If you need some comedy to pass the time... I used to work at Fenway Park with comedian Rob Potylo (Robbie Roadsteamer to those of you who live in Boston). Anyway, he moved to LA and his day job is to pick orders for online shoppers at Whole Foods. He’s been documenting things on his Instagram account, username robpotylo My favorite part so far: “A lady was just like, ‘this is it, right? This is the height of the panic, it’s gonna end soon.’” (Chuckling devolving into maniacal laughter)
Interesting COVID-19 dataset I found in a link of that screen cap from @downndirty Johns Hopkins github repo for data: https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 Interactive dashboard for the running stats: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
I saw that map in the last link today. It's a really good map, my only complaint is that it splits up the USA by states.
Yeah last I heard yesterday the line for the local grocery store was wrapped around the store. Twice.
Yeah on the Left bar, I was looking at the Right bar. But I guess it subsects China too so it is consistent.
I don't like that, for some reason, they divide the US into states for deaths only. There were a few hours where it didn't even log any recovered cases in the US. Now they're all under one dot that's in a random spot in Kansas. I don't really understand the reasoning for the inconsistency.
Tens of thousands of people gathered in Bangladesh for a mass prayer over COVID-19 hate to break it to them, but I don’t think that’s gonna work out like they think
Oh shit. Is she on base or in off base housing? We were off base which is superior in most ways, but in this case on base would probably be better...
I’ve only started thinking about this the last couple of days. Our house isn’t overly large, or really set up to quarantine someone in a particular area. If it was me I’ll probably try to limit myself to the downstairs bathroom and the family room, but honestly if one of us starts showing symptoms it’s almost certain that all of us have been exposed.
If someone in my household gets it, that definitely means I already have it. ...because I live alone.
I believe my wife and I have had it the past 8 days. Basically, more or less same plan we would have had considering the stay in place order, just a little more stringent. We’ve been staying in our home and monitoring symptoms while we work. I haven’t been hit as hard as she has, but we’ve been feeling the same stuff- sore throat, tight chest, and some fatigue. She may have had a 99 and change fever at some point, but that’s been the extent of it. The breathing shit sucks- we’ve both had one or two days where we’ve felt like we were at altitude in a sense, and like total shit. She would have wanted to go to the hospital if things had gotten any more severe a couple of times, but we knew that if she wasn’t at death’s door it wouldn’t have been worth it- hospitals won’t take you in otherwise, and you are risking both a long, uncomfortable wait and possibly exposing others vs. resting at home. People definitely have to make the call where to draw that line on their own though. That being said, the severity of the symptoms has escalated and eased off several times. I’ve heard the second week sucks, but looking forward to being past this.
Hopefully we don't have to go to the hospital and be put on a respirator. If that doesn't have to happen, I don't think much will change for us, in house. We're already going out as little as possible. I've been to both jobs, the apartments and the animal shelter, the hardware store once and one gas station since schools closed. I've only been inside one occupied apartment. Our son hasn't been anywhere. Wife has been to the animal shelter and the grocery store once. I'm now only going to work for absolute emergency calls. We still have plenty of food and supplies. We just got our first confirmed case in our county. Man in his 50's that traveled and was in contact with someone that later showed symptoms and tested positive, he came home and went who knows where.
I hope it's run its course by 9 months from now. Because, the hospital Labor & Delivery units are going to be packed. People stuck at home, no sports on TV. There's gonna be a lot of baby making going on.