Trump is now saying that the Coronavirus is a Democratic hoax. All y'all are fucked.
Did you say FEMA leadership? Official shit from your US gubmint: Internal DHS email lists this as the best source for facts: The DHS message advocates following the CDC for travel guidance (Level 3 Avoid Nonessential Travel, for example). My end of the agency isn't doing anything beyond preparedness measures, and a possible National Response Coordination Center activation, which at this point is still water cooler gossip. If this happens, it's rumored to be due to a combination of a few events, not just Coronavirus. Other cool shit, courtesy of Johns Hopkins: Non-official shit from an Idiot: The biggest thing I believe FEMA will do is to support the locals in quarantine/containment readiness, make sure the CDC has what they need and prepare any emergency resources that might be needed (say if quarantine fails and they need to shut down an airport, or convert a facility to a quarantine, the manpower necessary to do that). From what I have heard, there is not a shortage of resources/manpower that would imply FEMA needs to get directly involved. Right now, the local health authorities and CDC aren't running short of anything other than information and time. I've been telling my friends/family to just follow CDC directions, not panic, and if you're sick stay home. Right now, there's a bigger issue with the flu/strep throat going through my offices than any threat Corona virus poses. If I was a betting man, I'd say California/Washington can contain an outbreak caused by presumably Asian travelers. When you start getting into places like Texas and Florida with multiple vectors (someone flies from China to Mexico and crosses the border in a car), or when the virus vectors are not anticipated (Did y'all know there was an International Airport in Alabama?) the ability to recognize the virus, test, confirm cases, and quarantine in the tiny window allowable gets less likely. However, at this point the containment and information we have is pretty fucking impressive, especially considering it originated in China. Can we start a pool on the place where the first major (I'm saying 20+ cases, adjusted for population) outbreak is somewhere that Trump won in 2016, since it's a Democratic hoax?
To be fair, this is just a bullshit clickbait headline from a bullshit media source. It's pretty clear he was talking about the fact that they're not prepared to handle the outbreak being the hoax, not the virus itself being a hoax. Now, I'm not a Trump supporter. I think he's tantrum throwing bully who's clearly way too dumb for the position he holds. But at this I don't know who lies more, Trump, or the media claiming bs that Trump said.
they are not prepared to handle an outbreak. The person in charge of the response once tried to literally pray away AIDS.
I don't know for sure, but I would imagine the standard procedure when words like pandemic and outbreak are being used is "Hey, run that past us before speaking to the press". It typically is the case for disaster briefings, anyway. So "Trump silences experts" is kind of questionable.
We still have a glut of MREs on top of a decent supply of dried beans, frozen items, misc canned vegetables. I'll probably buy some more things to put in the freezer and pantry but most of my purchases will be OTC meds and cleaning supplies that were probably made in China and may be more difficult to get soon. My niece was in a study abroad program in Italy and is being sent home now. I guess the CDC just upgraded the threat level to 3 which means to avoid all nonessential travel. There is no talk of a formal quarantine or anything after the students get home. I think they are being sent literally HOME instead of campus and will be doing skype classes for the rest of the semester. She is devastated but I am just glad she will be home safe. There's no telling how bad travel will get once the virus is widespread in Italy and Europe at large. There have already been a few cases and given the undetectable and long incubation period, it will be spreading. I wouldn't want to be trapped on a plane with recirculated air in those circumstances.
Go watch the video I posted. The expert spoke immediately after Trump, at the same lectern, and contradicted Trump on timelines for a cure that Trump was just stating as "fact". It's not questionable at all, he put a muzzle on probably the best subject matter expert because he made him look bad in public.
We have a confirmed case here in Sacramento. Went to the store last night to get wine and it looked like your standard Friday evening grocery store. No long lines, no hoarding, plenty of food, water, Lysol etc
This sounds a lot like my boss and I talking to customers; he tries to sell them on some service or part they don't need or won't help, then I come in with "What I really think needs to be done is ______." Luckily, my boss (usually) listens to me, whereas Trump only listens to the voices in his head. Anyway, the store shelves around here look completely normal; Jungle Julia and I have stocked up on 40 pounds of dried beans and rice (we're going to end up eating it anyway; we ALWAYS have beans in a big pot in the refrigerator.), some canned meats, and soup. Nobody is talking about it down here; but then again, people in the Valley aren't always the most informed bunch. I've got a question:
HA! I edited my post and accidentally deleted the question. Here it is: Has anyone heard any advice about treatment of the Corona Virus IN THE HOUSE? Jungle Julia has brought up some videos of people in China going to the hospital, and they get discouraged by the overwhelming number of people in there. Can this be treated in the home? What is the hospital actually doing for people?