Americans are using "lockdown" to mean "asked to wear a mask at Chipotle", and I've seen this study spammed all over as proof that any effort taken by jurisdictions like New York and California were job-destroying commie nonsense with no benefit, so I feel the question of definitions was relevant.
That, and forcing the schools and borders to close. It seems like stopping the social consumption of alcohol is being pointed to as the culprit for reducing the numbers, however, given the limits they placed on their analysis I'm not sure that this study can tease out that sort of specificity.
It was different here. All provinces implemented a complete shutdown of certain industries and mandated that anyone who could work from home was required to work from home. No leaving the house except for essential business (groceries, doctors, etc) and for awhile you could be outside but within a certain radius of your house, accompanied only by other members of your household. No gatherings in home, etc.
Around here, with most people staying home, restaurants closed, and schools closed from like March 2020 to September 2020, the traffic driving near and in Atlanta was the most gloriously easy it has been since the 1996 Olympics. I had my essential worker permission card, but nobody ever asked to see it. Now that traffic is back to sucking balls.
Remember when everyone was scared but also slightly excited to sit at home in their jammies and watch Tiger King?
To be honest, I’ve been free of outward pandemic concerns for about a year now. Aside from having to wear a mask at work (which has now been reduced only to and from the break room), COVID and I have agreed to a conscientious uncoupling.
The lack of traffic in the days following the shut downs here was pretty eerie. Now I look back at it and, having to be around people again, kinda miss it. Tiger King must have had subliminal messaging that turned people into gigantic assholes.
"Cities aren't loud, cars are loud. Cities aren't dirty, cars are dirty. You don't hate cities, you hate cars." Early COVID proved that in spades.
I want there to be movies/shows about the Cannonball Run records set during lockdown so Goddamned bad... Also, fuck y'all DMV traffic is a law of nature. I drove from MD to VA at 3 a.m. and still had 10 minutes tacked onto that trip because of traffic in DC. I remain convinced there is a contingent of drivers whose sole purpose is just to obstruct traffic in DC.
My new favorite irony is that the truck convoy is whining that their new fundraising site has been overwhelmed by a DDOS attack. You mean a coordinated excess of outside traffic is blocking the normal functioning of the (digital) transport network? Nooo....
Have you heard about how GoFundMe reallocated money that was supposed to go the trucker convoy to "qualifying charities"? Whether you support the convoy or not, how is that NOT fraud?
Depends on the terms and conditions that were agreed to. You sign up to use their site to collect funds and when you make a payment. Just like kickstarter... you give money, but there's no guarantee you're going to get out of it what you were expecting.
2 thoughts: 1. There's very little oversight into funding "causes", and the outrage donations usually go straight into some asshole's pocket. No one reads the fine print. There was a TON of this fuckery with political campaigns, and the only reason we know about it is because of some of the transparency laws around political contributions. 2. Welcome to the subjective whims of a platform being it's own regulator. Just how Paypal can refuse to process some transactions because "fuck 'em"...I'm curious if their user agreement includes stipulations on refunding money if they don't pass it along to the fundee, or if they just keep it because "fuck em". I'd wager they could skim a few transactions off of every campaign that got a certain volume of donations without getting caught, because "fuck 'em" is somewow a mission statement.
Before everyone gets too outraged GoFundMe decided to just auto refund all donations. No application for refund required nor will it be diverted to another cause.
On the Joe Rogan front, he's on his heels and apologizing for using the N-word years ago. Amazing how that happens in the midst of this anti-vax controversy.... Apparently, musicians are NOW angry about the $100m he got from Spotify while they get .000001 cents per stream. Cue some faux humility and a "hiatus" on the podcast in 3, 2, 1....
Since GoFundMe is refunding it, I guess it doesn't matter now. But on the link to the site I posted earlier, it says right on the front page something like "we're trying to raise X amount. Anything we raise beyond that will go to other organizations."