Yeah, just a cough, scratchy throat... more annoying than anything right now. I cough a lot in Winter because it's so dry, but the scratchy throat made me decide to do the test.
I went to the doctor last night and tested negative on the rapid test and am still waiting on the pcr. I started feeling bad over the weekend, all nasal congestion, mild headache, slight sore throat. Nothing else, no fever, no loss of taste. I still think it's just a sinus infection (minus green mucus) or just seasonal allergies and a cold brought on from being out in this wild weather swings during weekend hunting. We had four people at work test positive over the weekend, no one I had direct contact with (though since positive test are held top secret not exactly sure who it was and it's a gossip guessing game). My doc is treating it strictly as covid and gave me prednisone. Girl Im dating says she came down with the flu Sunday (body aches, fatigue, and shortness of breath) and is getting tested today or tomorrow. Shes the one Im most worried about, her symptoms line up, she had major heart surgery a year or so ago, and we were in direct contact Friday. My mom just flew back into town from Miami and shes down with something and is getting tested today as well. My supervisor claims she had major migraines over the weekend but felt fine yesterday. She has 4 in her extended family she saw for Christmas who were positive. Everything is a shit show. My friend wants me at a Cotton Bowl party at his place Friday.
Glad to hear it. I have to wait two to three days for the more “official” result from the hospital. Fever kicked in this afternoon, and I felt like hell for a while. I’ve got Motrin in me now so feeling better.
Well, this is terrifying. An old co-worker of mine just called and said he wants to bring his truck in (great....... more work /sarcasm) I ask him the usual details about the accident; is he ok, who was at fault etc. He said it was a solo accident. I figured he might've spun out in the rain or something. Nope. He hadn't been feeling well so he was on his way to get a covid test, before he got there, he started getting an intense pain in the back of his neck, lost consciousness and wrecked his truck though a fence and something about an apartment building. They took him to the ER where he tested positive but the doctors have no idea why he passed out. They think the virus might've blocked oxygen to his brain but not sure. They basically said that covid is causing all kinds of one off ailments that they can't track. This was a few days ago and he's been bedridden since. He just now felt well enough to call me to bring the truck in. Mid 40's, pretty healthy, fully vaxxed.
the guy who does sprinkler work on our ranch showed up about a month ago after me not seeing him for a good 6 months or so (we’d been having issues but figured he was just backed up). Ran out to say hi to him, catch up. Turns out he got Covid, and found out when they found him passed out in the shower. He didn’t know how long he’d been there, but apparently his oxygen levels fell so low he went unconscious. Water still running, it had gotten cold. When I got Covid, I felt well enough to drive myself when I left to get tested — the place was right down the road — but 15 minutes later when I went to drive back it had gotten so bad that in hindsight I really wish I called someone. I always tell people now, if you think you have it and are going to get tested, if feasible, have someone drive you. hope your friend feels better. It truly is some scary shit
Welp, girlfriend is positive. Now Im second guessing both my results because my cousin and his family are coming to stay this weekend. My doctor had said if they were both negative to retest in 72 hours. He was not keen on any test being accurate this early in an infection for someone my age. Now I got to find a place that actually has the at home test in stock. Ill be sad if my cousin has to bail to a hotel I havent seen him in ten years.
Home tests around NoVA are scarce. Anyone had luck ordering them online? Back to masking up in the gym.... We set daily case records...again.
Kubla, I know we're both in the Cincinnati area. I got a rapid test from cvs on Sunday. Had to drive a bit to get to the site, but they had appointments available.
Interested in this as well. We checked a few krogers and a few pharmacies and nothing. Yeah Im just going to contact my doctors office and get retested. Apparently the new CDC quarantine guidelines were at the behest of the airlines as to not completely shutter that industry right now. This is according to my doctor and apparently Robert Reich's tweet on the subject. Despite my test Im still under the weather and you never know. CDC saying good to go if you are vaxxed, positive, but asymptomatic after 5 days. I got the inverse where I feel like shit but negative test. Im not sure what the hell to do.
Remember that there are other sicknesses you can get that aren’t Covid. And then stay the fuck away from people until you feel better.
Saddest thing I’ve seen lately is a “goodbye” message on a local girl’s Facebook page before they put her on a vent. She was in the hospital for Covid and died two days later. She was 26.
My wife works in the ER and she's seeing a ton of non-covid cold/flu people coming in. It's not making things any easier on top of the idiots that come in for STD checks and other minor bullshit. It's going to be a rough winter.
Did you make an appointment online first? All cvs and walgreens are booked out for both test until at least Monday. Calling directs you to online. My guess is the store will all be out of the home test. Even though my doc had said he'd get me an antibiotic script if green mucus showed up (still congestion mucus build ups, not green though) he's now demanding another round of covid test before writing it. His office is booked up for appointments. Disappointed as he used to throw the kitchen sink at stuff so you didnt have to have multiple appointments or see specialist if it wasnt really needed. Ever since the Obamacares electronic records requirements kicked in he's glued to the computer 90% of the appointment logging my answers and course of action for the insurance companies, minute or two of actual health dispensing knowledge and he bounces. He is much much more by the book in and has used his professional discretion less and less. Frustrating.
I heard on the radio this morning that the at-home test kits the government is buying millions of do not detect the Omicron variant. This should turn out well.
FEMA is supposed to issue guidance on the updated CDC guidelines tomorrow. I have a suspicion that with the shortage of testing, and the somewhat quiet shift from "all testing is free" to "paid kits, get the vaccine", we might not be in a hurry to adopt a shorter quarantine period. Unofficially, I'm reading about higher prevalence of false negatives. So, tests are hard to get, new variants are setting daily records, and the tests we have aren't as accurate. Oh, and pediatric units are filling up.