also people make it binary like you either live, or there's a "small chance of death." And they forget about this massive in between where you get it and get horribly sick, like I was for fucking 5 months straight. If I could take a shot in order to not go through that? What kind of idiot WOULDN'T do it?! It's two fucking pricks. Are we as a nation really that scared of needles?
Regardless of whether or not it’s necessary, I don’t think the general public has the patience or the will for another major lockdown policy.
When I mentioned another shut down I was speaking more locally than nationally. This place is unique in terms of global tourism and large events. We went 100% open, no masks on 6/1 and our numbers have been steadily climbing since. Then throw in the fact that we have one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country and you're got a Covid cocktail waiting to happen.
Even worse, you have a petri dish to create the next variant that is vaccine resistant. Of people from around the world. THIS is why I firmly believe that COVID-19 is not a one-and-done... people will not let it. There will be more.
I am hopeful that the speed of vaccine creation for these mrna vaccines is going to be our saving grace. I've read boosters are going to be needed in 6-9 mo after your 2nd dose, so if they can tweak the boosters to hit these new variants, we can hopefully be safe. Also, I am hopeful that the longer these vaccines are around and ill effects from the virus are apparent, the more people will get it when asked at their regular doctor or pharmacy. Super optimistic, I know. I do think it is going to be the new flu and be sticking around on variations forever. Except it's effects are far more deadly.
Las Vegas back to mandated masks for employees. Not for everyone in public, just employees in public spaces at work. That's not going to solve the problem.
I think Australia and New Zealand had the best approach to it. Vaccinations for everyone, and they slammed the door shut so tight that even citizens weren't allowed in after a couple months of warning. They're not letting tourists/visitors/etc. in to their bubble, and not letting those who leave back in, until mid-2022 if I recall correctly. Being an island nation should be a massive benefit. Japan, on the other hand, has let in all of the olympians and their support staff. One guy from Uganda has already fucked off and run away in to the country (and their team had tested positive for covid after arrival). The athletes want to get out and party in the city (because it's awesome), so who knows how that is going to go down. Citizens, Permanent Residents, and long term residents (5 year visa) can come back in (no promises for non-citizens) if they leave with varying quarantines. I know a couple of people who have come and gone, doing global travel to Europe and the US's favourite plague states (Florida, North Carolina, Texas), and returned. They've also not followed great quarantine policies afterwards, and their partners/kids sure as shit haven't. Vaccinations have been slow to roll out here for a number of reasons, some more understandable than others. I just got my second shot, but that's not because of any benevolence on the part of my company. Our head of people hates remote work and will go to the limit to make it such that everyone can be back in the office, and those that get infected afterwards can be blamed for loose morals, a lack of caution, or some shit. This attitude might be fairly Japanese, but I fully expect people that catch it after vaccination numbers go up, to face adverse consequences _even if they are vaccinated_.
What's he gonna do, "blend in"? This isn't Miami with the refugee Cubans, Japan is *very* particular about their ethno makeup.
Japan doesn't even like Koreans and they're basically identical. Nevermind those to the south and east.
He'll be fine, provided he can find an employer. There are plenty of black fellas in Tokyo and Osaka. If a legit party asks for his residence card though, he's gonna have a bad time.
Basically in all of the red light districts. They're awesome though. If you've been drinking too much and tell 'em you're hosed, they let you be. The women peddling on the streets are WAY different. If you tell them you're wasted, they see a huge payday and will start to try and physically pull you in to places.
The best part was when @malisbad and his family, me, and some co-workers all went to the Robot Restaurant... which is way more robots than restaurant... it's in a bit of a red light district which made for some fun times getting to and from the show.
Can't wait for you to come back to Japan for some day drinkin'. Maybe avoid the areas where they try to lure you in to the traps. I reckon we might have to go to Akita as well.
Seconded. Red light districts are a blast when you’re wasted, provided you have some degree of will power.