Immunity gained through the virus is 2+ times as likely to result in reinfection as vaccination: The CDC found that breakthrough infections from natural immunity was showing up 5+ times as much as breakthrough from vaccines: 36% of COVID-19 infections resulted in undetectable levels of antibodies: The Israeli study has been called into question by more than one expert: The CDC's executive report is here: The Brits agree: Not only do the sources agree, but this is just how disease process works in most cases. That is, it would be shocking if this were NOT the case for COVID-19 because virtually all vaccines deliver a more consistent immunity (as you would expect), and it's uncommon for an infection to deliver a significantly stronger immune response because the entire point is to trigger the same immune response with the vaccine. It does happen that sever illness results in meaningfully stronger immune response, but nobody wants to chance a severe COVID-19 illness.
And I don't understand why you do this. lol It's like you have your JRE narrative that you're trying to make happen. Personally, I'm just accepting the data as it comes. It will change, as we get more, and I'm OK with that. But for now, experts say "vaccine immunity is better", so that's what I'm happy with.
That's literally my exact question from the first post. "Hey, I had previously read that natural immunity was better, has something changed?" "I've never heard that, what are your sources?" "Here they are, but they're over four months old." I also adapt what I believe as things change; I just don't unilaterally accept an individual expert, because there's many voices right now.
I also don’t understand why people think it’s a black and white “you survived or not” thing with Covid. I’m almost a year out from getting it, and my hearing is still fucked and I get heart palpitations almost daily. Then of course, the anxiety (sometimes anxiety attacks) this produces is fucking horrible. so yeah, I survived, but am I really “okay”? We’re at the point it should be mandatory vaccines now. Suck it up and get the prick
Canada is at +90% fully vaccinated, with a bullet that's going to get us easily at 95-98% depending on the community. Booster clinics are booked up solid as far out as they'll allow appointments to be set, and we're chugging through the backlog of kids over five that need a shot (who represent the bulk of the unvaccinated thus far). The entire country has been under a "mask whenever in public" for almost two years now. What would you do to enforce the ~3% of people who haven't been vaccinated? Door to door with forced needles? And if we do hit 98%, what's the plan if the rates still get as high as they are now? Are we blaming all of that on the 3-ish percent who haven't gotten the shot? I'm curious how you'd implement what you're saying if they waved a wand and you were in charge.
mandatory proof of vaccination to do anything basically. Until this shit is over, give everyone with a vaccine a QR code for their phone and let them scan it to pump gas, ride the subway or bus, go shopping, everything. You can’t physically force someone without holding them down, but you can make it super fucking inconvenient. also proof of your vaccination rates would be nice, because I’ve heard it being at a lot less. I don’t know where you’re getting this info from
Except Canada is at 76% fully vaccinated.
Beg your pardon; we're at 89.9% with at least one dose. And, like I said, the clinics are backed up until March, so the lag is due to availability. Areas with smaller populations (the east cost) are already at or close to 90%.
Literally every report I've ever read except that one Israeli report, for the entire duration of the pandemic, has agreed that natural immunity is inferior (for a variety of reasons). I mean, when you search for publications, there are dozens that have varying indicators that vaccine recipients are better off than people who had the disease. It's not to say that the Israeli paper has no merit, but if you read the paper itself you'll find that the hospitalizations they measured were 9 out of 32,000 patients, and the total infection rate studied was less than 2%. When an anomalous study appears like this, it's absolutely worth taking into account but is not something you just hold up and say, "hey, this new study says that vaccines are inferior to natural immunity and all other previous studies are irrelevant." And sure, this may end up being the case in the long run. But the "7x" number was based on a total of 8 hospital admissions in breakthrough infections, of which one was a natural immunity. Those are not statistically significant numbers. They are an interesting piece of the puzzle.
Yup. There is no bridging the divide. It's okay if you don't want to get vaccinated. You have that choice. It's not okay to be a walking public health risk. You don't get that choice. So: if you want to participate in society, you get vaccinated. If you don't want to get vaccinated, you don't get to occupy indoor spaces with other people. Guys, be nice to Yankee Candle, they need the holiday revenue.
my 7 year old just asked "is my brother gonna die?" idiots are throwing fucking temper tantrums about wearing a piece of cloth over their face, and this is the kind of emotional scaring their stupid decisions are leaving. Second time my youngest has had it now. And my wife is coming home with some at home tests for the rest of us... I think I might have it, as I've had a sore throat and headache for several days as well. I swear to fucking god, the next person I see in public throwing a fit about wearing a mask is gonna get a fucking ear full from me
If someone had covid apprx a year ago and since then is fully vaxxed and then catches it again, this shit isn't ever gonna go away.
my son is too young for the vaccination. I am 6 months out from being vaccinated as of Xmas eve, so if I’m positive it’s right on that window. I think the hope we have for this going away, is everyone getting vaccinated and it “burning itself out” basically. Or it mutating into something that is no longer dangerous
Isn't there supposed to be some federal initiative for free at home tests? Or has that not been rolled out yet.