I am not trying to be obtuse here, but was there some expansion of authorities/public health powers in the CARES act or something? I'm seeing the discourse, and confused as to....this authority isn't new, right? It's rarely exercised, because from what I understand most people are vaccinated as children and there hasn't been a new "required" vaccine since the 1980's? This isn't "government overreach" when it's been in place for most of the last few decades. But, I'm confused at the shock of "they can fire me for not getting a vaccine?" Yes, idiot. This is the same government that has asset forfeiture laws, kills black people for no reason, mines personal data via the NSA, and publicly has a "no-fly" list. I can't wait to see how the anti-vax crowd fuck around and find out, yet I'm mystified why they think they have some sort of special privilege to not fulfill a basic obligation to society. Did....did y'all forget about the draft?? Like, the government can have your ass in 'Nam swamp water if they want to. Bitching about a vaccine seems so absurd to me.
The interesting thing is that once a person gets an organ transplant, they are put on medications that make them immunocompromised basically for the rest of their lives. To prevent organ rejection. What that means is that vaccines won’t even be that effective for them going forward. So requiring the vaccine prior to a transplant makes sense because it might be the only thing protecting them afterwards. I read an article yesterday about a vaccinated kidney transplant recipient dying from Covid.
OK I know I'm late to this party but fuuuuuck those dudes. They both have pregnant wives and they won't get vaccinated??? Being pregnant makes you WAY more likely to have bad covid outcomes, and rates of stillbirth/IUGR/preterm birth are all a lot higher in women who have had covid, particularly in their third trimester. Maybe they should consider the wellbeing of their wives and future children before deciding that their "rights" or plain stubbornness are the most important things in the world.
What boggles my mind is that I’m sure all of this has been explained to them, but people are still like “if I die I die, I’ll risk it” and want to be able to take that risk… then when they do get sick they want all the medication and hospital beds and things they otherwise would have rejected prior. plus, by not explaining that in the article, you’re going to get people who say shit like “well I wanna see the other side!” instead of realizing that the other side of the argument is fucking stupid, and thus they shouldn’t waste time even typing it out. Imo the best course of action would be, rather than writing that article, to write an article explaining why unvaxxed organ donors and recipients are no longer allowed to donate or receive.
How does this boggle your mind? Have you met people? People - not just a small fringe percentage, but LOTS of people - still start and keep smoking. People - many people - are very obese and choose poor eating habits. People don't get regular mammograms or prostate exams or colonoscopies. Not just poor, uneducated folks, but ordinary, otherwise smart business men and women. Informed people continue to make bad decisions or don't make decisions at all, and always have and always will. People gonna people. I don't know why you're surprised.
In regard to smoking, I loved me some cigars but nicotine is a bitch. Stopped cold turkey a few months ago. It was more difficult than quitting alcohol. And I was a habitual night time snacker, but in an effort to lose weight for the sake of my busted leg (as I’m currently in the waiting room for my PT), I also stopped that a few weeks later. Again, stopping snacking was at least on par with quitting alcohol. I’m not sure Id consider addiction to be on the same level as this blatant stupidity, but regardless I do understand your point lol
I think I may have stated this poorly in my original post; they think the vaccines are more dangerous than is being reported. Of particular concern - to the one friend in particular - is that the Covid vaccine has reports of affecting menstrual cycles and potentially causing issues with the female reproductive system. Given that, according to the CDC at least, almost ALL other vaccines are NOT recommended to women while pregnant (HPV, MMR, influenza, link here: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/vaccines-during-pregnancy.html) I can appreciate that they're having a real hard time switching gears and agreeing to a new vaccine, particularly when there's controversy around it. Both partners, in both households, are not vaccinated. And, again, it's because they have concerns about it adversely affecting the pregnancy. It's isn't coming from a "fuck you, I'm not getting the shot so let's gamble." Again, what I'm seeing in the overall debate is a lack of ability to see it from the other's point of view. These aren't family-hating ogres who jack off with their bibles. Conversely, the overall healthcare system isn't such a clusterfuck that what they recommend isn't overall the best practice. Both sides don't trust the other, so you see this polarization. Agree with this 100%. Every person alive - including all of us on this board - make what we KNOW are poor decisions (overeating, drugs, speeding while driving, etc) either because we accept the risk or because changing our habits and overcoming our nature is really fucking hard. So the solution to Covid and vaccines can't be "fuck all the people who don't listen," because people will do what they want and the best course of action is to have a plan/system that captures everything. So if the plan is to keep us masked and locked down until we hit 100% vaccinated and in the meantime fire everyone who doesn't comply from public life, well, it's gonna be a long decade.
That's a little hyperbolic. I'm willing to bet they check for COVID symptoms and do test when the patient is admitted, well before surgery. I'm the last person that is willing to justify someone not getting the vaccine, but in this specific circumstance, it's a little shitty for the hospital to do that to someone (regardless of vaccination status).
I kept thinking it was because couples keep saying "we're pregnant".....like if you're going to be around a pregnant woman, you should probably be vaccinated as well.
Looks like Sweden, Denmark and Finland have enacted a suspension of Moderna vaccines over some younger age groups: https://fox8.com/news/coronavirus/m...ntry-for-people-under-30-due-to-side-effects/ In the same vein - and probably most saw this in the last few weeks - a high-ranking military doctor has submitted an affidavit to ground all vaccinated pilots, due to myocarditis concerns: https://www.citizensjournal.us/army...89uHf_kTuig-1633608695-0-gqNtZGzNAuWjcnBszQh9 It appears that Pfizer and the non-mRNA vaccines are still appropriate for younger people in the Nordic countries.
The Swedes, as is usual for them, are on point and taking precautions. The military doctor might be full of shit, or at the very least wrong on a few fronts. According to a pharmacist friend of mine, along with his pharmacist wife, Theresa Long wrongly claims that anti-freeze is used in the mRNA vaccines, and that Long has mistaken the anti-freeze for some sort of fat binder (?) I'm not a doctor, but for what it's worth I trust these two. I don't know Long, but time will tell on this one and I think she's right in wanted to take precautions for pilots who might crash a goddamn jet because of side-effects. It's hard to argue that logic.
One of my doctors had a concern about the myocarditis as it relates to the vaccines. His argument was that, for whatever number of reported cases there are, those are only the ones with symptoms that were severe enough to warrant a visit to the doctor. Also that the heart lining could suffer damage and be asymptomatic. He's of course not allowed to bring these concerns up in general - he'd be punished by the college and risk losing his privileges or his license - but to him it's a big red flag. With regards to "using antifreeze," that pings my bullshit meter. They use antifreeze to make vaccines the same way they use dead babies to make vaccines: ie they don't. It's likely some kind of associated chemical or a derivative that's used for preservation or stabilization. Thinking they squirt antifreeze into the manufacturing process is on the same level as thinking you can snort veterinary ivermectin and fight Covid.
You might want to check your source. Just reading the bio of the author Tim Brown tells me the Citizen Journal is a shit source. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-bonkers-lawsuit-to-stop-the-pentagons-vaccine-mandate https://thehill.com/changing-americ...my-brigade-surgeon-claims-in-lawsuit-vaccines From The Hill article: "In support of a lawsuit brought by a conservative political organization against the Pentagon, an Army officer purported false claims about the COVID-19 vaccine – including that the vaccine has antifreeze in it. America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), a group that has spread disinformation about vaccines and the COVID-19 pandemic, is suing the Pentagon to stop its vaccine mandate."
I didn't consider the source or read the associated article; I put that link up because it had the affidavit in full. Anything else it was talking about is questionable, a la "antifreeze in vaccines."
https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/gov...y-entity-adds-issue-to-special-session-agenda Sigh.... We have one of the most ostentatious states in our Union basically refusing to do anything about the pandemic at an executive level. I'm not an expert, but this seems weirdly sticky. Gov. Abbott is the chief executive in terms of law enforcement, so if he refuses to support a mandate.... That said, I can imagine a few ways this gets beaten down in court, and if the Biden administration wants to play hardball with various forms of funding, they probably could bully him to back down (to his tremendous political gain). Given how many law enforcement officers aren't vaccinated, I can also imagine someone in Abbott's office doing some hard math on "if we have a mandate, we estimate X% of police officer, hospital workers, teachers, etc. will be gone." Kind of remarkable how them particular chickens came home to roost: Texas is one of the hardest-hit states, and obstinately fought every countermeasure. Now that we've had a life-saving, damn near miraculous vaccine for almost a year, he can't get people to take it, can't make them take it, and can only futilely sit there and watch the hospitals fill up, and try and stir shit up about abortion laws or the border crisis to distract people from that fact.
I would imagine the approximately 400,00 people, with around a 20% positivity rate, flooding across the border in July and August isn't doing much to help Texas' Covid issues.
At this point it's become such a divisive topic, it's political suicide for anyone who even hints at mandates like we had last year. Even here on the local level, with our continued high numbers, no one seems to want to do anything. I think the local government is waiting for the state to step in so they can be the bad guys. We've had unusually Summer like weather here the past week or so, which is probably keeping things from getting more out of hand. But I think once it gets colder, we're gonna be in deep shit.
Sure, that makes sense..... "Hey, we have 80,000 positive cases coming across the border, what do we do?" "I suppose we should stop countermeasures that the rest of the world is doing, that'll show 'em." "Wait, what?" "Yeah, we're getting more infected, so we should do less to stop it. Right?" "No....that's the opposite of what we should do. If we do that, thousands of people will die preventable deaths." "You ain't from around here, are you boy?" Also, that 80k is 1.9% of the total cases of the entire state of Texas. Meaning, the other 4.132 million....home grown. We avergaged 80k PER DAY in July/August. The covid cases in Texas outnumber the migrants by over 50x. Texas seems to shoot themselves in the foot, and blame it at every opportunity on a series of invisible snipers, taking shots at them from across the border. In this case, that dog don't hunt.