I'm officially off work until the 10th now. Question: Anyone else who's has this notice a complete lack of appetite? I love to eat, too much, but right now I don't feel like it. Normally I could be sick and still have an appetite but right now eating is just something I do because I know I have to. Weird.
yes, it would come and go in waves. Until I got put on steroids lol But there were periods, 12-18 hours at a time the first few days, when I just did not feel like eating. I'd usually force myself to eat some ramen or a sandwich or something, but I didn't get those typical hunger pains and signals that it was time to eat. Lack of smell and taste probably contributed to it, but I certainly wouldn't say it was the entire reason
We are still locked down pretty much. I'm worried hubs is going to catch it at work. People are acting like it's totally over in terms of masking and congregation. His new manager was out sick last week and is insisting on an in person face to face one on one next week, and with all the toxic politics he isn't sure he can buck that. If we can find some n95s maybe he can just upgrade his mask.
This was a major symptom when my mother, my cousin and friends of mine got it. Their appetite was nonexistent and they lost a bunch of weight. In my mother’s case it contributed to her death even though they eventually put her on an IV. But she was an 81 year old who stopped eating all together.
Wider and I got our boosters yesterday. I booked my folks for their booster for three weeks from now. I’m almost certain kids will be staying home for an extended period as well. Here we go again.
I didn't mean to give the impression that I think the government should have done nothing for the last two years. I think this Ontarian government, and in particular Doug Ford, ran the first six months of this thing better than any other government. Ford was in charge, humble, called audibles and made apologies as he figured this shit out. Bravo to him, especially considering he had a much larger population to manage than virtually all the other premiers. My argument is that now, in 2022, after two years of doing the same thing and seeing the light towards 90% vaccinations, we are in the same place. The infection rates are equally as high as they ever were, DESPITE mass vaccinations, constant masking for this entire time and constant social distancing. If the plan is to continue to react day-to-day, rather than saying, "Hey, it's going to be around for at least many more years, so let's make sure we come up with a solution that is sustainable and people are willing en masse to buy in," then shame on them. Also, when we speak about ERs at capacity, let's remember this: the ICUs were at capacity before this whole thing started. What this pandemic has done is expose the fact than an additional 5-10 ICU patients in any one hospital over a sustained period of time breaks it. That's a problem that we can solve and, frankly, we fucking should have by now. And if you've rolled the dice, skipped the vaccine and wind up there? Here's your hospital bill, asshole. Sign up for a mortgage before you leave. We don't have that issue here. There's 6-10 nutballs who protest at city hall on any given day, and the media loves to run with a story when a big group of them block off access to Ford's street (totally unacceptable, arrest them all IMO), but for the most part everyone masks everywhere. Everyone is assessing themselves and not showing up to work with symptoms. Every single person I know is vaccinated fully. And the whole, "We didn't do enough in the beginning!" is goddamned nonsense. We shut down EVERYTHING. We even shut down the fucking hydrochemical plants. The utilities were put in full-on lockdown, meaning if you were on shift to run the power plant you stayed in the building for that entire month. I don't know what else society could have done, and here we are. Look at Australia...they're positively draconian and their case counts are also skyrocketing. We can't focus on a solution that people won't accept long term. It's like weight loss. Oh, you're 50 lbs overweight? Well, eat 1200 calories a day and lift weights six times per week. Fixed! Technically, this solution works a dream. What it does not do is factor in that flawed human beings with bad habits will not be able to sustain it. Not because they're morally bankrupt retards; but because that's human nature. This thing isn't leaving us, and forcing society to splinter and break isn't a viable or intelligent thing to do. To be hyperbolic for a minute, if you think the health care system would be bad under a Covid collapse, imagine it during a civil war. We aren't there yet, of course, but we aren't on a great path right now. The people I speak to - colleagues, family, friends, etc - are all pretty universal in their opinion of what to do: get vaccinated and get back on with life. There is now a certain amount of risk when operating day-to-day. I think it's inevitable that we'll all be exposed, for those of us who haven't been already. I hope, when it happens, that it's mild but there's no guarantees. Two or four or ten more years of wearing masks, getting injections that don't move the curve and hiding in the basement is not going to be sustainable.
100% agree. The two-day delay, I think, is to give a buffer before they announce that everyone is going home indefinitely.
I’m at a neighbors house for a small party and I feel like I’ve made a huge mistake coming. Found out after we arrived that a few of the neighbors (not at the party but we all run in the same circle) have CoVID. I’m so uncomfortable I can’t enjoy this at all. I think we’re leaving shortly.
Ugh that’s a bummer. If this has taught me anything it’s that people have really different ideas about what “careful” and “safe” and “isolated” mean. People will flippantly say “oh I don’t go anywhere” and expect you to feel comfortable with them without any information beyond that. I don’t begrudge vaxxed and boosted people who have a low risk profile who are living relatively normal lives right now but that’s just not where I’m at.
Again: unvaccinated citizens should be executed. The entire problem with the response stems from a lack of a strong, single party government that’s willing to do what needs to be done to protect the species.
New York is working on it. Since Covid treatments are in short supply, they have prioritized distribution of treatments by race. From the eligibility section: "Have a medical condition or other factors that increase their risk for severe illness. Non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity should be considered a risk factor, as longstanding systemic health and social inequities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19"
Another day, another "medical expert" on Joe Rogan whose field of expertise somehow includes "globalist totalitarian visions".
Las Vegas just set a new record for new cases. It's a Christmas gift that keeps on giving. And just in time for 300,000 people to come into town from all over the world and join the great crowds for NYE. And then carry whatever nasty thing they picked up back home. I'll be surprised if the city isn't back in lockdown by February.
Just scheduled my booster shot for tomorrow evening. Originally received the Pfizer vaccine but getting the Moderna booster. Here's to hoping I don't feel like shit Wednesday.
Official guidance for public health often looks at race or SES if they prove to be a variable. And with covid....