Our office is in DC, and we have folks piling in from 5 states (DC, MD, VA, WV and PA). The new requirement is once per pay period, or 2 days per 2 weeks. Fuck, I had staff fly from BOSTON, to park their ass in the office for two days. The contact tracing is an absolute nightmare. In part because we had a ton of folks shift around over the last two years. Some folks live wherever, but rent a basement or a room for whenever they need to be in DC. I have folks like that in 5 or 6 other states: FL, KY, MA, NY and NC that I know of. It's unnecessary, and people have been vocal about returning to work for no good reason.
This is helpful to know. Yeah, seems like you're pulling in potential infections from all over the place. I was trying to guage how safe it might actually be around here. We would be a lot more stable compared to your situation. I just signed the tot up for a play "class" via the community center for this upcoming month, to get some social interaction and exposure to a class setting. Also to potentially meet other parents with a kid of a similar age. Your post was making me nervous but we have different factors in play.
Fairfax county has 212 cases, and a 7 day rolling average of 111 new cases. For a population of 1.15 million, that's not bad. I think Youngkin played some very insightful ball in campaining on CRT and masks in schools, betting that by the time he entered office, COVID would be down to negligible rates for most of the state, and that no one would blame him for a spike in unvaccinated counties. This asshole on the other hand.....https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article259157278.html I am seriously frustrated by the lack of consequences for people like this. FFS
Ontario is dropping the mask mandate on the Spring Equinox. No masks for restaurants, stores and schools after the 21st.
Checking off a box is a complex thing for any of his daughters. They’re more prone to fun activities like trying up count the amount of jellybeans in a jar.
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/freedom-convoy-truckers-dc-traffic-b2030770.html DC traffic is essentially a law of physics. These fucktards couldn't bother DC folks who actually live there by blockading streets if they fucking tried, not to mention the police in DC learned a great deal from the various riots, protests and disturbances over the past few years. This is funny.
I always, always, take 301 through Annapolis and cross the Bay Bridge, I call it the bridge of death, to avoid DC when I'm going north. Unless I have to be in DC, I ain't going to DC because of traffic. Normal everyday traffic.
Looks like China is spiking with Omicron pretty severely. I guess Omicron is just now making it's way there? I thought it was everywhere already but I haven't kept up with global COVID news very well.
I thought I read that one in 5 was the new subtype variant of Omicron which is more contagious. Here's the article https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cn...-covid-outbreak-explainer-intl-hnk/index.html Although with how contagious it is it will probably take over as the dominant type before too long.
My father-in-law just tested positive. He's the one my partner has been so worried about; he has a congenital heart defect, and high blood pressure. He's a pretty healthy guy but those are two bad comorbidities. Fortunately, at least, he's vaxxed + boosted. Almost certainly caught it from a contractor that he let in his house, and despite everyone around him saying, "make the contractor wear a mask," he just can't get past his ingrained need to look like a "man," and like nothing is a big deal. So now instead of seeing his new granddaughter, he gets to sit at home isolating and hoping that he's not one of the unlucky ones who gets breakthrough long COVID or anything. Very likely that his wife gets it, too, of course, and she was one of the ones telling him to make the contractor wear a mask, so she's going to be pissed. The man wanted nothing more in life than to be a grandpa, and he finally has a little granddaughter and a grandson on the way, and he's decided to risk his health because he just couldn't tell a fucking contractor: I'm paying you, and these are the conditions under which you can have the job.
The idea was that it would stop or greatly reduce transmission through herd immunity. If everyone or most everyone is vaccinated the virus has a much shorter life cycle ( probably not the correct term but you get the idea) and eventually fades into the background like chicken pox or the measles. Of course if many people decide against vaccinations this goes out the window. I don’t think I’ve seen anything indicating it would prevent infection- that’s not how vaccines work. Unless you go back to the transmission argument- reducing transmission of course reduces infection rates. Oh look, high gas prices also. This meme is dumb
I watched my mum dying by inches over a Skype link, listening to the nurse holding the iPad cry quietly, and then louder when she told us she had to take the iPad to another patient so a different family could watch their loved one on a ventilator. The outbreak at her aged care residence was from someone in catering who didn’t want to take a sick day. she survived COVID. With brain damage from the hypoxia in ICU. She refused food and starved herself to death afterwards - it took way longer than bear grills says for hunger and thirst to kill someone. The most depressing, dragging, miserable weeks of my life spent watching her slip by fractions, knowing I could order her force fed, and knowing she didn’t want that. Knowing I could grab the morphine from the nursing station and jack it into her main line and give her immediate peace, but too much of a coward to actually do that and live with everything that went with it. After that? Listening to people talk about conspiracy theories and stupidity about vaccines or public health policies gives me the kind of soul deep weariness I don’t have words for. I just want them to shut the fuck up forever. I try and have dignified and sensible conversations about it. I try to share useful information and help people who are misinformed or anxious or whatever understand better. But I’m so badly out of fucks for being patient with people who are wilful assholes who either refuse to acknowledge facts, or who know they’re wrong and just enjoy saying stupid shit to get a reaction. So sure, let’s talk about Ukraine, or fuel prices or something. Maybe that will be less fucking aggravating. I mean I doubt it, but it’s worth a shot.
https://news.google.com/articles/CA...wjtSUCjC30XQwzqe5AQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en Second booster authorized. Yay? Ugh....
I'm pretty much "whatever" on more shots if they're needed, but I'm waiting for a new variant to tell me the need is there.