My wife is scheduled for hers next week, so if I get extra wrecked she can handle the kids and then vice-versa when she gets her combo.
Luckily neither of us has had any reaction to any of the doses so far; same with our oldest daughter, but we're still spacing everything out just in case.
Both my Moderna doses made me feel like crap. Maybe the booster will be different since I had COVID a few months ago, but I’m getting it on a Friday just to be safe.
Got the Moderna booster last weekend. Figured I'd complete the set (Pfizer in May, J&J in July). Similar to the J&J, minor pain at injection site the day of, then feeling total dogshit the day after. Also had swelling of the site, and corresponding lymph node, that lasted until day 4. Thurs morning, all that was gone and I've been 100% since.
I got boosted earlier this week. Was Pfizer, which is what I had initially. The first two had me feeling like crude for 2-3 days, this time, no side affects other than my arm was sore as shit for about a day. Wife and I also offset when we got our shots in case we both got knocked off our feet, one of us could still take care of our son.
New York State governor just announced a statewide mask mandate in effect starting Monday, Dec. 13th until Jan 15th for all indoor public places unless businesses or venues implement a vaccine requirement. The comments on social media are pure gold right now.
Well, I feel like shit today. Full body aches and chills, but no fever. I'm chalking it up to the flu shot more than the booster, but either way I hope it's only a one day thing. Remember when I said that whatever power a government implements, it will never go away? Extended indefinitely is the mandate that you have to show a QR code from the government app to gain entry to places that are deemed to require it. Also, "fully vaccinated" might now mean THREE doses, not two. Ostensibly this is all due to the Omicron variant, which I don't understand because from what I've seen, no one has died as a result of that strain. Oh, also, Ontario isn't opening up any further, so I guess masks in public are mandatory forever? Does this not outrage anyone else?
The numbers are going up, so they are slowing down the release, and keeping the current restrictions in place, for the most part. Seems like a perfectly data-driven response to me. Zero outrage. Zero bitching. Zero concerns. Zero infringement on my rights, zero conspiracy theories.
Not really. If this wasn't a world wide pandemic of a highly contagious virus in which half of the population thinks it's a joke, I'd be right there with you. What exactly is the alternative? A new variant has emerged which no one knows what it will bring so the obvious response is to tighten up the conditions in which it can rapidly spread unchecked. We can go back and forth endlessly about the correct course of action to take, but the easiest things to do on a mass scale in a short amount of time is, social distance, wear a mask. It's the bottom of the barrel of what can been done.
You really do have a bit of a warped sense of reality sometimes. This isn't some big conspiracy by the government to take over your life, it's about a global fucking health crisis. All this for no death so far...
Well ain't that just the fucking pinnacle of scientific rigour. That argument didn't work for taking the vaccine, what makes you think it's valid now?
They are doing the best with what info they have, and adjusting accordingly. That change could be daily. It's not like they make a call and have to live with it for the next 6 months. They make a call based on what they have, get more data, and then adjust. They weren't "wrong", they are now more informed. That's how science works.
My perspective is that we will never make this go away. You don't get to pick an option where Covid doesn't exist, because from everything we've seen in the last two years, you won't get a population of +7 billion people to all have the correct vaccination all in the same time period to kill it. So the decisions we make through public policy should be with the understanding that this will be a permanent thing. Having boosters every six months and wearing masks every time I leave the house and crippling certain industries, IMO, is unacceptable for a disease that kills less than 2% of who it infects, and those 2% are comprised almost entirely of the unvaccinated elderly or ill. If Covid is still around in 5 years and we're on the Zeta variant, will you be okay with your 12th booster and scanning your own barcode to enter a grocery store masked?