Yeah, I completely feel you there. We’ve been self quarantining since last Thursday. If that’s the worst of it though, then we can’t complain...
Two weeks isn't going to do much, and they can't keep it going for months, my guess is they hem and haw and try to hit 8 weeks without everyone going nuts.
I think that an alarming percentage of California is already infected. Not sure how to quantify it, but it’s not great. Even if 8 weeks makes an impact, I would imagine we would almost immediately get hit with a second peak when the order ends. That’s the issue- the cat’s out of the bag here. I do think that industry is starting to get its ass in gear though, which is nice.
I’ve been live-streaming an hour or so a day on Facebook, playing guitar and taking requests. Friends pop in and out, they seem to enjoy it. I’m glad they do, but really it’s more for me to have something to do.
That's true, but it also buys time for additional supplies and beds to be acquired to deal with the onslaught.
Absolutely agreed. I think that every possible measure should be put in place to help save lives, and have been helping to coordinate some action. I’m just not feeling overly optimistic based on what I’ve seen, unfortunately. Hopefully other countries can get in gear to help address some supply shortages quickly.
It's nice to see big corporations starting to get involved a bit... for instance, Elon's SpaceX and Tesla are going to be starting up some ventilator manufacturing. Not sure how long it'll take for things to get ramped up, but the sooner the better.
That does feel weird. SpaceX and Tesla are not medical device manufacturers, and there's only so much overlap between small volume cutting edge manufacturing and high-production medical grade manufacturing. I feel like there's some other way Musk could be having an impact.
The government needs to get plants to manufacture masks in big quantities. That would help slow the spread of this and other viruses like it big time. Our Healthcare workers are in desperate need of them right now.
He's got two of the most modern manufacturing facilities in the world that are designed to be quickly retooled... they are probably a couple of the best options in the US to get this shit working. Don't underestimate the detailed and precision manufacturing required for creating spacecraft or high quality electric cars.
Musk's tweets have been a bit half-hearted I must say after reading them. He was pressured into addressing the issue because Ford and GM announced they would look into the feasibility of manufacturing devices, but his take was basically "we'll do it if there's a legitimate need for us to do it, but it won't be fast." I think he expects it's far more viable for the existing manufacturers to ramp up capacity, especially if the government covers the costs associated with a short lived production spike like that.
This will last until May, hopefully a little after if we can flatten the curve. We will be at damn near 19,000 cases tomorrow with likely 300 dead. Expect quarantine to get a lot more severe, as that's really the only tool we have to slow it down. Quarantine will last at least til April. On April 1, we're projected to have 375,000 cases and over 5,000 deaths. I would bet good money we'll see healthcare systems get overwhelmed locally between now and then. I know everyone wants to see an end in sight, gets grim before that happens.
So if you have the option not to be in charge of all IT operations for a billion dollar company when a worldwide once-in-a-century pandemic hits, I highly suggest you take it. Bill Lumbergh: "Heyy I'm gonna need you to change the entire operating model of the company for us in about...say...a week...mmkay....yeahhh thanks." What a shitshow. And thanks to decent prep and some diving catches it's going relatively well for us. I can't imagine what a hot mess it is everywhere else. We have to track time for billing purposes and this will be a record week for me in 10+ years at the same outfit. And while I really hate being associated with the autist TechBro CEOs out there I do have to agree with them on one point: if this isn't handled well, the recession will kill more people than the virus. Well it was a good run guys thanks for everything. Gonna put some pants on, don't want to be indecent when Cthulhu returns.
Terrifying reminder that COVID-19 is happening DURING tornado season and will likely extend into hurricane season (plus earthquakes have no season). Can you imagine a Cat 4 spreading disease along with death and destruction? It would be like Sharknado, except.... ok I’m done thinking
Too fucking long. But serious answer is, I have no doubt they're going to extend all the closings and precautions here in NY beyond what they've already told us. I think they're just trying to quell the panic that's already set in. Last night I found myself going stir crazy just thinking of having to spend the next couple weeks here at home. But the wife says locally they're expecting things to get sporty sometime next week. So once she returns home from work today, we're gonna be staying put as long as possible. Unfortunately the dipshits in our local health care system are still following the older CDC guidelines and only testing people who are symptomatic and have traveled recently. So like, it's here, we know it is, but because there's hardly any testing ( maybe 2-3 a day I think she said ) there's no confirmed cases so people aren't taking it seriously.