This is a very narrow view, and borderline prejudiced. No one is expecting Bangladesh or Ecuador to lead the world out of this crisis with science, coordination, leadership, communications, countermeasures and actual solutions. The US had that opportunity, and continues to squander it. There's something inherently fucked up around having a solution and mistrusting an entire swath of people who dedicated their lives to saving others, with no critical thought behind the notion. Ie, why do millions of people seem to believe their doctor benefits from lying to them?
Because they make their living lying to their customers/clients, so they assume that's how every vocation works.
Label me racist or whatever but the amount of help the industrialized world has sent 3rd world when we know they will be a hot bed of the virus has been pathetic given the scale and enormity of this. Our response world wide should have been ten fold larger. China deserves all the derision they have coming. The first Military Base is now requiring proof of vaccination to go mask less. About damn time.
Fauci gets to say what he wants now that the White House will actually have his back:
Dude has been getting death threats for months now just for trying to do his job and save lives. I can't imagine how absolutely fed up he is with Paul slandering him at every opportunity. He's about five minutes away from contacting the real estate agent representing the house next to Paul with his interest in moving in.
It just keeps getting worse here. I imagine we'll be looking at another shut down soon. CORONAVIRUS: Nevada's test positivity rate increases to 12.4% after additional 1K cases reported Who would've thought that letting in unmasked people from all over the globe in the middle of a pandemic was a bad idea?
I hope not but you're probably right. Between the idiots who refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks and the idiots who wont avoid large crowds, we are headed the wrong way.
Why would we shut down? People who are worried are vaccinated, people who are willing to take the small chance of death relating to COVID know what they are signing up for at this point. The hospital systems are not going to buckle, the worst of this is in our rear-view mirror. Unless this is in some way people making an admission that the vaccines don't work, what are we talking about here? We need to get on with life and stop living in fear at some point; this is going to be an endemic disease and we need to start treating it as such.
this is amazing "Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about. And I want to say that officially." this is what healing looks like
I have kids who can’t get vaccinated. This frustrates the shit out of me. Because I wish I could stop caring.
This is maddeningly asinine. Vaccines work, but are not 100% effective. Vaccines work, but not 100% of the population is eligible for them. Vaccines work, but vulnerable segments of the population are still at risk. Vaccines work, but unvaccinated population segments will churn out variants that render them less effective. Vaccines work, but only when they're widely adopted, to insulate the vulnerable and ineligible populations, to mitigate the risks of breakthrough infection, and to prevent clusters that churn out mutations (you know, like the ones that are already reducing the effectiveness of the existing vaccines). There are plenty of reasons why you can't just shrug off everyone who is unvaccinated. The issues have been articulated in this very thread.