Do you use any data from Kinsa, those fever-tracking, data-collecting thermometers that seem simultaneously cool and creepy? I've been seeing more articles crop up about them and how quickly they showed a decrease in new fevers after restrictions were put in place. Seems potentially helpful since people don't usually interface with the healthcare system unless/until they get capital S Sick.
Less guns up here, so that combined with the world’s largest abundance of hockey equipment gives us the greatest potential of becoming Road Warrior-esque. I WILL live in a house of skulls if it comes down to it.
Strictly Halloween decorations. I think now is a good time ever to start keeping your cats indoors. Without people to beg from, homeless people will start getting desperate for food if you get my drift.
Something to follow, Sky News: anger is growing at china over coronavirus and its apparent cover-up attempt It is wrong to call this a foreign disease or the chinese disease. It is the world's problem right now and labeling it anything other than what it is only encourages violence against those of Asian descent. We need to save and protect as many people as we can until we get this thing under control and gone. And once that happens, then and only then, should we dole out responsibility for all this. And in my opinion, there should be hell to pay. For starters:
I'd be more inclined to put the time and effort into making sure you had the systems and resources to deal with the immediate problem and make damn sure they are in place for the next time we get a pandemic. Smacking someone on the nose might make you feel like you've achieved justice/revenge but there is a hell of a lot of hate out there that are taking note of what's happening and they don't give a rats ass.
Bear in mind he's speaking of the isolated lunatic fringe who rage at Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets when their kids get the chicken pox.
yeah if people are gonna be dicks, they’re gonna be dicks no matter what. And you shouldn’t let fear of how others think or react keep you from doing something that needs to be accomplished. We — the whole world — needs to learn a lot of very hard lessons from this. We need to get the systems in place to never let this happen again, and to recover from it more quickly, in a more efficient manner, if it does. We need to realize that even though we are smart and have all this fancy technology, something as simple as a virus can bring us to our knees. And we — the whole world — needs to let certain governments know that fudging the numbers and trying to save face and cover up a mistake like this can never, ever happen again. COVID is going to kill millions of people before it’s all over and it doesn’t even have that high of a fatality rate. What happens if the next pandemic does? Do we go extinct? You can’t cover that shit up and think it’s gonna go away. Admit the mistake and be part of the solution.
That would be nice, but remember that we're dealing with politicians here. Every single one of them is ego driven and positive that they're right and the rest of us are stupid.
Apparently China was very actively communicating with foreign governments once they confirmed details about the outbreak. If you think about how long it takes for symptoms to appear, and the number of those with really mild reactions to it, it makes sense that they didn't start screaming about it right away. It was the foreign governments that went all "yellow peril" and are looking for people to lay the blame on. Asian Americans are definitely getting hit by all sides on this one.
Well you know more about it than most of us here so I’m gonna take you at your word for it. Nuts people can’t separate the idea of people from their government. Hell Asian Americans are some of their biggest critics!
Why would he know that? I should probably clarify that malisbad is a Canadian dude who looks like a lumberjack that lives/works in Tokyo... he's not Asian.
I look like my profile picture. Generally just as dirty on the daily as well. I don't know more than anyone here, but I do have a large contingent of Asian American friends who have been having things said to them, and that kind of quiet but loud racism directed at them recently.
Provided they've held on to their real estate portfolio rather than let private equity spin it off, I'd buy. There will probably be a huge (yet insensitive) uptick in sales right after the pandemic is over for chinese fast food in particular as the "fuck Corona, I'm gonna eat Chinese" thing sweeps instagram and the like. If they've held on to their real estate, it's unlikely that the parent company will have giant losses on their books, at least ones they won't be able to use as write offs. They won't be paying the criminal rents either. PE also does delivery, so they're still ticking along.
I'm sure this comes a surprise to no one. "Sales of alcoholic beverages in the U.S. rose 55 percent in the week ending March 21, according to Nielsen data. As for drinks of choice, spirits like tequila, gin and pre-mixed cocktails were the clear front-runners, with sales leaping 75 percent in comparison with the same period last year. Beer sales were up 42 percent, while wine sales rose 66 percent. The market research firm also reported that online alcohol sales were up a whopping 243 percent, far outpacing in-store sales."