That is really retarded, but I'm not sure how much stock to put in articles like this. They are basing this off 'something they heard' from 'someone' and who the fuck knows what was actually said and how much they spun it. I don't put a lot of doubt into Trump's ability to make some really stupid decisions, but a lot of articles like this really don't reek of insider knowledge so much as media narratives. I mean, there is a difference between not wanting to completely destroy the economy and just saying "Fuck it, let the chips all fall where they may".
Trump is speaking right now. He’s downplaying it. He actually said “the cure is worse than the disease.” Oh god. oh god please no one follow that advice. It’s gonna kill people. Fuck fuck fuck
They just switched the feed on the local news shortly after Barr started telling people to stop being assholes and hoarding shit. They have scientists talking about it now? Gonna need someone else to fill me in.
I don't know, I might have missed the part where Trump went all crazy. What they are saying at the moment seems reasonable at least. Seems like self test kits might be coming within a week or so. Edit: FYI - It's live on youtube.
Yeah the part I was referring to specifically was at the beginning. That was a direct quote and I'm absolutely terrified right now. Hopefully self-test kits become a thing. I'd feel absolutely horrible if I got it and didn't know, thinking it was seasonal allergies or something, and gave it to someone who had a much weaker immune system. As it is my wife and I are playing it cautious and using this as an excuse to avoid as many people as possible, which we normally do anyway without an excuse.
Yeah, I think that is a bigger worry for younger people. Sure, it could kill anyone, even in their 20s or 30s and I don't want to catch it, but I work with a lot of people 50 and over and I'm a lot more concerned that I would infect them, who have a 5-10% chance of dying whereas mine is quite a bit lower. As an aside, Trump might be the most repetitive person ever. It's happened like 5 times already I think they must be replaying something only to realize he's answering a completely different question, but just can't stop saying the same thing over and over.
I’m in same boat. There’s no shortage of takeout and delivery work right now, but I’m not sure it’s worth the risk for me. I really need the money, but I’m not sure I could live with myself if I got anyone sick. Hand washing and safe practice are all well and good, but it sure as shit isn’t perfect.
Asked if we're looking at weeks or months, Trump said "I'm not looking at months" in reference to opening up the country for business again. Someone please tell me if this is the wrong thread. Just trying to push out facts with the only opinion of "oh fuckshit that's gonna kill more people!!!"
In most of what he said, it's not entirely clear what his point even is, other than the most vague of assertions. Dude needs a teleprompter for this shit sooooo bad.
And why not? Being comfortably high is a good thing when in extended periods with the people who know how to push your buttons best. I myself am just got back from the native reserve after picking up a couple half ounces and caramels. Supplies y’know, in case we hit some rough patches along the way. I used to want “Blade Rogers” as my porn name. That title is now taken. I don't think you can bank on self-testing kits for Coronavirus being available anytime soon. If anyone is in the state of Florida, you are likely to be at ground zero for the worst of the worst: large elderly population, not a great count of hospital beds per resident, fluctuations caused by travel and a woefully late, inadequate response. We will have 50k cases tomorrow, and likely 100k by Friday. Trump will want to pull the quarantine early (likely 2nd or 3rd week of April), but the individual state governors will decide whether or not to keep it. We are currently on track for 2 million dead by May. I want to be wrong, I want this to be a ridiculously high, outrageously improbably number. But that's not how exponential growth works. Trump's sole concern is the economy, because that is the crux of his re-election. If he is not re-elected, he is likely facing serious jail time and the dismantling of his family's empire. His logic is going to be very simple: "I did what was asked, and people still died, so why would I jeopardize what's important to me?" I think the simple fact is that the economy is heading into a recession and there's no effort the federal government can do to prevent that. The only thing to try and do now is minimize the damage, and the worst part of that is the question: "Whose damage?".
How in the fuck does a world leader say something like that? He is marching people into their graves.