I’m surprised he owns the rights to do that. Often the artist doesn’t own the recordings they’re famous for.
I mean, if you wanna go down the conspiracy rabbit hole, it involves Hipgnosis, which was given a lot of money from Blackstone, which was given a lot of money from lizard people.
@Aetius posted that yesterday. And a couple of posters implied he was being a big meanie pants for showing the moron had in effect killed himself.
Not to mention he went on Fox News for a Look At Me session, ignored all the facts, and now his children are fatherless. Was somebody or something else to blame for his death? He says in this interview he “comes from a god-fearing family and do do a lot of other troopers”. That’s a lot of unvaccinated people who mingle constantly with the public, a lot of public employees who are getting it wrong. And he has no argument to counter this. Because he’s dead.
I'm sure they will quietly leave once they are finished dancing. On the tomb of the unknown soldier. https://twitter.com/S_Thornton_332/status/1487518296668721153 Traffic wasn't bad outside of the downtown core. But the truckers spent the night driving around the residential DT areas blaring their air horns. I would be shocked if more then 200 trucks w/o trailers showed up. But a ton of rolling coal enthusiasts showed up with their alt-right uniforms and flags.
The way I look at it, if you're going to make a big fucking spectacle about not being vaccinated and "over my dead body", when it comes that time when it is, in fact, your dead body, we get to mock you for your stupid fucking ideas that got you there. So yeah, fuck that guy.
I feel like it's safe to mock two kinds of people without the vaccine: those who are adamant and vocal about it (dead cop), and celebrities who don't hide it. In that sense, I kind of give Aaron Rodgers a pass, because he didn't want his status to become public knowledge. Is it a ridiculously irresponsible and stupid decision not to get it? Yes. Is it fair to mock everyone who doesn't? Kind of, in a Florida man sort of way. If they keep it to themselves, maybe not. If they have to talk about it every chance they get, then yeah, fuck em. Laugh when the bill comes due. Again, the issue is they don't live in a vaccum where their decision doesn't impact anyone else. The controversy about the dude who was refused a heart transplant because he wasn't vaccinated is a bit much: myocarditis is a thing, it's a fucking heart transplant, and there might be some valid concerns there. But, I have to consider that being an asshole about it to healthcare workers who've had their own lives ruined probably factored into it...and in the "free market"-est healthcare system in the world, why doesn't he mosey on down somewhere to get another transplant? As we approach 2 years, and 1 million dead (officially, one of my analysts says we crossed that back in Nov.), I want accountability for the cock suckers who made this worse. That is still a pipe dream, and it's excruciating to think we went through this, and people profited off of it with no consequences. ONE MILLION CORPSES. This isn't an India, where some of the counter measures simply weren't feasible. We did this to ourselves. We made this choice, and it both baffles and infuriates me.
For me it's much simpler: it's an organ transplant, this guy will spend the rest of his life taking immunosuppressants to deliberately weaken his defenses and prevent rejection. And he thinks it's smart to forego the vax and "hope" he never runs into Covid? And that a perfectly viable organ should be tossed on the roulette wheel of "but will he take every possible measure to protect himself or will he go back to life as usual after the transplant is done?". What is there to debate here?
Valid point. The hyperbole about his stance being a death sentence is also a bit much. I didn't think about the immunosuppressive therapy. I wonder if there are other vaccines or preventative measures that are conditions for a transplant. I don't think there are easy answers for any of it. I can certainly get behind the idea of "if you won't follow medical advice on the vaccine, what other advice will you ignore and why would we do this, since if you don't listen it's actually far riskier to your life". The real villains here are the folks spreading lies, doubt and making this seem like a rebellious act.
Joe Rogan just released a video about the Neil Young thing, and a general commentary on his show: https://www.instagram.com/joerogan/?hl=en TL;DR...This podcast grew in ways he could never have imagined. He does all the booking himself, and could do much better on scheduling guests so that he has a balance of opinions. His problem with the moniker that he's spreading "misinformation" is that what is considered mainstream accepted knowledge has shifted continuously, and what would have got you banned six months ago is taken as verified fact now. Also that he loves Neil Young, holds no ill will and wishes him the best. He agrees with Spotify that they'll run a disclaimer before certain episodes from now on. Multiple conflicting things can all be true. This disease is particularly dangerous and deadly to those over a certain age, those with certain comorbidities/ill health and occasionally in a stochastic manner for those with no pre-existing conditions. The media has shifted the narrative so much that most people don't have faith in it, and have rather picked an ideological side that they hold to regardless of what the current scientific consensus is. I won't mention in any detail that most major networks AND the FDA draw a significant percentage of their revenue from Big Pharma. The vaccines have done an excellent job keeping those people who are particularly susceptible out of the ICU and the coffin, however, they weren't what was initially sold to the public and have not done nearly as well at stopping infection or spread. Certainly, when they were initially released over a year ago there was no discussion from experts that you would still catch, suffer from and transmit the disease while being fully vaxxed. The sensible thing is for everyone over the age of, say, 40 to get vaccinated and to do everything possible to isolate those who are sick and elderly from catching this thing. There's evidence that certain vaccines cause damage to young people - particularly boys - and indeed some countries have banned the vaccine in specific age groups. Common sense measures are needed, but stripping away all individual freedom and giving the government authority to run this thing like it's a George Orwell scene is not. The truck drivers have a legitimate bitch about the mandates, and the ones who parked on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier should be jailed, fined and banned. We won't know the true death count for years - if ever - because I'm sorry but an 80 year old with cancer, heart disease and diabetes was likely going to die of whatever minor thing happened that year anyway, but the guy who killed himself because he went bankrupt is a victim of this thing, too. I do find it interesting that the subset of people who insist on following whatever the government says are the same group that rejoices when an unvaccinated person dies. The irony of being vocally for vaccinations, masking and social distancing all in the name of protecting your fellow man, then laughing and thinking it appropriate when one of them dies as a result, to me, illustrates the tone deaf introspection that's been exposed with this whole debacle. Others have pointed out...you would consider it extremely bad taste to say to the family of a man who's just died of AIDS, "Well, that stupid fag got what he deserved." This is no different. If you feel that people deserve their death because they rejected a vaccine, then you must feel the same about when they die of obesity, or smoking, or riding a motorcycle. If the only people you have sympathy for in their deaths are the twelve year old virgins who were struck by lightening, well, then I do think you're the asshole in this conversation. People are doing the best they can. Live and let live, and if you are nervous about catching this then the onus is on you to protect yourself, not demand that all of society change. And if the argument is that this is to keep our healthcare system on the rails, then my push back is that this is decades of mismanagement come home to roost and the whole system needs to be rebuilt. We put a man on the moon in under a decade; we can double the capacity of our ERs and give these nurses a break without shutting down all of society and killing the economy. Anywho, check out the Rogan clip. Or don't. It's a free country. Sort of.
I don’t listen to Rogan like I used to because his guests are more annoying than anything, but I don’t see what the big deal is. People can just choose to not listen if they have a problem with it.
[citation needed] I found one, non-peer reviewed, pre-print analysis, that's already under criticism because it uses data mining from VAERS, which is not an authoritative data source since it takes arbitrary reports from all vaccine recipients with no verification, and the analysis itself contained no follow-up. Do you have something more meaningful? There is speculation that incidences of myocarditis are higher in some narrow age ranges of males, but a number of experts are acknowledging that myocarditis is common enough that it's difficult to link a causal relationship. But it's probably not surprising at this point, since repeatedly throughout this thread you've slipped claims into your posts that were linked to anomalous, unsubstantial, or otherwise non-authoritative sources - or you've flat-out misread the findings of the studies.
If we want this to end, unvaccinated people must cease to exist. Execute them. Execute them all. Every single one.
Sad to me the whole conversation about health, obesity rates, etc got swept aside and it all came down to a single miracle vaccine. I heard constantly "well you can't expect people to lose a significant amount of weight in the time frame to make a difference during a pandemic." TWO YEARS IN, still bickering about vaccines no new health initiatives that could have started to pay off by now. Printed trillions of dollars, couldnt rearrange the government's guidelines and have a national campaign about it going forward? Not like there arent crippling physical and economic issues that could be curbed outside of the pandemic. Nope, eat horse paste or get the shot unless you hate granBABY COFFINS REEEEEEE. We fucking blew it.
Of everything I just posted, you honed in on one specific sentence and chose to nitpick it and demand a reference. I doubt very much you've asked in the interest of healthy discussion...but I'll play along. My initial quote: There's evidence that certain vaccines cause damage to young people - particularly boys - and indeed some countries have banned the vaccine in specific age groups. What I was referring to: Here's an article outlining that Nordic countries are limiting the use of Moderna in people under the age of 30: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/08/nor...icting-the-use-of-modernas-covid-vaccine.html Here's an article that details stats showing the risk of myocarditis is heightened with the MRNA vaccines in youth: https://www.tctmd.com/news/new-insights-myocarditis-and-mrna-covid-19-vaccines It appears that the risk of myocarditis from COVID is much greater than that of myocarditis from the vaccine, however, the young people who seem to be at risk from damage to Covid in their youth already have more than one comorbidity (Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-care/underlyingconditions.html). It looks like childhood cancers, sickle cell disease, Down Syndrome and obesity are some of the largest factors that lead to kids who have complications with Covid. So it's very tough to tell what is going on. My suspicion, which is completely unscientific, is that youth with comorbidities benefit from the vaccine (as do all age groups), but that if you are a healthy young kid or teenager with an appropriate BMI and zero other health concerns, the risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis should be considered in your decision to vaccinate. Certainly, the overwhelming amount of people who are sick or dead from Covid is outside of this age bracket, and resources would be better spent getting the over-50 vaccine hesitant to get a shot than they are inoculating 14-year olds. Will it help if I link a reference to every single other point I make? Have you read or heard anything throughout this pandemic that's changed your opinion on something? The theme that we should trust the science, and that the whole point of science is to question, but also that everyone who isn't a scientist should STFU and do what they're told, and that the scientists who disagree with the narrative are idiot charlatans...well, that speaks of ideology, not science.
Your track record here shows that you have no credibility. You should start adding links to support every single comment you make. I'm sure that all of the people here have made comments that turned out to be untrue, or comments that were easily disprovable. But I have also seen many of the people here own up to it when called out. Except you, you just double down as if extra layers of shit will make your nonsense correct.