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Coronavirus: Miles away from ordinary.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Juice, Jan 28, 2020.

  1. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Or respond “If you don’t like it, try and take it off me.” Most assholes shut up when you call them out.

    Or better yet, yell as loudly as you can “No I will not suck your dick!! Hey, this guy just asked me to take off my mask and suck his sick!! Security!”
  2. Fiveslide

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    Depending on how this case plays out, you might soon have precedent to shoot them and get away with it. This particular shooter was a felon with an illegal gun, but I'm interested if they can pull off the self defense, uh... defense, in court.

    That would turn this pandemic into a whole new ballgame.
  3. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Joe Rogan announced he has covid and is taking ivermectin.

    We have officially gone full retard.
  4. SouthernIdiot

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2017
    I don't wish him harm but if it goes bad maybe some idiots wake up.
  5. Fiveslide

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    He said he had one bad day, feels great now. More fuel for the ivermectin fire.
  6. Volo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 9, 2009
    On a related note, I was grocery shopping the other day and overheard some rubber-head say to an older lady wearing a mask, "so, living in fear huh?".

    This woman didn't even look up from the red peppers and mushrooms, "Yes, in constant fear of this stupid conversation"

    I burst out laughing, the guy shot me the dirties, and then went about his business. I struck up a conversation with the woman and it turns out she's my daughter's EA for this year. Now I can be certain she's in good hands.
  7. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    So he took an insane drug cocktail that would be prohibitively expensive for a normal person. I’m confused. I thought COVID was no big whoop if someone exercises and goes in a sauna or whatever?
  8. SouthernIdiot

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2017
    Oh FFS, he got the monoclonal treatment. No wonder he feels better. The dewormer has nothing to do with it.
  9. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Bingo. It makes sense that someone like Trump would get it. It makes zero sense that someone like Joe Rogan would be eligible for it unless he has some condition that makes him higher risk for complications that he hasn’t disclosed. It smells an awful lot like he pulled some strings only very wealthy people can pull to get it.
  10. Popped Cherries

    Popped Cherries
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 26, 2009
    I like Rogan and I enjoy his show.

    With that said, I hate his response to him getting COVID and also the response of the people online who are commenting on him getting COVID.
    The guy quarantined from his family so he wouldn't pass it to anyone else, took every drug under the sun, including experimental antibodies, and will probably be perfectly fine in a couple days. People are going to look at this and come to a few different conclusions. 1. COVID isn't a big deal, it's just like a cold. Rogan had it for like a day and he's fine, I just need to be healthy and it's cool. 2. See!!!! Rogan took Ivermectin and he's fully cured, I knew doctors were lying to us about it's effectiveness. Big pharma at it again trying to kill us. 3. All these pussies out here being sheep, asking for lockdowns and mask mandates for a nothing virus with a 99.9% survival rate. I don't need vaccines and I don't need a mask and anyone who wants either of those are the enemy.
  11. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Was just logging on to say this. Now that he treated it easily and uses all the shit he’s been preaching to do it, it’s pretty much carved in stone as his mantra moving forward.
  12. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    He has MONEY money. Enough that almost anything could be got for him. Who even KNOWS what resources super-rich people can access. Just look at Little St James Island— normal people don’t get to take private charters to go fuck high school girls with bill Clinton and Alan Derschowitz, that’s strictly for the classy upper crust.
  13. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Monoclonal antibodies are being given out here like crazy for people who test positive but aren’t hospitalized. He probably did pull strings but it probably wasn’t too hard to get either.
  14. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    I feel like this has been discussed ad nauseum, but to summarize:

    1. People in general, and specifically on this board, have different fundamental views about the right the individual owes the state. My personal stance is that the state is welcome to strongly suggest the best course of action with regards to public safety, but I stop short at giving the state the power to force an unwanted medical procedure on the individual. You, personally, do not owe a fiduciary duty to every human being on the planet, nor do I. I will comply with the social distancing and mask bylaws - even though I think they're terribly ineffective - the same way I comply with jaywalking bylaws. But the state doesn't get to force me to ingest something. It doesn't get to limit my movements as a free citizen. And it doesn't get to force me to track my movements, as a free citizen. I understand that this goes against the grain in a pandemic. In the balance between liberty and public safety, this is where I feel the line should be drawn. If you yourself are nervous about infection, I strongly recommend getting a vaccine, wearing a mask (if you think it helps) and staying away from areas that could allow for easy contamination (indoor, close-contact, re-circulated air). IMO the onus is on the individual.

    2. We come down to: where does "protecting others" and "individual autonomy" occur? Tough one to answer. I would probably say it's somewhere along the lines of: an individual ought to take every reasonable precaution without violating their own moral or physical boundaries. Big words, but what does it mean in practice? I may change my mind on this, but right now I think it's something like: the individual is not to be forced into anything by the state. However, should the individual learn that they pose a threat, they must take every immediate precaution to mitigate damage to others. So while I don't think the state should be allowed to force you into vaccinations or track your movements, I do believe that if you learn you are infected and continue to interact with anyone outside of your household, big penalties should hit. No different than having unprotected sex knowing that you're HIV positive. If you are actually a known infected person with this, you must take extraordinary measures to protect others.

    3. Sorry, this is a bridge too far. The physical, emotional and mental health of everyone in the world is not on the shoulders of the individual. One must act in a way that a reasonable person would deem to be safe, and no more. This kind of stridant thinking, also, is making us vilify the unvaccinated instead of placing the blame on the disease itself. There have been no-bullshit suggestions, on this thread, that the unvaccinated be completely excluded from society. That they be fired. That they be jailed. One or two people I think - maybe in jest - said they should be killed. Can we not see that making an entire group of society "others" unworthy of status in society is a really bad fucking idea? It's their choice if they get this disease, and my personal opinion (that could probably never be legally enacted) is that they pay for the cost of their own treatment if they need it, but to suggest that they are pariahs is a terribly dangerous way to think. If you claim to love and care for people as much as you do, and worry about their mental and physical health as much as you say, then it's pretty ironic that you have such hatred towards such a large group of people.

    Because, Dear Heart, there's a difference.

    Knowingly breaking the law and causing bodily harm to someone is different than catching a flu virus. Jesus Christ, that I even have to type this. Prior to 2019, the flu killed tens of thousands of people each year, and flu shots are always available and free. NO ONE once had this ethos prior to Covid regarding airborne respiratory viruses. Covid is more contagious, but over 1 billion people get the flu each year (source: So if you weren't this hysterical over the flu and demanding that everyone who doesn't get a vaccine is a serial killer then, STFU about it now. Covid is the flu on steroids. It's bad, particularly to certain demographics. It could potentially have long-term complications that we aren't even close to understanding. But if you think electing not to get a vaccine is the same as getting all lit up and mowing down nuns and children with your car, we will never see eye to eye and frankly that kind of thinking makes me just dismiss anything else you have to say.
    #6274 Dcc001, Sep 2, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
  15. AbsentMindedProf

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    You seem to ignore that while it's the unvaccinated's choice to potentially get the disease there are others that can't be vaccinated, or are still vulnerable after vaccination, that could be impacted by that choice. This is especially concerning given that the Delta variant impact on kids. I agree that the goverment shouldn't force people to be vaccinated. That would set a very bad precedent. But I think it's perfectly reasonable to restrict how much unvaccinated people can participate in society. If I run a company or a school and I want to keep the majority of my employees/students/etc. healthy and in the workplace it makes sense to keep them away from unvaccinated people. If I run a business and I want my customers to feel safe and comfortable in my establishment it also makes sense to keep unvaccinated people away. The unvaccinated made a choice and there are consequences to that choice, one of which is not being able to fully participate in society, because many people don't want to be around them. Your stance also completely ignores that many hospital systems are getting overwhelmed at the moment (In the USA), which puts vaccinated people further at risk of not being able to get treatment for other medical conditions. The unvaccinated are putting an undue strain on our society and it's acceptable to limit their participation until the situation improves. I know your in Canada with much higher vaccination rates and less infections, so that would change my calculus some, but my underlying point still stands.
  16. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    I don’t get why the seatbelt comparison isn’t being made more. Know how many people were yelling “muh freedumbs!!!” when seatbelts became mandatory? Or even driver’s licenses.

    Well bubba, ain’t just about you, but it kinda is. If you wanna drive a car, you have to agree to go to wear a seatbelt so as not to kill yourself, or turn your corpse into a projectile which kills others. You also need a license showing that you understand the basic rules and regs on operating that car.

    One of the basic tenants of a polite society is the “don’t kill others.” And if you are unvaccinated, you are potentially doing exactly that. Not unlike wearing a seatbelt. So get your goddamn shots (drivers license) and you can be a part of everything again. It should not be this complicated.

    don’t wanna take the shot? That’s fine though. Just stay at home. If you get drunk and drive and kill someone, you get your freedom taken away. Consider staying at home to be a lighter punishment until you get your shit together.
  17. Fiveslide

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Because that's not even a comparison. Putting a strap over yourself while you drive after you've gained knowledge and proven your driving skills to get a license is not the same as forcing medical decisions about what an individual must put in there own body.

    There is no comparison to getting people to get this shot, except that we've been doing it for many, many other diseases and illnesses for longer than many people have been alive. We shouldn't have to draw comparisons like seatbelts or licenses or murder if someone gets another sick.

    It's absolutely fucking stupid that the liberal hippies that exploded the anti-vaxx bullshit in our lifetime are screaming at the conservatives to get a shot that has been around for a small fraction of the time compared to the vaccinations they refused to give their kids. It's fucking maddening to watch.

    New vaccines always been met with fear and beliefs that slow their adoption by the masses.

    I fear that nothing imaginable is going to unite the people in this country ever again.
  18. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Because driving is a choice and a privilege. Merely existing in the presence of others is not. If you think the state has the right to line you up and inject you with what they see fit, regardless of your consent and signing away all legal duties should you be injured from the procedure, then you're out of your goddamned mind.

    Again, these aren't even close to the same thing. It's a choice to drink. It's a choice to drive. Catching a disease is not, and having governmental powers to the point where you don't get a say as to what goes into your own body is some 1984 shit. It is terrifying how many people want to just sign up for this. Everyone acknowledges that the government is inefficient with ridiculous policies and procedures (DMV, anyone?). We also take it as a given that big pharma has a tendency to be predatory and release some products that help, and some that injure. In this case, we've trusted the government to oversee the vaccine, we've trusted pharma to test their own shit and indemnified everyone against any and all injury or side effect. I'm not using this space to argue that the vaccine is unsafe - the data indicate that it is both safe and effective - but I have zero hard feelings for anyone who looks at it and decides to pass. And if you think getting infected with an airborne disease is tantamount to willfully driving drunk and running someone over, kindly snap the fuck out of it.

    The numbers being carried around now show that upwards of 95% of the people who are hospitalized or dying are unvaccinated. Yes, there is a group of those who are medically unable to receive a vaccine, but they are statistically really small. The argument can't have it both ways. You can't say, "This vaccine is very effective and very safe," while at the same time say, "Everyone who is vaccinated is at extreme risk of catching and being injured by Covid." If the vaccine works, take it and quit meddling. If it doesn't work, stop trying to force it on people. One or the other, guys.

    This is a great point and brings up several important facets.

    1. Who is liable for injury due to Covid? If it's employers, then they are completely within their rights to set the standards of their work environment. They can tell you you must wear blue t-shirts to work, that you have to be able to lift 50 lbs, that you must park in the east parking lot, etc. Working there is a choice and you play by their rules. Particularly if WSIB will hold the employer liable for a Covid outbreak.

    I envision that it could get murky, though. Were is the line between "reasonable condition for work" and "personal privacy"? If I have HIV, and don't want to upset my immune system with the vaccine, but don't want to tell my employer I have HIV...what then? Does the Charter of Rights allow an employer to demand this kind of disclosure? If they can discriminate against vaccine status, is that truly different than discriminating against gender, race, etc?

    2. The standards the state must abide by are inherently different than those of an employer. You have rights as a citizen, so the government really shouldn't be able to track your movement, demand ID upon entering, etc. Labour and employment is quite different, and applying the same set of rules to both doesn't work. Particularly when they haven't yet worked out, from a legal standpoint, who is liable.

    EDIT: didn't see you last point...

    3. Medical systems being overwhelmed. I'll dig up the references, but there were two CBC articles that came out last week regarding Covid and ER usage in Canada. An overarching point made in them was that, per capita, Canada has less ER beds than most other developed countries. This is an entirely different discussion, and I'll admit right off the bat that I have a real prejudice against my own healthcare system. It is shockingly inefficient and you have no say in the level or quality of service you get. If you have a heart attack in front of London University Hospital, you're in the best place possible. If you break your ankle in Sarnia, you may never use it properly again.

    Regardless, my overall point is that the healthcare system currently has big problems and big gaps. Covid has highlighted some of them. And we're soon going to be into the third year of this, and our only answer so far has been to cancel elective procedures, run the nursing staff into the ground and expose new graduates in medicine to baptisms of fire. It's a complete failure from the top down.

    Now that we've been in the same situation for two years, we can't keep using "we don't have enough beds" as an excuse. We need more beds, more medical staff, better care. That we can shell out trillions for other things and not shore up the problems in medicine is the collective failure of all of our government. IMO.
    #6278 Dcc001, Sep 2, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
  19. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    Put another way, being part of society, going out to grocery stores, movie theaters, restaurants, interacting with others -- this is a choice. You have the choice to stay at home as well. I'm not saying the state should line up and inject you with -- again, it bears repeating, a HARMLESS vaccine!!! -- but they most certainly do have the right to mandate it for federal buildings and commerce such as flying, just like private businesses have the right to mandate that you're vaccinated in order to interact there.

    I have hard feelings for those who choose not to get vaccinated and then cry and go to the hospitals, clogging up our healthcare system, when the inevitable happens. You should not be allowed to say both "I'm not taking this" but also "when I have to face the inevitable consequences for my actions, the government and taxpayers should take care of my medical needs to keep my alive." Don't want the vaccine? Great. Stay at home and deal with it then when you get sick. Leave the medical care for those of us who are smart about our health, take reasonable precautions to NOT overwhelm the healthcare system, and only use it for emergencies rather than a contingency plan for when our conspiracy theories don't work out.

    the reason everyone should get vaccinated, aside from stopping the spread of all these crazy variants, is FOR that small percentage who are unable to receive the vaccine due to things like they're undergoing chemo. The argument has absolutely never been that those who are vaccinated are at risk of catching and being injured by covid, because the vaccine works. The argument HAS been "everyone should get vaccinated so they can stop killing those who are unvaccinated."

    For example, children right now, which is an age group not currently authorized for the vaccine. But if one of my young sons gets covid and goes to the hospital and we know they got it from someone who wasn't vaccinated by choice? You bet your ass I'm calling an attorney.

    I just wanna know what's the argument for not taking it at this point? You (the general "you") just don't like needles? Afraid of not feeling great for a day or two after, just like every other vaccine? Or is it because someone else said you should get it and you became like a petulant child digging your feet in "nuh uh!!! I'm never gonna get it!!" even doing so out of spite puts you and others in direct danger?
  20. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Nobody can MAKE a person take a vaccine. That certainly is something that should stay that way, there are certain liberties that are simply not up for negotiation. But the good thing is you can simply not be allowed to attend any private property or commercial business anywhere. “We Don’t Allow YOUR Kind” will no longer be a catchphrase for discrimination— It will be common-sense health.

    Don’t get the shot. If you have no excusable health exception to taking it then It’s your choice to live as an introverted hermit while the rest of us take vaccines like we have been doing just fine with for the past 223 years straight, and get to live normal.

    And as far as the vaccine not being safe goes, I’ve ate Mexican food with worse side effects. Still waiting on the magnetic blood, teeth falling out or whatever other lies these stupid fuckheads try to preach on Fox. I also almost forgot I’ve been recycling my own carbon dioxide into my lungs the past 16 months, because I’ve been wearing cloth on my face at certain times. Yes, THIS is the team with all the logic. The ones who keep dying all the time and then everybody else mocks laugh at them.