It's a tiny, vocal minority. In all of DHS, the non compliance was a whopping 2%, which has been halved when we got clarity on how to fire people for it. Consequences work wonders. I am in rural NC now. And sure masks aren't as common as in Northern VA. I am also in an area with 1/20th the people. So I am not losing my shit about a handful of folks who vocalize their ignorance....but I am masked up. I can always raise the standard I suppose, and I think those seeking to lower are worth precisely the derision we would have for lowering any other standard. Also....shit like shoes and trimming toenails is apparently not universal here, so I am not holding it against the hill folk.
"Fetal Cells" were also used in damn near everything they have in their medicine cabinet at home. Ask them if they are throwing all of them out too.
I was going to get my booster on Sunday, but I’m going to delay until the day after Christmas I think. My wife got sick for 2 days from hers.
Yeah, that doesn’t do anything but make me sad for the future of humanity, including the kids being raised by these guys. I could argue with them all day but in the end they’ll just double down and move the goalposts, being in a semi-management position I’ll take a generally positive work environment over hostile any day. I’ll be losing two or more of them if the weekly Covid testing that goes into effect January 1st starts to cost them money. I have no idea if CVS or Walgreens will let you get tested every week for free indefinitely. Something tells me that the insurance companies will catch on. EDIT: They have to be same day rapid test results too, required every 7 days, if anyone has heard of that is going to be covered by insurance or not I’d be curious to know what you think. I can’t get an answer out of Blue Cross one way or another.
Commercial insurance plans are supposed to start reimbursing for people purchasing rapid home test kits as of January I believe. Not sure what the process is but I’ll look into it when I run out of the 50 free tests we got from the county.
Good to know, my employer doesn’t recognize at home rapid tests as valid, so these guys will have to have standing rapid test appointments on the same day every week at Walgreens/CVS etc….
My 7 year old got his shot today. Other than the antennas coming out of his ears, he seems to be doing okay
Maybe it's just me, but I find the irony in this funny as hell.
One of the reasons I think the GOP has to downplay this virus is the fear of what happens when people realize they risked their lives for the kinds of jobs that often feature no insurance, sick leave, or even 2-ply tp.
more than that, they don’t ever like to admit that they’re wrong. If they’re saying to take it serious now, then what does that say about their behavior claiming it wasn’t worse than the flu or whatever?
My son had his first Pfizer shot yesterday. Zero issues other than a low grade fever he doesn’t want Tylenol for. So, yaaaa!!! got my appointment for my booster the morning after Xmas.
Today, as I was driving to work, I was thinking about all of the bullshit we've had to deal with over the last two years: supply shortages, job losses, economy in the shitter, the government sticking their nose into even more of our business, paranoia, and a widening wealth gap. Oh, and the deaths. All this because the goddam Chinese can't go one fucking day without some kind of terrible accident. And that got me to thinking: what's going to happen to the people responsible for this? I'm not talking about the Chinese Communist Party; we all know that nothing will happen to those fucks. I'm talking about the fuckups who let this thing get out of the lab. Do y'all think their organs have been harvested, or do you think Pooh Bear gave them a medal for fucking up the US economy? Live dangerously.
I wish that the rest of the world would come together and tell them to fuck off, with major sanctions and potentially even military action. I am absolutely livid at those responsible, and those in the US responsible for continuing and exacerbating it. Wherever possible I've stopped buying chinese-made products (some things are hard to avoid, like electronics, while others are much easier, like clothing and tools). However I think that social media is getting a free pass and skirting their responsibility in all of this. Sure, the pandemic still would have happened, and sure it still would have been bad. But it wouldn't have been THIS bad if platforms like facebook, twitter, and youtube didn't allow misinformation to spread. They amplified voices that were ignorant at best, if not downright dangerous and deadly. Same to be said for fox news and OAN and the like. The joe rogan types of the world absolutely should be punished, for the same reasons that china should be punished. One country started it. But these fucking assholes amplified it. I get the idea of free speech and everyone having a voice and all that, but not everyone needs to be heard, especially in times like this. Some people actually need to be told to shut the fuck up. Reality is though, nothing will happen. I'd be shocked if it did. If someone came to me tomorrow and said "hey, I'm doing a class action lawsuit against Fox/Facebook/whomever, would you re-live all that horrible trauma again in public on the stand in order to maybe give us a chance?" I'd sign up as fast as I could find a fucking pen. But no one is going to do that, because they're too powerful, and the only people left to hold them accountable are the very elected officials getting handsy with them under the table
In our morning briefing, we got some anec-data. DC set a record for daily cases, the doc said "I haven't seen this many cases yet during this pandemic", however the severity is dramatically lower. So, more folks are getting it, but it's less severe. Remains to be seen if the medical system will be overwhelmed, especially with this time of year. HHS and CDC haven't not changed messaging, and we don't expect them to any time soon. I'd call this a mixed blessing: more folks are getting it, but it's falling more to the level of "normal" viral behavior? Personally, I look for the Biden administration to shift to severity and overwhelmed medical systems, and stop focusing on case counts. Give it a month, and it will have come full circle to both administrations being like "nothing to see here, nothing to worry about, it's just a bad flu, move along, back to work with you."