That’s actually perfect. A pill solves everything. A magical pill, just like all the other magical pills like seven dozen or so different brands of anti-depressants that turned the middle class into fucking junkies. Which they won’t admit to of course, but they ARE junkies.
One down, so many more to go.
What’s the excuse from his minions if it wasn’t COVID? “He died of a rare case of Dropping Dead For No Reason.”
Dude ticked all the "crazy" boxes. Flying around the globe to Flat Earther conventions, during the pandemic...
That’s not even “rolling the dice” at that point. That’s just asking for it. I hope in his next life he gets the help he needs. Unless he’s reincarnated into a cactus or something.
Welp, too bad LA, looks like the MLB All-star game won't be at Dodger stadium in 2022 after all. Clearly, Manfred will move the game to Colorado since they're requiring people to show ID to get in.
One of my buddies had this to say about the anti-vax movement: "These are the same gaggle of fucktards that couldn't afford dick-enlargement pills advertised in the back of magazines, yet believed they worked and were somehow kept a secret. What did you think they were going to react to a new disease with a miraculous cure?"
I just went last week and got a PFE Covid Booster and the Flu Vaccine as separate shots at the same time. In and out, nice and easy. It took me longer to buy beer on my way out of Walgreens than it did to get in line and nab both shots.
Sure, I'll give you a fake vaccine for cash.....
So I've mentioned before that some of my close friends have chosen not to take the Covid vaccine. One in particular ran into a situation this week with his family and was curious my thoughts on it. I haven't replied yet, but here's the scenario: *For background, he and his extended family are based in several European countries. His nephew, whom I will talk about, is in Hungary. Friend's nephew is 21 and attending university (or college, not sure which). His class had two people test positive for Covid last week. The school elected to suspend Nephew plus two other unvaccinated classmates for one week. No one else was sent home, the unvaccinated kids had no symptoms and, in fact, tested negative. When the parents asked if they could present the negative tests to allow the kids back to class, they were told no and not given any path forward as to how the students could re-enter the school (that they presumably are paying for). The kicker is that the two students who did test positive were both double-vaccinated. Lastly, the unvaccinated, un-Covid'ed kids are not being accommodated with digital classing. His questions to me were: what are my thoughts on this situation, and, more broadly, how do we reconcile society moving forward? I'm still considering my reply to him. My gut reaction is that this is about power and compliance rather than keeping people safe. It makes no sense to quarantine the negative-tested, unvaccinated people and NOT subject the people who are actually positive and symptomatic to at least the same treatment. It seems that the biggest concern in all this is: have you done what we told you to do? Because the impetus isn't about isolating Covid (in this particular scenario). That, and we're looking at a demographic that really isn't in any danger from this disease statistically speaking (unless an individual has multiple, significant comorbidities). So the blackballing of the unvaccinated isn't being driven by public health or safety, IMO. I'm not sure how to answer him.
This is about risk, not about conformity. Vaccinated people are at a much lower risk. Unvaccinated are at a high risk of not only getting the virus, but transmitting it. The university would have to institute safety measures for unvaccinated students that they simply might deem not worth it for a minority of students. Knowing there is an outbreak there, yeah, I'd dismiss unvaccinated kids too. I don't want that on my conscience. Especially considering the population who cannot get the vaccine for legitimate medical reasons. The demographic isn't a valid concern: the students are one slice of the university. The parents those kids live with are another. The faculty are another. The children of the university employees are another. Pretending that 19-year olds are invicible doesn't mean shit here. They are a vector to spread to people that are at risk, and given the minority of students not vaccinated, yeah it's easier to ask 3-4 kids to stay home. For the millionth time, it is dangerous. It kills children, and it permanently disables children and it spreads via children. Why is "not as much as adults" some kind of defense here? In terms of loss, yes, it's worse when a young person gets it: they are more likely to live in shared spaces (dorms, with families, etc.), and the loss of life/ability is longer than someone who dies of it in their 80s. Society has much more to gain from protecting the young from a virus that has lifelong impacts and much more to lose if said young suffer lifelong debilitation that society bears the cost to support. A negative test isn't enough of an indicator that you're not carrying it or haven't come into contact with a carrier to proceed as if you're inocculated. You can't have it both ways: no faith in the vaccine, but faith in the test? Nope. I can certainly see how given the misinformation we're struggling with that a university with a sense of public responsibility and a reputation would strike a harder line when it comes to unvaccinated students. Jab or job isn't a hard concept. You need vaccines to go to any public school in the US, and I can't imagine we're an outlier there. If you can't get the jab, prove it. If not, you're in the same boat as with any other vaccine: can't go until you get it, or homeschool. I had friends who had to get a 2nd round of vaccines before going to college, I only avoided it because I had to do it to travel abroad. Power and compliance to attend a post-secondary school voluntarily is a bit much. You had to take some tests, show up on time, register, pay your fees, buy books, and I'd imagine demonstrate that you're not some sort of public risk (ie, sex offender, violent criminal, etc.). You could make the argument that attending university is a privilege that requires you to jump through some hoops. Don't want to jump? Don't go. It's their degree to grant, not yours to demand out of a sense of entitlement. If you feel so strongly against vaccinations, what other views would you harbor that would be embarassing to the university? Why do you care so little about protecting your fellow students? This kid crying victim is horseshit, in my humble opinion. The university has to provide a safe environment, and doing so for unvaccinated students is prohibitive, not just in costs but effectiveness. He refuses to do his part to make the public square safe, he doesn't get to enjoy the benefits. He made a choice, those have's fair in this case, because his choice was a conscious one. The folks he'd put at risk by being a potential carrier didn't, therefore....nope.
I was SO relieved when the university in my town announced a vaccine mandate, especially since 18-24 year olds made up more than half of covid cases in the county during parts of last year. Your nephew should feel lucky that he gets to attend at all while refusing to get vaccinated.
That’s extreme. I was thinking we should make them wear a “U” on their clothing and relocate them all to a single neighborhood so that we can be assured of public health and safety.
I mean, it's Hungary. In a place that authoritarian, vaccine mandates should be the least of your concerns.
But then the next thing you know they're overrunning the place and screaming war cries like "G'day mate" and "Throw another shrimp on the barbie".
If that's what it takes to churn out the new version of Elle McPherson, Miranda Kerr, and AC/DC then bring it.
I just saw this...technically it's my close friend's nephew, not mine. And I was mistaken. He's not quite 19, so the classes I'm referring to are actually high school. I bring this up because, IMO, it being high school is a different animal than college or university. While you could argue that university is a privilege, high schools are publicly funded and are guaranteed to all children in the country. Given the public nature of it, I disagree - and am curious legally - with the ability to discriminate against specific subgroups and deny them education. The more I think of it, the more I believe a Covid shot should should be treated like a flu shot, not an actual inoculation. It seems to be designed and behaving far more similar to a flu shot, and I don't recall anyone freaking out in years past at the people who elected not to get that particular needle. It's not like polio or chicken pox or's designed to target a specific variant; it's also effective against other variants, but immunity drops significantly over six months and you can still catch it, transmit it and be symptomatic. I really wish the rhetoric would die down and "the unvaccinated kill babies and grandmas!" shit would stop. 6th deadliest pandemic in history, and still chugging...Deadlier than all war, most famines, and just about everything in the post WW2 era. This amazes me. It kills more people than most forms of cancer and heart disease (again, hundreds of maladies grouped together). It's completely preventable. I know of no single person who's had it and went "oh yeah, fuck the vaccine, you don't need it." And the death toll of the friends, colleagues, acquantances and family members for me personally is about 30 people. 99% of the folks dying from COVID aren't vaccinated. In VA, it's about 1100 cases a day, 40 deaths a day....for nothing. "Unvaccinated" isn't a protected class. Therefore it's not discrimination. And yes, you can deny children education if they are not vaccinated. Until very recently, it was unthinkable to do so, because a vaccine is generally considered to be life-saving and a small price to pay to participate in public education. It's not a flu shot....not in how it works, how it's distributed, or the magnitude of the illness it prevents. It's an actual inoculation. You have to get booster shots for other maladies, and most of them are not actively circulating among millions of unprotected people. The logic of people going "I'll risk it" is like saying "I'm going to commit suicide with mustard gas, in a crowded shopping mall" as if that's a thing they are free and within their rights to do, and it has no implications for anyone around them. The selfish ignorance and willful malfeasence deserves ridicule and consequences.