Have you seen that they brought ESPN The Ocho back? They’ve been showing hilarious sporting contests— belly flops, stone skipping, dodgeball, cherry pit spitting.... doing everything they can to entertain folks, good on them.
Yep I am about the same Nett. I'm a homebody who enjoys cooking, gardening/yardwork, spending time with my dogs and hubs, going for walks and hikes. All of these are pandemic friendly activities. Like you, my rotation of food has been altered. I used to keep a tight pantry with a weekly cycle of fresh stuff but have moved to more of a 2 week cycle. Not really a big deal, but it is annoying that I have to over order for my pickup because they will probably be out of several items and I want to have fresh stuff on hand. Luckily it seems like the healthy shit I buy routinely is not popular. I haven't had a problem getting my heads of cabbage. But who knows how I'm obtaining my next pack of TP. I still have my family group texts and normal internetting activities so no changes there. We moved far away from family so there are no physical socializing habits to be broken on that front. The biggest thing that I want to do but can't is thrift shopping. There have been several tempting things listed on facebook marketplace that I've passed on and I won't visit Goodwill or any of the local shops while this virus is a problem. I am hesitant to sell my eggs right now and am thinking about just splitting them up between neighbors instead. Selling them helps fund the ducky lifestyle though... I have a glut of them currently and need to decide what I'm doing.
Late to this but prince charles has COVID-19. There's an epstein joke in there somewhere but I don't wanna kill it
Andrew is the one with the Epstein connection. Charles is just twiddling his thumbs while the longest reigning monarch in English history refuses to die.
Charles best friend was Jimmy Saville. If you were best friends with someone who molested 100s of kids, I think you’re guilty by association.
While I got a little freaked out last week when all the shut down was happening, it turns out that it really isn’t that big a deal staying home so much. For years I’ve been working on a book, and I’m now in the 2nd editing phase. I treat it like a job, every day for a couple hours I’m working on it. I go out and do a little project in the yard or something. Read, play guitar, and socialize online. Every day I text a friend to see how they’re doing. I do miss being able to go to the Moose and hang out, and a couple dinner plans with for me co-workers got canceled, but otherwise there’s not a huge difference in my life. Oh, and kinda like @bewildered I like to go to sales, antique malls, etc. and it sucks that I can’t right now
Well shit. Apparently a my county says that scrap yards are non-essential, so I'm stuck with 1000 pounds of scrap metal in the back of my truck.
Home Depot is essential though. Hang out in the parking lot with a sign "scrap metal, make an offer." Should be gone in about 15 minutes given where you are.
Usually when I think of “isolation” it involves the worst thing about jail. It does not involve beer and grilling wings. There are good things to get out of this. Namely: learning to appreciate the limitless food you can make at home.
My pregnant friend just did a gender reveal party via Zoom. Thank FUCK I’m not in college or involved in any WFH job that requires that kinda shit.
Oh, I know it's here...there's like 8 cases down in Coeur d'Alene and God only knows how many in Spokane, it's just not an issue here. Yet. I'm sure it will be soon enough.
Anyone else just given up on shaving and getting a hair cut? Quarantine has me looking like Ross from Friends meets Luke Combs
I let mine go long anyway but it's getting ridic. I'm about to watch some videos out and practice with the clippers on hubs. Let's not hope it's as bad as the time I tried to give him a fade and he ended up just shaving it all off.
I have a cut on the side of my face and dragging a razor across that isn’t a good idea yet. So I am letting a beard, or as much as I can grow, come in just to see what it’d look like.
That's why I just went to a #1.5 with the trimmer once I realized my wife didn't give a shit about my brain tumor scars. Easier, takes about 3 minutes to get it done at great clips. Plus if needed I could do it myself in a pinch. The theory was for exactly such a scenario as this, where we were stuck at the house for a bit of time and it started looking nasty. Turns out she truly hates the idea of hair everywhere and would rather deal with her husband's head feeling like a Chore Boy.