She attended a wedding last weekend and one of her friends who was there just tested positive. She's also been vaxxed Edit - This was an outdoor wedding (in Los Angeles) attended almost exclusively young adults with almost everyone being vaccinated. We're assuming it's the Delta variant which is fucking terrifying.
I'm not going to speak about Canadian unions, as I know barely jackshit about American ones. As to the rest of your post, this sort of mandate would be enforced by employers. Every US state has at-will employment with some having exceptions for people who refuse to do something that would violate public policy or a state/federal statute. Source. Employers have, in my opinion, an outsized effect on the lives of the people that work for them. If only there were organizations that people could join that could protect their freedoms from employers who mandate shit without any input from the people that work for them. Most US employees are not in unions, which makes it really goddamn hard for employees to stand up for themselves. Still, it would be pretty hilarious if unionizing became a thing again due to a bunch of disgruntled antivaxxers.
Went to the grocery store to grab some random stuff... y'all this wave is coming. I'd say 3/4 of the people were back to wearing masks and giving a lot of distance and looking at each other suspiciously. At my specialist this morning (no surgery, yaa!!!) people were looking really worried and paranoid. I told my wife not to panic buy, but if it's something we're gonna use eventually, maybe add some more of it to the next grocery orders and the like.
My mom in Florida has covid and was admitted to the hospital today. Fully vaccinated and she still got pneumonia. I was getting concerned that after 10 days she still sounded like shit. I bought her a pulse oximeter on Amazon and it arrived today. Within an hour, she went to the ER. Her sats were in the 80’s. She’s getting the monoclonal antibodies tomorrow. It sucks not being there. But she can’t have any visitors anyhow.
so she got pneumonia and then covid? I have those pulse oximeters off amazon everywhere, those blue ones. Keep one in the first aid kit in my truck. Had one on the neighbor when I was resuscitating her, EMS said they’re accurate enough to let you know when you’re in “oh shit” territory, especially if you test yourself enough and establish what’s normal for you and take the average of several readings. IMO everyone should have one within reach at all times. my sp02 levels got down to 85 at their absolute worst. Should have gone to the hospital at that point, but I was banking on my body recovering better at home than in a resource-thin hospital at the time.
No she got covid earlier in the month. Went to an urgent care and she was good enough to not need meds or anything. But she never got better. Cough kept worsening and today they told her she had pneumonia after a chest X-ray. Thanks for the well wishes everyone.
pnuemonia was what I was worried about post covid as well. I was on some lung steroids for months specifically to avoid that. That sucks man. Please keep us updated on if there’s anything we can do, anywhere we can send stuff, anything.
Yeah... I was quite surprised by his stance, to be honest. As in "dude... you're a great historical icon of a guitarist, but man, are you a moron."
Jut be happy that she's vaccinated... that's a HUGE step up from the alternative. Hope she pulls through quickly!
Yea I can’t imagine how it would be if she wasn’t vaccinated. I’m just amazed my dad didn’t get it. Being in the same house and all.
I hope your mom recovers quickly. I really don't understand why the monoclonal antibodies aren't given ASAP to anyone who is at a higher risk and symptomatic. They are by far the best treatment we have right now and the earlier they are given the better. As far as I know they have no major side effects.
The reason for the delay as I understand it is that her symptoms weren’t too, too bad early on. A fever and coughing. She went to her pcp who fucking gave her a zpack and some codeine cough syrup. She had been taking Advil for the fever and he told her to take the zpack to prevent pneumonia. I’m not a doctor but I thought that was stupid because pneumonia from a virus is different than pneumonia from a bacterial infection. Zero improvement and the cough was painful. That’s when I got them the pulse ox and an hour after it was on their doorstep, she was in the ER.
No, it received EUA in November 2020.It's what saved Trump IMO. Desantis made a big splash about setting up treatment centers to infuse it recently. I think he's been an idiot about the pandemic, but that was smart.
Anti-vaxxers are going to have a bad time going forward. Amy Coney Barrett just rejected a motion/request to block mandatory vaccinations at a college.
CBC did an unofficial poll to ask Canadians who haven't been vaccinated why: It's an interesting read. These people are at about 18.3% of the population and, according to this non-scientific study, most are not anti-vaxxers. They've received all the standard vaccines and so have their children. Some quotes: I'm sure there are a number of tinfoil-hat wearing nutballs out there; the people who took the time to speak with CBC on this don't seem like that type. It will take more time and a greater understanding of the long-term side effects to get this group of people to come around, I would suspect.
Very true. The long-haul symptoms (and who is at risk for them) are a big question mark. I posted the article because I found it interesting that, at least here, the top three reasons for avoiding the vaccine are: 1. Mistrust of the new mRNA technology and unknown long-term side effects, 2. Pre-existing medical conditions and 3. Have already contracted it. The target to hone in on is Group #1, and I don't know that a government mandate threatening their jobs will bring them around. Group 2 will always be excluded and I do have to agree with Group 3...if you've already had it, then you probably already have the antibodies. So the actual number of people vulnerable to the disease and capable of accepting a vaccine is probably less than 18.3%. Taken with a grain of salt, because this isn't any kind of scientific study or poll.