They've led the horse to every source of potable water that could be found. The fucking mare won't drink, so then what? Actual tyranny where draconian measures are enacted to force a vaccine on every citizen? Might as well do the thing you're being accused of, yeah?
The really ironic part is the the right is going through a nazi-era-esque mass psychosis and people like Malone are huge contributors to it. All the lies about the election, pandemic, and vaccines are coming from them.
For my .02, the issue isn't with an individual refusing to get a vaccine, because they've been fed lies. It's the people spreading lies to millions that deserve some unkind attention.
This goes to a deeper question about the rot in the system. Just today a federal judge in Texas enjoined the DoD from enforcing a vaccine mandate on Navy SEALs. Forget the broader population, apparently the government is not even allowed to ensure combat readiness of its armed forces. The court packing that has been going on for more than a decade means the system is filled with judges that will entertain exactly the same politics as those liars in the media and the legislatures.
A thought experiment...if they did this, what would it do to the numbers? ^Numbers for Ontario as of around noon today. It looks like 70% of hospitalizations are from the full or partially vaccinated, and around 58% of the ICU patients are unvaxxed (note: this is assuming that these ICU numbers are ONLY in reference to people who are in intensive care due to Covid. I can't find a reference saying if they're on the ward WITH or FROM, so that's an unknown). The overall ICU numbers reported, though, is only 149 people, out of a province of about 14.9 million people. So if they went door-to-door, hunted down the 12% of people who are unvaccinated, put a gun to their head and forced them to take the shot, would that get us out of this predicament? Would it reduce the numbers by enough to stabilize the healthcare system? Again, it's a thought experiment. Let's imaging the stats of the infected and hospitalizations freeze for the next two weeks while the forced vaccine kicks in, and let's also pretend that you can do this gun-to-the-head thing overnight for everyone. We'd see the Covid ICUs drop by, what, 90%? And presumably the 70% who got infected while vaccinated would remain the same, so around 700 people. It will continue to circulate and mutate, so in this 100% fully-vaccinated population, you'd see a reduction of COVID hospitalizations by 30% and ICU usage by more than half. And you'd also have a gestapo-like police state. Would such a situation be enough that we could live with that level of illness/hospital usage indefinitely? This isn't snark; I'm curious if anyone has run numbers on what the disease looks like once the population is close to 100% vaccinated, given how it appears to mutate and break through the inoculations.
That's why they also are including the lockdown. Vaccination isn't enough. People I know are of the mind set, "it's been long enough, everyone now has at least 2, if not 3, soon to be 4 shots, so life goes on as normal now." No thoughts of social distancing, etc. Multiple friends of my mom had family come in from all over the US and Canada for Xmas, and the vast majority are now testing positive, or have been exposed to people who have, and are self-isolating. Go figure. Here's a thought experiment for you... how is it that people, some of whom can't work an iPhone to check their mail, think that they magically know what is best when it comes to a fucking virus? "Well, it seems to me..." stop right there... what you THINK it should be is of zero concern, so don't base your decisions or arguments on that premise. Just listen to the experts. Period. Let it go. Don't be the typical "if I don't understand it then I can't agree with someone else" moron.
Nothing is more useless than a thought experiment. Actual experiments need controls, testing, review, fucking ethics. Thought experiment is just a way to propose silly shit that doesn't make you sound retarded. The only motherfucker who did thought experiments that mattered was Professor Xavier. Virus don't give a fuck. Why should we?
So if we hit full vaccination levels, and it’s still raging, we continue locking down forever? Or at least three or four more years? From what I’ve seen, at least in Canada, the VAST majority have followed all the instructions. And it’s not curbing the tide. So excuse me if I don’t assume that my elders know better, or that anyone has a clue how to actually get out of this. And the vaccines have done a huge amount to protect people from death, but if you think the major pharmaceutical companies aren’t also up to shenanigans to maximize profit - you know, the people who brought us thalamide and opioids and dozens of other medical errors - then you’re way more naive than I am. I’ll follow the rules to a certain extent to make my life easier to function in society, but blind faith in corporations and politicians is never going to happen. Fuck that.
Theres a lot of assholes out there, and they’ve only become emboldened the past couple years. So there’s days I’d be perfectly okay with that.
It's going wildfyre at my work. We had a luncheon Thursday before Christmas eve. We think 3 ish people got it there. Then about 10 of us went out the bar the following day and like 6 of the 12 that ended up with it (including my girlfriend who I hooked up with that night). There was probably a dozen and a half people out all last week that had it. I dont know what to think about my case. I was feeling shitty last Monday and got tested at my docs, rapid and pcr both negative. Doctor required another test Wednesday if I wanted to get antibiotics to treat it if it was a sinus infection. That came up negative. Antibiotics didnt kick whatever it was out in the normal 2 day fashion and Im still not feeling 100 percent even today. Just got the results back from a 2nd PCR I took Sunday (5-7 days from the start of symptoms per my doctor and the CDC). Came back negative. My symptoms were different then everyone elses that were around me that popped negative. Be a wild coincidence I happened upon another viral infection with soaring omicron and like 6 people I was in close contact with getting covid.
this is how I felt when I tested negative despite being in close contact with those who did test positive, and having very similar symptoms. My wife and two boys all ended up being negative too (my youngest turned out to be a false positive after initially being positive on his PCR). Figure it's semantics at this point -- either way, I was sick as shit, but I'm better now. Booster next monday thank fucking god, and my 7 year old is getting his second round of pfizer on Friday, thankfully had zero issues with the first dose. We're going to get my 4 year old signed up immediately when that age group becomes eligible. At this point I've lost track of how many close friends and relatives have it, or have had it recently. Some of them, the unvaccinated ones, have gotten very bad cases. No one is close to death recently that I'm aware of, but I know a lot of high risk people being very risky. My thinking is that at a certain point, either everyone will have the antibodies from getting this, or they'll be dead.
See it was odd that 3-4 people Ive talked to I was with said they had terrible body aches, can't get out of bed fatigue, and labored breathing. For me it was all nasal congestion, middling headaches, very mild fatigue. Felt every bit lit a sinus infection but didnt have thick mucus or cough. Since I didnt respond to the antibiotics doctor said when I was tested most likely something viral. Not a single positive test for covid. Was negative for the flu last Monday. Ive been reading omicron is presenting more like a sinus infection too. Just be crazy not have gotten it around all the people that did.
I had really bad fatigue, my sp02 was in the lower 90s for a bit, horrible headache, old injuries (like my broken leg) were hurting again, a bit of labored breathing. But again, multiple rapid tests and a PCR were all negative. Regardless, we quarantined as if I was positive -- as if we all were -- for 10 days which sadly meant staying away from others for Xmas. Though with all the outbreaks now that might have been a blessing in disguise.
Daily average for the past week of new cases: 403,695 per CDC numbers. Hospital admissions for it are 12,739 and deaths 1170. That's a 3.2% hospitalization rate, which isn't great, but a far cry from the 13% we saw in some places in 2020. The death rate is 0.3% which is a similar decline from the pre-vax time periods. Total cases are 55,242,068 since March of 2020. So, playing this out, because the proejctions state we're going to see 500k cases a day til about January 18th. That's 6,500,000 cases in the next 13 days. That's 12% of the total cases we've seen in 22 months in 2 weeks. It comes out to 19,500 deaths, assuming death rate remains consistent, and about 208,000 hospitalizations. I hate to tell y'all, but we don't have 200,000 open hospital beds right now. 77% of national ICU capacity is being used right now, and about 75% of regular beds are occupied. The 25% difference in current hospitalizations and projected is literally going to cross the breaking point. These are national figures, and we know it's not evenly spread. But God damn, this is wild.
Got my booster at 6pm last night. Went to bed around 10m, woke up a few times throughout the night feeling a little uncomfortable but that could be due to work stress and going to bed stone sober. Woke up with a pretty sore arm but that's about it. Maybe I'll go with the J&J shot for the next booster so I'll have the trifecta of protection.