when my son and I got it, both my wife and my other son tested three different times (once right when mine came back positive, then another time a few days later, and another time like a week later). All of their tests were negative, despite obviously being in the same house and in very close quarters. I've heard that some people simply don't get it for whatever reason.
Immunity from vaccine better than natural immunity: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7044e1.htm?s_cid=mm7044e1_w https://thehill.com/policy/healthca...fers-better-protection-than-previous-covid-19
Stepson's GF is feeling better but her whole family (unvaxxed) has it. Her mom has been in the hospital since Thursday.
That ain't yo baby.... I saw something that said Russia has lost more people to the virus than WW2...dunno if it's true or accurate, because....Russia, but it got me thinking about the draft. If you can't get people to get a vaccine, you damned sure couldn't impose military service.... The ironic part is how many of the politicians who are riling everyone up about this vaccine are draft dodgers themselves...
I listened to that whole podcast. He’s so butthurt about the way cnn characterized his taking of ivermectin. He spent the whole conversation trying to bro-science his way into being right. The science and math behind how vaccines work on a population level is so beyond the lay person’s understanding. I don’t feel the whole conversation was hostile, but I think Rogan is incredibly arrogant in how he spoke to Gupta. I didn’t get the feeling that he even wanted to be convinced of anything.
The US did, because we played WWII smart and paid other countries to do our dying for us. Russia though? They lost nearly 14 million in the war, with a further 12 million in the rest of the Soviet Union*. There's no way they lost that number again in 2020. *estimates exist within ranges and are not precise because war is hell and stats nerds were told to shoot at jocks instead of fastidiously recording death statistics.
I also listened to the whole podcast and I agree with you. Gupta is smart, but he isn't a skilled debater. Which is why Rogan is willing to have him on. Gupta was clearly unprepared for some of the stuff Rogan was throwing at him. A skilled skeptic like Steven Novella would have been prepared and wouldn't put up with the gish gallop style of debate that Rogan was pulling.
Novella would’ve walked out the fucking door after an hour of that nonsense, if he even bothered with an ape like Rogan at all.
More along these lines. NYPD had just 34 folks suspended now that the mandate has gone into effect. Out of a force of 36,000.
Somewhat misleading. 34 have gone on unpaid leave. Hundreds of others have apparently applied for special exclusions. If those are denied they would be added to the list.
Most of them will cave when their applications get denied, and even if they don't they represent barely a percent of the force. A few fewer street hustlers selling loosies will be choked out and life in NYC will go on.
NYPD should remember what happened the last time they walked off the job in protest: not a gotdamned thing, the city got along just fine without them and their broken windows policing.