If anyone was wondering about the 50,000 trucks that are descending upon Ottawa for our freedumbs here is the current view. https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/citeparlementaire-parliamentaryprecinct/camera-eng.html
It is a government webpage that has still images from the webcam that faces the parliament buildings. That big open area has the Centennial Flame and is where protesters gather for their marches and protests. It should be packed full of people based on the claims of the FluTruxKlan people.
no, I mean you actually have that vehicles coming to a place that I believe is still on strict lockdown?
Yeah, like no one but essential workers are in the building, but the business are all open and people can buy stuff and get takeout. We can't do indoor dining until Monday, but if you are vaxxed you can sit on patios (and freeze) and if you wear a mask you can enter stores and stay at hotels.
So that state trooper who went viral a few months ago for quitting and telling Inslee to kiss his ass instead of getting vaccinated? He ded.
Yes! Man, it's too bad they've found better treatments for AIDS these days. You could also post links to HIV+ people that died after having unprotected sex or used shared needles. Because those idiots got what they deserved, amirite?
I mean, if someone said ”fuck you, I’m not using any of your well tested and researched pussy-ass condoms, or pre-exposure prophylactics, emergency HIV post-exposure treatment. HIV is just a cold” and then proceeds have loads of risky sex, and catches HIV, I certainly won’t spare sympathy.
Dude. Remember how I was in Tokyo that one trip? Felt like I was dying, and can only guess if I had it or not. Hope you’re feeling better.
Some strange framing being done around this story. Is it "Neil Young demands that Spotify remove the Joe Rogan podcast or else he's taking his songs off" or is it "Neil Young informs Spotify he'll be taking his songs as long as Rogan is doing his thing"?
The cop who did his “badass sign-off” after being fired for refusing to vaccinate just died of COVID. He told Fox News “He’d get a shot over his dead body”. At least you got that part right, you dead fucking idiot.
He gave the ultimatum, you can have one but not the other, he also ask them remove his stuff, not that he was taking his ball home. Not a stretch to frame it as the former. As much as he is still yammering about sound quality Im sure he has more intentions behind this and it gives him the easy points of "supporting front line workers" and whatever. Apple has already capitalized on it by branding itself as "the home of Neil Young." You know the same Apple that has factories in China with suicide nets and conflict minerals in their phones. Wonder what Ol' Neil thinks about that? I guess if it's a lossless audio format he's cool. It's all tiring virtue signalling to the n'th degree.