Yeah, they are still chasing their high from the daily pandemic doom porn. The vaccines still offer plenty of protection, and the people that didn’t get vaccinated before are probably still no going to. Now there’s the lambda variant we need to watch out for! It doesn’t seem like people that are fully vaccinated and are generally healthy need to give that big a shit.
I hear the Lamba and Delta variants are going to team up and toilet paper those rich snobs over at Omega house.
It’s not hard to see which political party embraces stupidity with evidence like this. I like how the excuse is there is “growing national conversation” on vaccines, yet its actually a debate that involves stupid people vs. The rest of the normal people. Fuck. You guys have a lot of morons down there. A more fatal disease would have no doubt cleaned them out like a bug-bomb.
They are doing everything in their power to get themselves a COVID variant that will do that. A quarter vaccinated population is the worst case scenario.
I’m intrigued about this, because I have some friends back in Nashville who are pretty liberal, but are also HARDCORE anti-vax. I wonder how they feel about it… …but I really don’t wonder enough to talk to them.
My partner and I have both had our first shot of the Pfizer vaccine this week. Already we've noticed the 5G implant working and being able to connect to the TV from the other room is handy. With a Delta variant outbreak in Sydney at the moment the government seems to have pulled its finger out and the vaccine rollout is progressing much better, Defence has deemed the vaccine mandatory in all but policy now with people being downgraded medically and asked to show cause.
Florida sells anti-Fauci merch while covid cases explode. Way to kill off your voters you moron.
That isn't even newsworthy. Just noise blaring out the real train coming down the tracks This is the actual news: 87% with one dose, 68% with two doses Then look at the case graph - lower left. That being said, if El Hombre Naranja were still the skipper, the story would be Operation Warp Speed/Vaccine failure. Alternately, if the media had an ounce of credibility or integrity, the story would be like it should have been from the beginning.....virus gonna virus.
I agree that the UK data is concerning, but if you compare the 2nd and 3rd graphs to the first there is some good news. While positive tests are spiking, deaths and hospitalization are not. That could indicate that the vaccines are preventing severe infection, which is good news. Both of those data points are seeing increases though, so we probably need to wait a few weeks to see what happens with the hospitalization over there. I think it could go either way right now.
Guess which state is hollering for more federal aid, and griping about the restrictions put on federal dollars. Go on, guess. For the people who are spending their lives trying to thwart this virus, this shit is a slap in the face. One of my colleagues, a senior MD who's served as a liaision to FEMA from HHS said he's selling his house in Florida. Just fucking disgraceful. El Tangerino made the virus about politics, and the media ran with it, not the other way around. Just saying... The failure to lead during this crisis is falling on both parties. Biden knows he can't survive the midterms or 2024 without a strong economy, and economic recovery is going to take time, which he does not have. This mission accomplished shit isn't going to cut it, and the quiet lapse in testing, messaging, and emphasis on the vaccine as the only countermeasure is truly going to bite us in the ass if variants continue to circulate. For all the rhetoric, variants of this virus are scary, and it's not over yet. That's probably the worst part of all of this: it's still circulating, and the possibility of a new variant that's worse is still real, and something we ignore at our true peril. I'm curious how some of the other countries have been fairing. We compare ourselves to the developed world, but I know in India, it's basically still apocalyptic. I have to imagine as time progresses the actual story gets told of how bad this did or didn't tear through other parts of the world. On the whole, it seems a lot of places have shied away from being transparent about it.
The horse has been lead to every water source for 100 miles, and if the fucker still won't drink I say it's time to cut our losses and let it die. There is no doubt in my mind that we are headed for another massive infection wave, and the ones who CHOOSE to not vaccinate when it's still free and never been easier, they're the ones who will take the hit. The rest of us will suffer, but only temporarily.
I don’t even think there is real political or social will for reinstatement of mask mandates at a minimum. Let the chips fall where they may. At some point it will just have to be folded into every day life.
Except for the fact that the great masses of unvaccinated are the hosts for the new variant that will kill the rest of us.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... COVID-19 is not a one-and-done... there will be more, and we will have to go through variations of what we just went through as we learn to ramp up the tech and logistics to identify it, test for it, and vaccinate against it.
Welcome to the Great Dumbing Down of America. A journalist posted a great piece in one of the GME subreddits the other day that really resonated with me and others. It's worth a read... and while it's more geared to the bullshit media and their lack of coverage of the stock markets, it also applies to the whole COIVD thing as well. And that clip from the Newsroom is one of my all-time favourite pieces of television. As campy as that show was, it had its moments.
Dunk on Americans all you want but the poor countries with magnitude larger populations and shitty and/or deceptive reporting with useless or nonexistent vax programs are what are going to keep this going.