There was a whole bunch of posts around that stuff where @bewildered and @Revengeofthenerds talked Ducks and Chickens... I can't find it right now but maybe they can point it out.
yeah my best advice for anyone considering chickens is to eat the chickens you bought and get ducks instead. Ducks are awesome, their eggs taste better and are better for you, their poop fertilizes the grass and garden instead of actively kills it (chicken poop acidity is too high) and they enjoy eating the bugs that enjoy eating your plants.
All non-essential businesses are shit down starting tomorrow at midnight here. Economies are going into a launchpad-style “HOLD” for the next three and a half weeks.
Same. Our governor gave the order an hour ago. I was at the store buying lunch meat and some chips while it was occurring. It was empty when I got there and packed by the time I checked out.
Not sure about your states, but CA has been "essential businesses open" for about a week but the list is so long that I have very few friends who don't qualify as "essential" in one way, shape or form. I'm worried about if (when?) this explodes that they really cut back on what is "essential". We fix cars so we're essential but are we really? If no one is going to work, why do they need their car? If CA continues on the highway direction it's headed, I could see them cutting it back to grocery stores, banks, medical related and post office.
Is there an official list of what is and/or is not essential? It may be here somewhere but...41 pages worth.
Depends on the state. Here is CA's
Both me and the wife work at "essential businesses" i work at a container port, my wife works at a grain elevator. She is a shift worker, i am lucky in the i am one of 6 guys out of 600 that only work days. But day care is closed, so my mom is looking after the kids. And some people are giving my wife shit about not keeping the kids home.
Preschools are considered essential business in Texas, and rightfully so. A lot of our parents are first responders, hospital workers, pharmacists, grocery store workers etc. who are either single parents or logistically can't work from home. We've had a lot of hospitals calling us asking about availability for their doctors' kiddos. Yesterday our State Governor held a press conference, announced further limitations staying at home and what is considered essential business, and in doing so thanked the "everyday heroes" including healthcare workers, grocers, pharmacists, police officers and firefighters, public transit workers, and childcare workers. Also announced a special task force to keep preschools stocked with essentials such as healthy food, sanitizer, soap, etc. Not so much a problem for us, as we have an in-house distribution company, but I can easily see how the lack of supply could cripple some places and the communities they serve.
I am thankful both myself and the SO are still able to work given our states regulations. Not that I'd mind some time off but that is not the way I'd want it. I'm just lucky I have the choice. I feel for the people out there don't, most of all servers. Sure they can claim unemployment which helps but the lost tips are not recoverable. That is huge and terrible.
We just got shelter in place orders, exception being essential business. Mayor expected to tighten scope of what "essential business" means. Sadly this is gonna get worse before it gets better. Feels like I'm living in a twilight zone.
Italy is done fucking around "Vincenzo De Luca, governor of the southern Campania region around Naples, raged on Facebook. “We’ll send in the carabinieri (paramilitary police), we’ll send them in with a flamethrower!”
I don't mean to blur the lines between the health-related and political, but this is going to have a significant impact on every American regardless of your affiliation so I figure these facts belong in this thread.: Trump is considering easing the recommendations regarding social/physical distancing in order to get the economy going again I didn't mean to post this in the wrong thread, hopefully I didn't. I have a lot of family members and friends in not great health and the above actions, if taken, would put them in severe jeopardy of dying.