Certain hospitals only have as many ventilators as they can have patients in the icu. And those are roughly at 100% capacity right now. Our children’s hospitals are essentially at capacity right now too. Get your boosters people.
Yep, beds are a problem right now. The closest big population center, about an hour away with population of 286k, has 1 bed available in the main hospital. My neighbor has surgery scheduled in Sep at that hospital for a ticking time bomb health problem and I'm pretty sure that ain't happening at this rate.
Health care workers are worn out and tired of dealing with idiots who aren't getting vaccinated. Can't blame them. https://news.yahoo.com/op-ed-doctor-covid-unit-162841532.html
Yeah... I've seen a few op-eds like that, including family doctors that are saying "no shot? your choice, but go find another GP..." And really, I can't blame them. It's got to be so stressful and conflicting as a medical practitioner... I can't imagine what it must be like to work with nurses that are anti-mask and anti-vax... it seems surreal.
This was largely my thought process too. I figured if I kept myself in shape, no underlying issues other than just shit luck, that I'd be fine. Prior to getting covid, I was in the best shape of my life, including when I was training for a marathon. Growing yup sailing, I learned the hard way never to never tempt mother nature, which of course is what my hubris did. And this is with me taking every precaution I could, including exercising at home and wearing masks to the gym during the periods my wife and I decided it was safe enough to go. COVID doesn't give a fuck. Feb 26th is when I'm eligible for a booster. I'll be getting one that day. Happened to a co-worker of mine. His neighbors were covid deniers, their 22 year old son wasn't morbidly obese, but he... perhaps could have used a bit more exercise over video games. Parents' brain washed their son to death. Sadly, even though the son died from it, and they got very ill, they still don't believe it's a bad thing, and my coworker, last I heard (he no longer works with us) still denies it too. We've always had some dangerously stupid people in the world. Just right now, you're seeing those stupid people get immediately consequences for their actions.
Customer of mine dropped her car off last week for repairs. No mask. She picked it up today wearing a mask. Said 10 of her clients* caught COVID, all vaxxed. Most of their kids got it too. *She's a yoga instructor. Mid-late 50's, body like a 20 year old and hot as fuck. Whew, she pushes all the right buttons for a cougar.
https://www.sciencemag.org/news/202...er-superimmunity-people-who-had-sars-long-ago Interesting read on some of the work they are doing to make a better vaccine. They have found that people had SARS previously and who have been vaccinated against COVID appear to have broad spectrum immunity to SARS and all the COVID strains we are dealing with.
Dr in Alabama is giving his patients an ultimatum. They have until Oct 1 to get vaccinated if they want to continue care with him. https://www.washingtonpost.com/heal...ted-patients-valentine/?utm_source=reddit.com
Not for ER admittance but private practice doctors don’t follow the same set of rules as an ER. Also new study shows 40% of white tail deer have covid anti bodies. Translation? We are never getting rid of this virus if it can live, mutate, and transfer species. Embrace the suck. I’m hoping the new anti virals that are in trial will be a one two punch.
A number of pediatricians have had this policy before... "if your kid is not vaccinated, don't bring him to my practice, please find someone else". Translation? The Anti-vax crowd are fucking the deer.
So are we looking at mosquitos passing covid to animal populations and back or something like that? I've never been able to get real close to deer unless I was hunting and shot one. That could be reason for concern in itself.
My ex-wife, who is now completely Q and full anti-vax, just began her journey into 'researching' vaccines when our youngest was born. She asked the Ped on our first visit about slowing the vaccination schedule and how she was concerned about getting all of the vaccines for our child after some things she had seen online. The normally bubbly and energetic Doc went cold, stared right into her, and told her she could either follow the schedule completely or get the Hell out of her office and find a new Ped. I did my best to stifle my laughter.
Close friend and coworker, who is anti-covid vaxx, is predictably now in the hospital and not doing great after getting it. If she dies, she will leave behind three lovely children who did nothing to deserve their mother being fucking stupid. She’s a little bit younger than me, in great health, and just didn’t think it was a big deal. I struggle to find sympathy for these idiots. I have a ton of sympathy for their families who didn’t sign up for this ride, but for the idiots who refuse a vaccination… can we call their deaths suicide now rather than covid death? It’s like if someone dies from the measles bc they were afraid of autism.
My wife’s aunt, who is a respiratory therapist in a hospital, is planning to sue said hospital because they are mandating vaccines for all employees and she doesn’t want to get one. Oh, and her husband legitimately believes the Earth is flat.
I know I've been in campsites where the deer are used to people feeding them so they will walk up and eat out of your hand like it was a petting zoo. How the fuck did the world come to this? When do we get to start tagging them in public?
Im firmly in the camp of “if you don’t wanna get the shot, that’s your choice, but just know it will preclude you from participating in public activities and you have to stay home until you get it.” I look at it like a driver’s license. Driving a car isn’t a right, it’s a privilege, which can be taken away if you don’t follow the rules. Going out in public isn’t a right. Spreading contagious diseases isn’t a right. Sure, no one is gonna hold you down and forcibly inject you, but you will lose some privileges if you choose not to participate in society, including being a part of that society.
You’d think the ubiquity of the Internet would have made people smarter. But for some reason we entered some kind of anti-Enlightenment. The more information available, the dumber people get. People have lost all ability to parse out bullshit.
Onlyfans banning explicit content is more of an outrage than freedom of movement, which is a human right.