The messaging about the covid vaccine has been horrible. Like most people, I had no idea how vaccines worked until this pandemic. Here's what I've learned. Antibodies from either infection or a virus only lasts around 6 months or so. In that time, they will prevent infection during this time period unless the virus mutates to evade said antibodies. After antibodies go down you can get infected again. This happens with all viruses. But, now most people will have long lasting memory t and b cells. When an infection occurs, they spring into action and initiate a number of immune responses including antibody production. This will either stop symptomatic infection or prevent severe symptoms depending on the type of virus you're dealing with. With any kind of mucosal infection like the one we are dealing with, infection happens quickly. You can't prevent symptomatic infection in something that has an incubation period of 1 to 3 days like the Omicron variant that has become the dominant variant. Memory cells can't ramp up quickly enough. Take something like measles and they can prevent you from becoming symptomatic. Because the incubation period averages 11 to 12 days which gives the memory cells enough time to mount an immune response before you become symptomatic. Go to the extreme with something like rabies. The incubation period is typically 2 to 3 months. You can get the rabies vaccine for a short time after you're infected and stop it from killing you because of this long incubation period. There is no such thing as "sterilizing" immunity. it just seems that way due to differences in how viruses infect us. Vaccines are used to prevent severe illness and the current MRNA vaccines we are using do this very well. You are much more likely to have severe effects from infection than from the vaccine. This is true across all age groups. And that includes small children, despite what a number of people are saying.
Yeah, well if they had been forced to get the Dixiebandit vaccine, they would only have mild symptoms and some unexpected side effects, not death.
I don't think it was oversold, they developed a vaccine for one variant and we're now multiple variations down the line. A mire accurate description would be they were aiming at a maneuvering target and still managed to hit it and the five pop up targets after it
It's absolutely an issue, making the covid vaccines seem less effective than vaccines we've had for awhile now. I've listened to Vincent Racaniello rant about how useless widespread testing of non symptomatic people is at this point.
They do waste water testing here to see how much Covid we have going around because testing doesn’t tell us much anymore. I wonder if they could do water testing for other stuff.
So i just had a very surreal, kind of both upsetting and relieving moment today. It’s topical. since I got Covid — OG variant, before I was eligible for a vaccine — I’ve had major shortness of breath issues after any exercise, any time my heart rate spikes I get some heart palpitations and dizziness until I get cooled back down. Anyway, I’m in NC and took the boys on a short hike to a waterfall. Maybe half a mile there and back, and maybe up and down 5 stories of elevation. Decided on the way back up that I was going to a cardiologist as soon as I returned home. It sucked that bad. And as soon as we made it to the parking lot, a probably mid-60’s couple asked us how tough the trek was. My wife, mother, and boys said it was easy. I looked at the wife, who was putting on oxygen nose thing, and said it was a bit tougher for me bc of Covid issues. turns out she got fucked up by delta. She said her doctor told her the vaccination kept her alive and she was grateful for just having to be permanently on oxygen. There’s still a chance I might eventually have to take oxygen or some such treatment during physical exercise. Point is, the vaccines kept us alive. But that lady represents how close I was to having to deal with that shit daily. I cannot possibly understate how horribly and thoroughly Covid fucked up my body, still today. But at least it didn’t kill me, or that lady. Wanna risk that? Then yeah, don’t get the shot for the “Chinese virus”
I firmly believe I got OG Covid in Tokyo at the start. Same deal. Half a flight of stairs would fuck me over to the point I would be so out of breath I’d get an adrenaline hit so hard that I’d almost piss myself due to fight or flight. I’d go to drink a big glass of water and couldn’t hold my breath long enough to finish without the same sort of reaction. That has lasted for a couple of years. I am finally getting to be better, much better. The issues I have now seem to be stemming from the forced sedentary lifestyle the shortness of breath forced. My feet right now are killing me, due to over exertion on my fishing trip. It fucking sucks. But at least it seems to be getting better.
My wife's asthma has been way worse since she has had covid. Every once and a while she would have to use the rescue inhaler but not a full blown asthma attack. The inhaler would go way past the expiry date since she didn't use them that often. Dust and stuff would agitate her breathing and she would have to use it. But since covid there has been a lot more agitations. Well yesterday evening she texted me on the dog walk that she needed her inhaler, 1 minute later she walked in the door with a full blown asthma attack, first time in 16 years i have seen that.
Between my boys and work I’m thankful that I have been forced to not have a sedentary lifestyle, though I do keep everything at a walking pace now. I would 100% be in your spot if not for those two though. Plus, not to make an age joke, but I’m sure that was a factor as well. I was 32 when I got it and in very good physical, specifically aerobic, shape. people really don’t understand how bad this is (and was) unless they went through it
A newly released paper on the increased risks with each SARS-COV-2 reinfection. If replicated this is not good.
Just got a referral to a cardiologist for some heart palpitation issues when I exercise. Walking, I’m fine, but things like climbing stairs, lifting weights, running especially — anything that makes my HR skyrocket — can really jack it up. Hoped these issues which started after Covid would eventually go away, but I do not like the worry in my doctor’s face when he said he thinks they’re unfortunately still some lingering issues from it. this Covid shit sucks y’all
Just like when she met me: first time She’s regretting calling me a little bitch over all this. Turns out, it’s a different beast when you actually get it yourself. And she’s getting the vaccinated version. I had to raw dog it
Literally taking my 3 year old to get his first shot in a couple of hours. Once he gets his second shot, I'll finally feel...normal? I mean, we're all vaccinated and boosted so I won't have nearly the same anxiety about going on vacations and just doing stuff. Feels good man.
Having seen the “vaccinated version” of Covid now in person, it appears much worse than the flu. Still miles better than what I had, but holy fuck is it still rough. My wife is generally a tough cookie and this grounded her
There are multiple "versions" of Covid, meaning each person responds differently given their immune system, blood type, contributing factors, strain of the virus, age, etc. There isn't just one "vaccinated version" and one "pre-vaccine version." I had it after being vaccinated, and it was like a cold or mild flu with some lingering congestion. A good friend of mine who is older than me had it before the vaccine existed, and it barely bothered him. And, I know people who have been laid out and have long-term symptoms like you've mentioned.