THANK YOU! Unvaccinated people are criminals. They shouldn’t be murdered. They should be executed. Regardless of the reason they’re not vaccinated. This will greatly improve the planet and species in many ways.
Ridiculous over the top speculation is ridiculous. If she dies you can rub all the self important schadenfreude in my face you'd like. The breakthrough rate of mere infection with omicron makes the whole vaxxed/non vaxxed argument spurious in this case and severe hospitalization or death in her situation Id say is pretty unlikely. The "eerrhmergerd she might not be able to testify at her own trial LULOLOLULZ" is off base as well. Again, trials get continuances all the time for much more banal and superfluous reasons. My DUI trial was continued three times for whatever reasons the prosecution came up with. On their fourth attempt, because the original DA moved districts and the new DA wanted time to prepare, my lawyer objected noting it would put a trial over a year after my arrest the judge agreed and it went forward.
My 90 year old mother just tested positive for Covid-19. She does not feel any different so here is hoping for that. I lost my father at the end of October last year, I really do not want to lose both parents within six months. Be careful out there people.
The doctors I posted two weeks ago did a follow up podcast: Peter Attia, whom I’ve discussed several times here, had his team crunch death rates amongst the young. Really interesting graph:
What do you find interesting? That there are things more dangerous than Covid? We knew that. Now do which one of those is contagious. I’m excited to find out.
Suicide and violence are both contagious. Drug use can be as well. That being said…worrying about Covid in the youth far more than you worry about their suicide or OD rate is misplacing resources. As he says…there’s way bigger problems.
Oh come on. A child can't spread suicide to all his relatives at a family reunion. We're not so worried about the death rate of children from Covid. It's the spread from them to other more susceptible groups. You have been intellectually dishonest throughout this entire discussion.
My cousin, the PhD cancer researcher at Harvard, who lives in Toronto, just had his entire family get it for the last week. The 2 young kids were fine within 24 hours, him and his wife were sicker than dogs for a week, but are coming out of it now. His concerns were not around death of the kids, as that's more and more a statistical rarity, but are instead focused on the long term health implications. Already his one kid, the uber-jock, seems to be having cardio issues well beyond what he should from a 24-hour flu-like thing. He's just really glad that they were able to contain and cope at home without worrying about relying on or stressing the hospital. His final piece of wisdom. "It fucking sucked, dude."
Yes, they’re extremely important problems to tackle. But their solutions aren’t a vaccination, a shot of Buckley’s, and bed rest. Your comparison is bad faith at best.
A videographer/photographer I follow on YouTube lives in Toronto, and just got COVID. He made a little video of it. This is the confirmation hearing for the Surgeon General of Florida. Dude is trying so hard not to admit the effectiveness of vaccines. It's amazing how being anti-vaccine has become political orthodoxy for Republicans in such a short time.
We'll likely cross the million death threshold in March. Also, Omicron should taper off precipitously between now and spring. There's light at the end of the tunnel, for most of us.
Yep. Sure hoping so. Any insight into other parts of the world, let's say, Argentina? I have a trip planned for November that involves a few days in Argentina before doing an Antarctic cruise. I'm banking on shit being somewhat sorted out by then, at least enough that it's safe to travel. Other than cancellation insurance being a nightmare, everything else seems to have adapted to COVID OK... even my traveller's medical insurance through work... amazing coverage, explicitly including COVID issues.
Yeah, but then there will be another one, and another one after that, giving the governments of the world to further intrude on our freedoms.