The ones taught by locals Imams that can have them beaten if they fall out of line? I don’t blame them for paying attention.
We do everything possible to keep our smart monkey toddler entertained, engaged and stimulated with Covid. It's tough and exhausting but worth it. I want nothing more than for my kid to play with another child but we are waiting on the vaccine. Cognitively, my kid is super smart. Kiddo understands everything I say, can follow directions, helps me with chores, loves to read books. There is a delay in speech but we are seeing continual progress so aren't really worried. While limited social interactions have surely played a part, I was an extreme late talker as well, so there is probably a genetic component. Kiddo is definitely bashful around new people but warms up pretty fast. Well, except to my brother in law this passed summer. Poor guy, he's the baby whisperer and my baby kept distance and an eye on him the entire visit. Honestly, the winter weather is making it harder right now.
Well, it happened to us now. My kid (6 y/o) got the rona. I think I'm safe since I've been mostly separate from the family for the last couple of days with work and the move, but it suck to see him just sleeping all of the time. He's attached to his mom right now. Hoping it doesn't break through the vaccination!
The same thing with my godson. Very delayed speech at 22 months, barely even says mamma. The doctors said the pandemic hasn’t helped, but also a buildup of fluid in his ears has been blocking his hearing so he got surgery to correct that. I pray it helps. My nephew stopped talking at 2 and my sister listened to her moron friend who works in occupational speech counselling, ( no experience with autistic children) who said ”oh he’ll grow out of it.” So my sister didn’t do any early intervention. Now he is a teenager and talks to only 3 people.
The surgery should definitely help. Hearing and mimicking is a huge component of early language development. That was one of the first things our ped quizzed us on when he noticed our developmental questionnaire answers. From what I've read from parents with kids with hearing related impairments, the speech amped up a lot immediately after the hearing was addressed. My kid did a little mama at first and would touch my face while I talked but never moved on to the B sound or parroting anything, not a ton of early babbling. The pediatrician was on top of it from the start and doesn't see any evidence of autism or hearing impairment (nor do we). I think acid reflux pain + social limitations + genetic components are at play. Regression on speech plus other social cues can be autism clues but we don't see that with lil spunky.
Yeah, It was my godson's regression that got everyone worried, but it started around the time he first got his first ear infection. Now the problem is his parents are pretty sure he is ignoring them on purpose.
Update #3 on my son: We went back to the pediatrician's office yesterday. Doc noted his glands were swollen and his throat was looking red. Did a 3rd COVID test as well as flu and strep test...negative on all 3, but said there is a viral throat infection going around and that's most likely what my son has. To have 3 false negative COVID tests is unlikely so I'm confident he avoided COVID from the daycare exposure, but I have a feeling he caught the viral throat infection this past Tuesday when we went to the pediatrician's office for the initial COVID test. It's the only time any of us have been anywhere or around anyone since the 12th when we started quarantine.
Well, fuck me sideways. I'm 99.999% sure I'm a breakthrough case now. I've got basically a total recall of what happened when I got the 2nd Moderna shot. My joints are either aching or on fire, and I'm lurching from freezing to boiling hot. The kid is recovering really well thankfully, but despite being mostly isolated, I got it. I hope I don't have lasting cognitive issues, I might have to stop drinking to mitigate the damage. I hope your kid pulls out of what's got him. Throat things, especially ones that make that barking cough, really fuck with you mentally.
That’s how mine started as well in terms of symptoms. I would recommend you keep drinking. You’ll need it when you’re stuck in quarantine with your kids for a month. Doctor’s orders.
Not just drinking... but solid day drinking, as you know we can. At least you got it after you moved into your new place... seems like it'll be a bit more comfortable if the family is self-isolating.
Definitely a million times better. I actually have to get back to the old place to finish putting the last things in place, so I'm going to slip out around 2am to avoid any contact. I'll also have a spray bottle of disinfectant to clear off my plague trail. I really need to stretch the legs too. I'd put it off, but when it comes to contracts and stuff, the Japanese are very inflexible.