The shitty thing about this virus is it has it just right- it’s not lethal enough to be alarming like Ebola, it is infectious as hell, and it’s incubation period means all these jackasses violating the isolation orders are going to literally kill people. Everyone is still acting like it doesn’t hit young people hard, but it’s no fucking picnic- people are getting hospitalized and dying. I don’t even want to know what percentage of people who get hit are going to permanently lose some lung function.
Even in Italy they are still not getting the message (the kill ratio for infection there is more than 10%). And mayors are getting VERY pissed off. ...the message cannot be more simple. People. Are. Dying.
I have never heard it so quiet outside in my entire life in this city. Normally I hear the zipping of cars in the nearby artery road and families doing whatever.... nothing. Not a goddamn sound except coyotes whining. It’s genuinely spooky. Sigh. Texas. The 5m fatality predictions are also likely relying on second waves of infections, ie we all get back to work and there is another outbreak.
The assholes who won't follow guidelines piss me off to no end. I really hope the government starts taking a heavier hand here. We will be dealng with this for years if no one gets these stupid assclowns in check.
@downndirty is there any data on what the number of people walking around completely asymptomatic is?
Nothing I would consider to be reliable. The unreported cases estimate runs between 7 and 11x confirmed cases. The difficulty is the lag time from exposure to infection and confirmation upon mortality. So if we have 50k confirmed cases, the exposed number is probably 7x-11x that number, and will see the results of that over the next 3 weeks. There are some credible population stats that suggest up to 30% of the US population will be resistant to infection or not exposed in the next month or two. The real noodle boiler is how often that 7x-11x group doubles. Could be as much as every day, or as slow as 3 weeks.
Got it. Its tough to gauge reliability. Ive seen reports that people with O blood type may be naturally resistant to it, but who knows.
Denver is shutting down tonight but all of the surrounding areas are still fumbling the ball. I live in Centennial, just south of Denver, and lots of stores are still open and people are congregating at parks and on bar patios. It’s disturbing. The mayor announced that liquor stores and recreational dispensaries were included and within an hour there were hordes of people panic buying, so he amended it to they must maintain “extreme” distancing to stay open. I chose to start staying home exactly a week ago. I took off a couple of days before my vacation was supposed to start. So I’m getting paid which is great, for now. I’m concerned because my company hasn’t closed yet. I don’t see how on earth it’s an essential business and frankly I’m disgusted with the owners. Using this time to consider making moves.
Ours started last night in Ohio. I’d say it’s a bit of a stretch my company is “essential “ but I ain’t complaining.
Anyone actually read the Emergency Declarations for their city? We got one described as a shelter in place, people are largely following it and there was some fairly clear except businesses. Then I actually read the text of it, and it's as open as a two dollar hooker. I told my wife I think the only things that don't fall within the parameters are strip clubs, arcades and movie theaters. And I'm not so sure about strip clubs.
Interesting, I was under the impression it already was. I spoke to a buddy who owns a small business just outside of Denver on Sunday and he'd already closed his place. His place was just starting to really take off (There's about 800 stores nationwide that carry his wares) and this may very well sink his business. Up here in remote north Idaho everything is as normal as can be. Other then closed dining rooms and the stores being kind of wiped out, it's business as usual.
Some business owners have been responsible and all of the mountains have been shut down so it just depends where he’s at. Gov. Polis is killing me with his inability to just close Colorado down. In other news, I’m starting to realize the husband doesn’t know how to chill, sit and read or anything like that. He’s constantly walking around and asking me what I’m doing. I’ve given him lots of tasks and I think I’m about out. He even built a giant cat stand last week.
Ontario claims another Asshole Champion amidst this pandemic: ...”we KNOW that germs don’t cause disease.” Oh, you know that?
A silver lining to virtually every business being considered essential... We laid off the majority of our field staff this week, so I am personally at a site babysitting it for the one tradesperson who is working. I have the entire building (excepting then terrazzo repair guy) to myself and no ability to work, as I don’t have a laptop. The building that’s totally mine right now? The public library. I’m at work browsing stacks and reading whatever I want. I have had worse jobs.
My guess is there will be a mini baby boom and divorce boom in the coming months. Divorce within the first year or so of retirement is a thing. I think a lot of people need the space a job provides to keep it together with a spouse. My mom always said had my dad not died they’d have divorced shortly after retiring because they weren’t good around each other in close proximity Day after day for extended periods of time.
Well our little 12k person town just declared a local state of emergency even thou we don't have any cases, guess they are trying to get ahead of it i suppose.
And as predicted, she looks exactly what you think she looks like: like David Crosby fathered her kid.