Certainly, if your boobs are aching a bit of a boob massage by your husband cannot be a bad thing. Just saying.
The Facebook antivaxx crowd are hell bent on killing themselves. It's like watching a train wreck. https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1441395300002848769
Woman I went to highschool with just lost her unvaccinated husband. She is, literally, a respiratory therapist, been venting people this whole time.
My 4 year old is going in for an out-patient surgery next week. He’s tongue tied, and normally it’s a real quick thing but for this they have to put him completely under anesthesia now so intake, recovery, all that. Only one parent is allowed in because we’re in a second wave entirely created by the anti-vax crowd. now I’m fucking pissed
There’s a splinter movement, at least in my neck of the woods, which are punishing restaurants that have pivoted to takeout and delivery only by calling in fake orders using fake phone numbers and addresses. That is some weapons-grade shit behaviour. Taking out your frustrations on those who have nothing to do with a situation that is spiraling out of control. Jesus Christ this is stupid.
That is extremely shitty. But if that started to become a regular thing, I would just demand payment before making the order. No more pay when you pick up.
Update: took 200mg of ibuprofen twice yesterday to get rid of a low grade fever and take the edge off the aches. By later in the evening I was feeling mostly just tired. This morning, my booster arm is still sore and my lymph nodes haven’t totally chilled out but I’m feeling most back to normal. So there’s your anecdata from my experience.
I found out this morning one of my students tested positive last week and no one thought, "Hey, maybe Walt should know." Fortunately I keep my mask on at all times and disinfect after every shift. But still. Plus, one of my co-workers is out with it, and she would often sit at a table with others, unmasked. So things could get sporty here in the next few days. Our county is now at the highest positivity rate ever and no one is doing a damn thing. It's gonna be an interesting time, and if I was a betting man we'll see school shutdowns in another month or so.
Story in the NYT about how the correlation between voting patterns and vaccination/deaths has become absolutely staggering: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/27/briefing/covid-red-states-vaccinations.html
My town (population of 60,000) has two zip codes. The northern section tends to be a little lower income and more POC, primarily Hispanic. That zip code is a full 16% less vaccinated than my zip code. Found that interesting. I understand when they're comparing blue states vs red states or rich areas vs poor areas but this is literally divided by a freeway.
I found it interesting when I was working with @downndirty at the start of COVID... he showed us some CDC data that was incredibly detailed socio-economic information, because it made life and death differences during disasters. A lot of those bounderies were just like that... literally a road could tell you who could fend for themselves and survive a disaster, and who would die if they didn't get 3rd party help.
Yeah, that's not an accident. The history of urban planning and which neighborhoods get destroyed for highways and which neighborhoods get federal dollars and so on and so forth has a very rich racial and economic history in this country.
It started long before that. There is a reason the expression "grew up on the wrong side of the tracks" is an expression.
Well my 4-month-old son went to daycare for exactly two days and brought COVID home to our entire house. Now all four of us have tested positive, and we’ve definitely exposed my parents, my brother and his wife. Wonderful.
YouTube now removing all videos containing vaccine misinformation. that sound you hear is joe rogan getting fucked
Good thing he switched to Spotify and they've given him carte blanche. How do they determine what is "vaccine misinformation?" Why does Youtube (or Google or whoever) get to be the censor on the information you receive? Doesn't this raise alarm bells for ANYONE? Are they going to remove Bret Weinstein's videos? A middle-road guy who is pro-vax and does many wonderful videos addressing people's concerns is Dr. Z...does HE get censored, too? Are the only videos allowed the ones that show whatever the government has decided is allowed? I'd maybe be okay with some of this if they were explicit on what their guidelines are, but those are intentionally vague. There's a big difference between a troll with 100 subs posting that snorting bleach cures COVID vs. Lex Freidman interviewing a virologist with concerns about long-term vaccine problems, but I don't think the platforms will distinguish between them.
they get to do that because they’re a private company and it’s their playground, their rules. if Nett decided he didn’t like, say, talk of ladders, he could ban me in an instant and there’s nothing unfair or unjust about it. Want some place where misinformation (ie lies) is allowed? Build your own platform.