before the vaccine started being distributed, and the cases will probably continue to trend downward over a longer window, just not as quickly. In pockets where vaccination rates are particularly low you may get localized outbreaks that resemble some of the earlier bad periods for that area, but it's not like whole states' infrastructures are going to be on the edge of collapse. That's my take anyway.
England has seen positive test spike because of Delta. Not sure if hospitalization rate has moved but death rate hasn’t according to worldometers. So the nebulous news reporting on the possible dangers feels a whole lot like typical media fear porn.
Got my 2nd shot yesterday, feel like crap today. Headache... body ache... joint pain... fatigue... more fatigue. But the process was incredibly efficient... at an arena close by, walked in 5 mins early, they had me processed and shot up 3 mins later, waited the 15, and I was out.
pfizer developing booster for delta variant As of today I am two weeks from my second shot, pfizer, so at least I have full immunities, 5g, tracking devices and all that. Might not be able to walk for shit for a few months, but I'm not getting the covey anymore
I’ve noticed how fast they try to be at the clinics. Took my daughter for her second yesterday at the racquetball club. They are anything but low-staffed, and despite a packed parking lot there were no line-ups or waiting whatsoever. They do it quick, use the space well and make everything easy.
At the risk of asking a really fucking stupid question.... Anyone know if the covid vaccine also boosts our immunities to OTHER illnesses and disease? Has this even been around long enough to study? … My thinking is: it’s a coronavirus. That’s a big family of virus, of which the common cold and flu are members. So wouldn’t there be at least some carry-over since there’s overlapping DNA of the virus your immune system has learned to beat?