I swear to god and whatever else exists in the universe…if we are busting our ass and shelling out OT and fucking up my margins to finish all the school work by September 2, and the students come back then lock down three weeks later, I will murder someone. And they need to quit with the lockdown bullshit. If we’re over 80% vaccinated, that’s as good as it’s gonna get. Let it run through the rest and get back to life.
Not if it means clogging up the hospitals like is happening in Texas and Florida. To me that is all that matters.
I agree that is the most important thing. But there are factors that separate the two from acting the same. Flow of correct information is better up here. Personal responsibility is better. Not to mention density of population— Florida has over half the population of Canada living in it, while being smaller than Labrador. And I personally work in the schools. It’s is as uniform and as well-managed as you would want your kid to be. The children don’t complain, they aren’t bitter right down to the kindergartens. They wear their masks and stick to guidelines incredibly well. No school I came into contact with last year had a case. Teachers, however are walking ulcers from the constant changes to curriculum from lockdowns. I really do pity them, because I like working with them. With all the absolute bullshit working with so many years of miserable, thieving people in factories and shops; working with teachers gave me my first positive work environment since before I was married. It did wonders for me in the last year, despite the shitty context of the times. LOL you guys don’t even need two Dakotas. It’s like when the world thought we needed another Canseco.
Well since our fully vaccinated numbers are at 65% of the population we are a long way away from 80% And yes a large chunk of the unvaccinated are people who are too young to get vaccinated. Stats Canada has : 1.9 million kids in the 0-4 age group 2 million in the 5-9 age 2 million in the 10-14 age group And we have about 38 million people in the country So not counting those 5.9 million kids (with about 1 million who are eligible) we could be at 85% vaccinated if everyone had done their duty and gotten the vaccine. Instead we have 7.6 million people holding us back. And yes there is a component of the population that cannot get vaccinated because they have severe medical conditions such as AIDS or chemotherapy induced immunodeficiency. But they represent a very small part of the population. But the "let it run through the rest" attitude is psychopathic. And it ignores the fact that would destroy our medical system. We would literally run out of people who can work in the medical field. Because they would go from burnt the fuck out to totally unable to continue functioning in their careers. But you have consistently been opposed to the precautions that we have been asked to take in Canada and you were very supportive of the decisions that led to our 2nd and 3rd waves of the virus because those decisions went with your desire to get back to normal. And now we are charging towards a "normal" school year led by people who either don't like there kids all that much or who have become invested in the nonsense of politicizing the virus because that is now their entire identity. But we're about to hit a 4th wave with 99% of our hospitalizations being unvaccinated. Super fucking great. Vaccines should be mandatory and I'm looking forward to getting a 3rd dose so that I can know that I have continued to do everything I could to protect myself, the people around me and the people who they care about.
Speaking strictly for myself here, I think thinned more a statement uttered in frustration rather than with any real intent. I’ve found myself saying the same thing as I look around me at the rampant willful ignorance here in my own community. However I know I don’t mean it. I know exactly what that would do to the medical resources here and the collateral damage to so many innocents.
Japan is still "lol, virus whaaaat?" despite having the worst numbers ever. A woman who was prematurely in labour was refused hospital entry, gave birth at home, and the baby subsequently died. As usual, the government's hands are somewhat tied in terms of how much direct control they can have over the movements of people around the country, but I reckon the first step would be stopping the trains that are zipping around. I was recently on the shinkansen and went to Kanazawa, and I'd say that train had *maybe* 50 people on it, so I don't think inter-prefectural travel on the high speed rail is the issue. Every company is trying to get back in the office as much as possible with a "hybrid" model. School has been out for summer, so it's not the schools. It has, however, been one of the shittiest summers on record, so people are staying inside with recirculating air conditioning. I'd say we're fucked.
I think that the problem I see is that when people speak in frustration often enough it becomes policy.
No fucking way will Japan ever be cool with its salarymen working from home. That's like, cultural suicide.
Oh, I mean it. I mean every damn word at this point. Coming into the ER unvaxxed by choice? Have a fucking Tylenol and good luck, we have real patients to treat.
Our new governor announced mask mandates for schools. Naturally, social media is going apeshit. It's gonna be an interesting couple weeks.
Except that's going to include children or others who couldn't be vaccinated yet. And, our medical system doesn't work like that. So the ER's and hospital beds will still be full while granny is across town having the big one and no where to be treated.
Who are all those real patients and did 100% of them get there through choices they made? How is that different than - coming into the ER after overdosing on heroin? - coming into the ER after a single car wreck of a drunk driver? - coming into the ER after a heart attack, a hundred pounds overweight and never eat vegetables? Or, do you also give those folks a Tylenol and wish them good luck.
I'm talking about Covid. I will address those others when their life choices affect the population at large.
One of our teachers came to us a few weeks ago and said “this is America and in America we get to make choices, and I’m choosing not to wear a mask.” Shortly after her husband had just returned from the hospital w covid!! we told her, in as many words, that she had the choice of either wearing one and continuing to teach, or resigning if she was unwilling to fulfill her job duties of which the top priority is keeping the children safe at all times.
It isn't vengeance, but merely insisting that the selfish and obstinate be made to bear the full weight of their decisions. Doctors swear an oath to Hippocrates, not hypocrisy.