He is has been completely off-his-rocker fucking insane his entire career (he was on TUF 1), and lived under the thumb of a trainer who is basically a cult leader. This does not surprise me at all.
A lifesaving measure. Can you imagine how many Chinese citizens would die, if it went public that they were infected by a virus called Xi? Not dead from the virus, mind you…
We should just nuke Beijing, it can’t get more polluted than it is already. We can leave Shanghai, though. That city is cool.
Can we just go back to being scared about terrorists or commies instead of them rolling out a new variant every six months?
But weren't the terrorists and commies doing that the whole time? Are we just going to ignore that threat?
We tried to get boosters and flu shots at 3 different pharmacies today but was unable due to staffing issues.
This is why we'll be back in lockdown soon. Sucks to be a fellow passenger on that plane, who certainly made it to their destination with a little more baggage than they'd originally packed. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/...ple-attempting-flee-covid-quarantine-rcna6893
I don't think lockdowns are in the cards anymore. The most effort people were willing to put into it in terms of compliance was the first one.
As of today in Canada, kids aged 5-11 can get vaccinated. For parents with young kids: do you plan on having them vaxxed?
All the conspiracy theorists talking shit. It's the same reasons we have chicken pox making a comeback. Too many people thinking they're way fucking smarter than they really are.
Yeah, there's no way they're happening. No politician is going to take the political hit of giving that order for a "lockdown" that they know is going to be ignored at best, and spitefully flaunted by people spitting into each other's mouths at worst. It's all downside and no upside.
The unfortunate problem is that any type of restriction is painted as lock-down from the “muh freedums” crowd. Whether it’s a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate or something. We will never get past all of this so long as there is a large segment of the population who don’t respect public health measures.