That is NOT surprising, but I don't know if you mean it shouldn't be a surprise because everyone is miserable and self-mediicating at home. No one is going to bars and restaurants to drink. And in places like Northern California that have thriving tasting rooms that are all closed, that moves wine sales to online. I don't think overall consumption is up that much, it's just shifted the location of consumption. Also, I might limit myself at a restaurant to two drinks to safely drive home, but don't impose that same limit when I already am home - not because I'm miserable, I just don't have to be as responsible.
That's why I think Texas and some other states will keep the alcohol delivery in place even once this blows over in like three years. Nothing like an unexpected pandemic to make you figure out the logistics of alcohol delivery in a hurry. Save resources by fewer cops patrolling for DWI (or at least move those resources elsewhere). Safer on the streets for everyone. Fewer deaths and injuries. Bet the insurance companies would love it too. Makes too much sense not to keep the current policies in place.
Las Vegas is a ghost town with a ton of empty rooms and yet they do this: the fuck is wrong with people?
I was thinking like restaurants. Rural vs urban I guess. There aren’t many bars out here but there’s an absolute ton of restaurants people go to because of their drinks and food. If you’re driving after dinner time, you’re extra on the lookout because people get stupid.
I remember seeing I don’t know, forty thousand or so cars around the Daytona Speedway for the 500. Every single care was gone by the end of the night, all I’m thinking is “Wow, there sure are a lot of designated drivers here in the Sunshine State!”
Yeah, and now that everyone cares about everyone else so much, and suddenly can do simple responsible things like washing hands with soap and not hacking your fucking cough all over others, they'll suddenly start using seat belts, saving about 15,000 lives in the US alone. Hooray!
Heads up for anyone looking for hand sanitizer: Two Roots Brewing, which makes some amazing non alcoholic beer, is also up-cycling their stuff to produce hand sanitizer as well. You can order from their website here.
call it fake sanitizer, just like I call my NAs fake beer? The NA brewers are having their time in the sun right now. Craft non-alcoholics have become a big thing in the last year or so -- I'm currently drinking an IPA from Wellbeing Brewery -- and with people unable to go to stores, the ability to order these guys online, direct from the brewery, has become a big deal.
Things are gettin' right weird out here:
Hoooo....ok... Real talk; I'm still working. The plant I work for is,I guess, deemed "essential", since we supply John Deere and other major AG. But I'm the Logistics Manager, and we've done little, to nothing to keep this shit from creeping in. We still let Truck Drivers walk into our building(we're one of the last from what I'm told), and I just can't help think, even though we're in Iowa, it IS coming, and we should've just shut-down 1.5 weeks ago, and.....i have no idea how to not sound like a nut-case talking to ownership about this....we're doing disinfecting, but the very nature of what we produce, and how we do it isn't very feasible for this.
There are currently 547 cases in Iowa with 9 deaths according the Johns Hopkins. About 80-90 each near Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, and Johnson, with the rest distributed throughout the state.
Yeah....except I live in the IL/IA border, through which a few MAJOR interstates run, and train-lines run.No one's "Shut-down" yet. This area is kinda the heart of MAJOR-AG(JD/CASE/IH). I'm not worried personally, but IF this "goes to the mattresses" the way I kinda think it will, the inevitable is coming... and this area will be back to the Mid-80's where 60% of houses were "on the market"
I swear the internet has turned a portion of humanity into raving idiots. Conspiracy nut jobs are get us killed sooner or later.
Because he does shit like this for "internet praise" while not actually helping?