oh it’s definitely a thing. Fortunately my chest X-rays, and later a CT scan as well, was completely clear. My doctor was very aggressive with treatment from a very early stage. Four rounds of steroids in total, not including the steroids I also took for my lungs; for perspective, I only took one round of steroids after my brain tumor. This was in addition to antivirals. At my worst, my blood oxygen levels were at 85%. They’re now consistently at 98-99%.
pulled the trigger on a garmin 955 solar after my apple watch crapped out on me two days in a row with the HR monitor during a run where I was trying to run based upon HR level. Second day with the garmin and I am REALLY fucking impressed. It's geared toward a completely different audience than apple, but if you'd in that demographic... yeah, it's fuckin sweet. The app it pairs with on your phone just gives you a ton of insanely useful data. The watch is a bit bigger than I expected, but it feels significantly lighter than the apple watch. I've worn it to sleep and had zero issues. Even breaks the sleep down into into deep/light/REM/awake. Doing a 30 minute run tomorrow, which is the longest I've attempted post-covid, so I'll get a great look into what's happening "under the hood" so to speak. Best comparison I can make with this thing is it's like hooking up a diagnostics computer to your car when it's throwing codes. I can only imagine how much more useful this thing will be next time I get ill and need to know exactly what's happening and why. Would have been marvelous to wear when I had covid. I could have literally just sent my doctor screen shots of the various readings before the telemed appt and he would have had a lot more clear picture.
Okay, guys, I'm officially "sick." I've got what we USED to call a cold. Sore throat, sneezing, and a nose that WILL. NOT. STOP. RUNNING. I can still smell and taste, so I don't think it's Covid. You want to know what I think is the worst part about the Chinese virus? How paranoid it has made everyone. If you cough or sneeze in public these days, everyone looks at you like you have festering sores on your face.
Well, I used to have a couple of those from work, but they're all gone now; some of y'all may remember a few weeks ago, when I got a runny nose one afternoon. I took one of the tests, which came out negative. But that wasn't good enough for Jungle Julia, who was convinced it had to be a false negative. So I wasted the other one, which was also negative. Remember what I said about this Chinese Virus making people paranoid?
If you happen to have health insurance, you can get tests for free at Walmart pharmacies. Each month. But to me it would depend on your work’s protocols. Everybody at my work is getting sick, and anything remotely similar to covid symptoms - and especially a positive test - gets you five days off and five more days masked. So unless I can’t stand or walk or breathe, I’m not testing.
https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(22)00491-6/fulltext 45% of COVID-19 survivors are still experiencing symptoms >28 days after infection according to a meta-analysis of ~735k people.
Yeah as soon as they stop paying for the required days off most people just took off a day or two, or none, as if it was a normal sick day and would just not get tested. Hourly workers here can’t afford a week off.
I just read The Premonition by Michael Lewis. Interesting look at some of the work that was done on pandemic preparedness prior to COVID, and how the response went wrong once it hit.
The government is giving out free tests again. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/free-covid-tests-at-home-order-online-white-house-winter-surge/
Welp, it's official: Jungle Julia has Covid, and I don't... But, she is convinced I gave it to her. Currently, she just has congestion and a sore throat, and is getting better by the day. I'm back to normal now.
It finally hit our household, too. Kid tested positive a couple hours ago. He had a high fever about 02:00, prompted the COVID and flu test at the urgent care. He doesn't seem to be feeling too horrible now that the fever is controlled.
turns out the last booster -- the bivalent one -- has wiped out my heart palpitations with both caffeine and during/after runs. Prior to that booster, anytime my heart rate would shoot up I would get palpitations, so during a run, where my HR was abnormally high due to said covid issues, I'd be battling palpitations the entire time. And then when I got back I'd still get them while I was cooling off. I'm still drinking decaf 95% of the time, because I don't want to become addicted to caffeine and deal with those withdrawal headaches if I ever have to go off again, but at least now I'm able to have my traditional pre-run black caffeinated coffee without worry. And I've worked up my distance progressively -- 1, 2, and 3 miles -- without issue, getting my HR into the low 190s each time without issue, and experiencing no issues afterward. I don't believe in miracles in the traditional sense, but to get some semblance of my pre-covid life back has been an absolute fucking relief. And an unexpected one at that.
So.... you like to shit yourself when you run? The Wifey's dad caught it a few days ago. Seems to be doing ok so far. Thankfully her Aunt lives two streets from them so her mom went to stay with her. They're supposed to come up for Xmas so this could throw a wrench in everything.
Pre-run shit is mandatory. My body is so accustomed to it that even after taking off for almost 3 years with Covid, as soon as I put on my running shoes, something else gets the runs as well. All it took was one whoopsies with a mid-race surprise poop and my body learned to behave in a hurry. In related news, I just clocked a 6 min/mile pace for my quarter mile end of run sprint today. My lungs are coming back bitches!!
It's official. This thing sucks ass. Wife popped positive as well, but she's not really showing symptoms other than a mild sore throat. I, on the other hand, feel like I've got the worst chest cold I've ever experienced.
at the risk of jinxing myself, I *think* I'm officially recovered from covid. Only took almost 3 fucking years (as of Feb 17). Still don't have much sense of smell, but that's whatever. I can now have my cup of morning caffeinated coffee. Yesterday I did a tempo run, and today I did a HIIT workout, basically TRYING to give myself the heart palpitations which plagued me ever since I got that fucking virus. Brain fog is finally completely gone as of the bivalent booster I got last Nov 1. Fatigue is gone as of that date as well. Fuck however this virus happened. My heart goes out to everyone impacted by it. Fucking sucks.
Pregnancy test is positive. Fml running a “fever” this time, which is weird given that I was never above 100 last time. Now I’m at 100.7