aren't the numbers higher than that actually? regardless, the idea of an armed revolt by the citizens, even in the US, is hilarious. That shit would be shut down so fast they wouldn't know what hit them. Probably because they'd be dead. From like a cruise missile in the side of the head.
panty twisting? There's nothing ridiculous about it. It was dead serious, but as soon as one of those stupid fuckers got shot dead they all scattered like the pussies they are. But just because more of those domestic terrorists weren't killed (like they should have been), doesn't mean that it wasn't serious and horrible and deserves to be thoroughly investigated. Though I think this is straying away from the point of the thread....
My barber's father passed away from covid the other day. I feel pretty fortunate that he is the closest person that I've personally known that has passed due to the 'vid.
in other news, now that pfizer says it's vaccine is effective in children 5-11, I do believe I'll be lining up my 7 year old for it once it becomes available. The more variants come out, the more worried I get. Though I'm curious how other parents on here view that.
I'm curious, also. The wife has already said she thinks our son should have it. I'm certainly not against it, I will look at Pfizer's data first, just to say I kinda knew what I was doing when I made the decision for my kid. My kid is 7, also. What say the rest of you idiots with offspring?
yeah my thinking is of the "better safe than sorry" variety. My boys are tough, that one specifically. But you can't "out tough" something that's intent on killing you. Before I got covid myself, I didn't care much one way or the other, but now seeing how my 3 year old (at the time) reacted to covid, and how kiddos are dying now with delta, my opinions have gone more firmly into the "no he needs the poke" camp. I just want all of the information, which we don't have yet, and then I'll make the decision that's best for me and mine. If all the information says do it, like it does for adults, then Mr Colt is getting the shot as soon as he can.
My daughter is 3 and my son is 4 months so they aren’t eligible, but they’ll get it as soon as they are.
you know I'm not sure if this is bad about people I know, or good on here, but I just looked up and I was like "huh, well if those two are for sure, then..."
My daughter is older - 17 - but we made sure she received the vaccine as soon as she could, and for the record she was on board. If she was younger, the same. My wife and I are both educated adults with a healthy knowledge and respect for the scientific method, even with a dose of skepticism about western medicine. Vaccines all day and twice on Sunday.
I’m hoping to present my baby’s chunky little thigh for vaccination as soon as it’s approved for 6 months and up, which I anticipate will be around the time he’s 6 months old. Not trying to fuck around with any potential long term effects from covid, but also not trying to be miserably isolated in February again.
My daughter turned 5 last week and she'll get it as soon as we get the word that it's available. I don't see it being any different than any of her other vaccinations, annual flu shot, etc. About as much of a no-brainer as it gets, really.
I have a 9 year old and a 4 year old. The 9 year old has already said that she wants to get it as soon as she can, so no question about that. My assumption is that by the time they approve it for under 5, the youngest will already have turned 5 and she's getting it too.
Has anyone had to use there vaccine card to do anything yet? I went to a concert last night that required it. First time I’ve had to use it. The security people didn’t really even look at it. They just confirmed I had a piece of paper in my pocket.
If my paediatrician gives the green light then I’m in. Outside of pamphlets written in layman’s terms there isn’t much for a dummy like me to understand. Gotta put some trust in my kid’s doctor.
5 and 7, they'll be first in line. I don't trust my fellow parents to respect their schools' mask rules.
I just got back from San Francisco. They required me to show it to dine inside restaurants. The hostess compared it to my driver's license. Also, earlier this year, when I ran the Peachtree Road Race, I showed it to be allowed into the Expo and cut the screening line to the start area.
Outside of showing it at work not to wear a mask? I guess if you count the discount buying Reds tickets with it. It wasn’t a requirement to enter though. I can’t think of any other places that have asked.