The Delta variant is about 1000x more transmissible than the original strain. The initial cdc guidance was against being in a room unmasked with someone for about 15 minutes. The new guidance was for one second.
It would have been if our vaccine rollout here in Aus had been any good, we now have a burgeoning breakout of Delta in Sydney and will be locked down for at least a month. A lot of this going around.
Fuck these people. If they are stupid enough to fall victim to this sort of misinformation surrounding fully proven medical science in the world of vaccination, we don’t need them. His dying words… “His last uttered phrase is still etched in Christy Carpenter's mind: "This is not a hoax, this is real," Curt said, according to his mother.” They wanted Trump to get credit for the vaccine. But they didn’t trust the government? So in their minds, Trump made an unsafe vaccine? We have a massive education problem in this country and it seems to truly focus itself on red states. But that’s just how the politicians like it.
The CDC is not going to get the toothpaste back in the tube of mask wearing guidance. The people that listened and got vaccinated already did. The ones that didn’t listen or get vaccinated still won’t going forward.
If the comments on our local news’ Facebook page is any indication, if or when the Delta hits our area the hospitals are gonna be packed to the gills and beyond. If the prevalence of Trump flags weren’t an indicator of ignorance in this area, the attitude towards all things Covid certainly is.
Spidey sense tells me there is one original tweet which is the Doctor's, copied and pasted by a bunch of bad faith actors to give off this exact impression: that they're all bots pushing vaxxprop. Killing the truth by drowning it out. I could be wrong, but then I don't see a pro-vaxxer who cares enough to propagandize, also tweeting this.
It is pathetic you are posting a meme in this thread and didn't put in the 10 seconds of searching in to figure that out.
It would appear like shit posting to you and others because we generally disagree about everything. I don't come around much because the level of discourse has fallen off dramatically. I can look at the politics thread as an easy for instance - during the last Presidency, the amount of discussion about cognitive impairment, dysfunction and graft filled pages daily. Most of which wasn't fact-based and purely partisan attacks. Now there is nearly no discussion of the same topics. I don't and didn't tend to start those discussions, just point out the hypocrisy, now the lack of current discussion, despite similar instances in current events does that for need to point it out further.
I’m not going to move any posts, but if this conversation is going to continue it needs to happen in that thread. Also, no personal attacks.
Me and hubs started wearing masks again a week or two ago. This delta variant is super contagious and we are trying our best to keep bebe covid free. The new variant's effect on kids is scary, too. I've been reading about vaccine trials in kids and they are still releasing by age groups even though they are testing down to 6mo. Looking like ours won't be eligible til early spring '22 if all goes well.
I never stopped wearing a mask in public because of the little creature. Hoping for a booster soon so I can share more antibodies via breastmilk. Also want the re-up for myself since I got my first vaccine over 6 months ago now. A friend just tested positive despite being fully vaccinated, and I’ve been hearing about more cases from work, which makes me feel like breakthrough cases are either underreported or really on the rise.