You say that like those "20 strong men" aren't the type to carry a gun in inappropriate places, like a school board meeting. It would be like the shootout at the OK corral, except one side will have boners because they are protecting their freedom so hard.
These people need to get laid. They’re becoming as angry as those crazy foreigners they used to show on the news shows that used to cover things other than national politics. Like waterskiing squirrels and shit going on with people. This is such juvenile, crybaby bullshit. The fact they get this angry over a mandate so easy to follow shows how fragile they actually are. This “oppression” they whine about certainly doesn’t seem to bother five year old kindergarten kids literally AT ALL.
Do I even have to guess how fast Twitter jumped all over that one? And from Ramsay, that couldn’t be more of a bullseye.
I’m currently in a board of education meeting in the town where my daughter attends high school. The primary topic is the NJ governors mask mandate for students and all education personnel. It’s just starting and I’m already aggravated. This may have been a mistake.
He’s sticking spoons to his body, demonstrating that magnetism he now has from the forced vaccinations at the camps. His veins now glow under black light as well. It gives him +2 Damage and allows the player to breathe underwater.
Reddit users have now brigaded the ivermectin sub with horse porn. lol
Your quote isn’t far from the mark. The suburbs of north Jersey are boring. One guy went on about loving each other in a vague attempt to argue against critical race theory, a 14 year old girl presented an argument riddled with inaccuracies against masks, and a couple of parents essentially told us that their kids are morons. One guy had to be ushered off the stage by security because his rambling went over the allotted time and he refused to yield the mic. We left after that.
Anyone else starting to immediately lose respect for people that refuse to get vaccinated? I saw some old college friends over the weekend and one of them didn't want to get vaccinated because he thinks it's a big conspiracy between the government and Big Pharma. Meanwhile, he's probably 100 pounds overweight and has sleep apnea.
I've had some conversations with folks that made me think "ok, yeah it makes sense for you not to get it", like my former housemate with MS and a shit-ton of complications, or my friend trying to get pregnant. It's surprised me how folks who have an education, and are generally intelligent have bought into this bullshit. It's one thing if you're some conspiritard truck driver (ran into a few of those), or the type of folks who looks for miracle cures in bone broth or goji berries but still drink 4 gallons of Mountain Dew each week. It's another to see otherwise smart, reasonable and successful folks go balls deep in some conspiracy theorist shit that makes me wonder if "They Live" should be a documentary to them.
Yeah, my sister has MS and while she's had the vaccine, both shots, she's not sure just how effective it will be, as there's no time/science behind it yet... and they're still trying to figure out the effects. The general consensus is that while she's had the shots, they are going to be a reduced level of effectiveness... maybe zero, due to the other drugs she's on. Needless to say she's still doing a solid job of bubbling and social distancing, etc. Can't blame her.
I haven’t personally interacted with a lot of people that have outright refused to get it nor have I paid much attention to the anti-vax protests, so kind of. Since everyone in my immediate family, my wife’s family and my close circle of friends are all vaccinated, it really hasn’t come up.
Everyone in my immediate family has had the shot, with the exception of one brother and his family. But they all had covid-19 before the shot was available. Lost Dad to it. They may be vaxxed now, and just haven't told me. Everyone in my wife's immediate family has been vaccinated, with the exception of her brother and his wife. They are the definition of idiot and exactly the people you should not respect. They are going to kill one or more of the old people in their lives one day, I'm sure of it. They're the only people I know that have turned into proper peckerheads about it. Always talking shit, saying things like, "I'll come put you down when you all turn to zombies". I can't tell if he's joking or not. According to things I've observed, I have less anti-vax people in my life than is typical.