I did mine together and while the first round of vaccination did give me some mild flue like symptoms the booster and flu shot combo didn't cause me any discomfort aside from some mild injection site soreness.
Well, I just got the call from kid's school, he was in class with someone that tested positive. He was there two days, Wednesday and Thursday, after getting his first shot on Monday. So, here we go. My wife is going to panic when I tell her in a minute. This is actually the first known, documented exposure for any of us since this started.
Don’t let panic get the best of you. Despite the fear porn and shrieking doomerism it’s not something to let the psychological strain get worse than the probable outcome.
Seriously, don’t die a thousand deaths before you may or may not even get sick. If you’re vaccinated you’re even better off. We are ALL going to get direct exposed contact to this eventually.
Which shots did you get? I got 3 Pfizers, and had no real reactions to any of them, other than feeling a bit tired for the last 2.
All my shots we’re Moderna, and all made me sick. I also got the flu shot, which historically has also made me feel like crap. It just feels like a bad hangover without the fun part preceding it.
Pfizer booster knocked me on my ass. But then again, I took an antibody test about 2 weeks prior showing I still had a high presence of them in my system, so I kinda figured it would. Lasted a bit over 24 hours then I was good as new. And I'll fucking do it again in 6 months if I have to! Fuck covid.
I think I'm scheduled for Pfizer, and the last two were Moderna, although wife says they were all Pfizer. Who the hell knows anymore
I forgot my card and they just gave me a new one with the booster checked off. Said I can just tape them together. I can tell that my armpit is going to swell up again and I am not happy about dealing with that for a week or more. And no amount of “that just means it’s working” makes me any less pissed about it. Of course it’s working. It should work. They’re the experts, so I expect them to make it fucking work. The shot is already in my system, so spare me and let me just fucking complain about the side effects.
I started with a scratchy throat last night and by 5am had a fever of 101 with headache and chills. Test came back negative and NyQuil seems to be controlling it. I spoke to our safety officer and she was kind enough to point out that, since it’s been almost two years of isolation, any random cold or flu will hit hard. So that’s something to look forward to. I just hope it stays out of my chest. It took over six months the last time and I had to go to the US to get proper treatment.
I just woke up from sleeping all day. Felt like absolute trash since this morning then suddenly I was perfectly fine.
Wait, why are you calling me out? Am I supposed to be at the ready on behalf of the US? ('murica) Or, are you telling me to stay out of DCCs chest?