I carry one in my pocket and if there's a sign on the door saying it's required, I wear it, if not, I don't.
I see people at the grocery store every now and then that might be wearing one. Like one or two people in the trip. And, I know someone who is immunocompromised, and she wears one every time she is out. And, all the hospitals here still require they be worn.
I work in a medical clinic and we require masks. I have an unvaccinated baby and there’s lots of covid around here lately, so I still mask in public and limit my exposure. I’m also over 8 months out from my booster so I feel like I’m probably not the most well protected at this point. I’m just impatiently awaiting the babyvax because then I feel like we will have done everything we can to keep him safe. Overkill? Maybe. But also it’s really easy to put a mask on.
A buddy of mine that's been careful and wearing a mask because his 4yr old son is too young for the vaccine, recently tested positive and you guessed it, so did his 4yr old. He said it never felt worse than allergies, however his son had a fever of 103° and complained it hurt to breath. My son is not quite 3 so I still wear a mask when I go into stores and we rarely go out. I just returned from a work trip to Miami and I was pretty much the only one wearing one down there. As I was typing this a notice came in from my son's daycare that one of the staff tested positive. This is a daycare with newborns to kindergarten aged kids...all still too young for a vaccine, but thanks to our new dipshit governor Younkin they can't require the staff to wear masks. Guess who's kid wears a mask at daycare
I wear a mask in all public places. It's so trivial to wear, doesn't inconvenience me at all, and means I don't have to worry as much about whether the people in my immediate vicinity are mouth breathing anti-vaxxers who are taking their dog's heartworm pills or whatever.
I'm considering dropping indoor shopping for awhile, back to just outdoor play and grocery pickups. Our cases are averaging up ...again. We had an almost negligible case count over the whole county for several sweet months. It's summer anyway, time to be outside.
It’s been over in our area since March, at the latest. I think I have a mask in my glove compartment, but anywhere that requires it, like a doctor’s office, have them at the front desk, so whatever. I’m back to simply hating people around me solely because they exist.
I was sick with a norovirus last week the old fashion way, oral fecal route. No clue how my girlfriend didnt catch it. Everyone in my department had it and spread it to their families. I was down randomly probably three weeks ago for a Saturday with a headache and fatigue. Didnt have the same odd sinus pain I had with Covid but I think it might have been one of these new sub variants. I was down for a week when I had it in December but 3-4 of my coworkers that were out that week with it said they felt like dog shit for a day or two and snapped right out of it.
Every year on the anniversary of my dad passing, my brother and I get together and do a day of remembrance. Except this year since my brother tested positive on Sunday. Oh yeah, my stepson also just popped positive. It's like 2020/2021 all over again.
I mean we've been living wild like COVID just disappeared, no masks and certainly no future lockdowns, getting by on Omicron being less deadly than the previous. I'm waiting for the wave of Long Covid claims, assuming we ever acknowledge it.
A recent paper in Nature suggested you were massively more likely to have a variety of cardiovascular problems after even mild COVID cases, including stroke and heart disease. Even if you had no other risk factors.
I'm wondering what variant they are basing the info off of? I know I've read in multiple places, the omicron variant, besides the spike protein, is wildly different then all the other types. There's also a huge difference just within the different omicron variants. I think Covid has gotten to the Flu portion of the pandemic. Not deadly to the majority of people, some people get sick and have it pretty bad, but it's not the possible death sentence to a chunk of the population like it originally was. It will be interesting to see where the long Covid portion shakes out. I can imagine a lot of things are going to be blamed on Covid in the next 10-15 years.
It was a large meta-analysis so variant was not taken into account. The danger of health problems during acute infection from omicron is definitely lower. On the other hand, the meta-analysis showed that even very mild cases of COVID-19 were correlated with increased cardiovascular risks so I don't have a ton of confidence that these long-term concerns aren't a problem for omicron.
Is this the second time it has affected your household? Is there any others on the board that has never tested positive, besides me? Neither has anyone in my household. Knock on wood. Seems like we're in the minority and a few of you are even dealing with it a second time.
I know of 2 people that have tested positive since this started. Completely anecdotal but it does seem like the hotter the area the less there is.
It was that way for us for a long time, then it took off amongst our family, friends and acquaintances.
The wifey got it back in Jan 2021. We both took tests this morning and were negative. Probably take another test in a few days just in case. Other than being forced to wear a mask and not being able to attend a function because they were forced to close/cancel, I really didn't alter my habits and somehow have dodged the covid bullet.
We were this close to "never-Covid" but just a few weeks ago we all got it, no idea where but I'm blaming the kids and all those classmates they congregate indoors with. The kids barely felt a thing, wife and I got on the antivirals so didn't feel as bad as we might have. Still sucked.
My wife and I have never tested positive. Never showed any symptoms worth testing for, so we’ve never tested. We’ve followed baseline required minimum guidelines wherever we were, but since everything is suggested, that was done with about a year ago. Her parents both got it (separated), so we avoided them for a few weeks each time. My sister and her family back in PA all got it, but it was mild.