Sup, idiots. Haven't been here in a while, I believe the last time I came back from an extended break was when Ebola was doing its thing. Weird. I guess I check here to see how worried I should be? Juice, what do you think about the numbers reported in this article? 18 confirmed cases, 6 of them dead. That's a vicious death rate if that's all true.
Most of them were elderly with health problems living in an assisted living facility. It hits them the hardest.
That's also the death rate of reported cases. Not all the cases. Far more people have it or have had it than anyone realizes. The reported cases are generally people who fell ill and went for treatment because they needed medical attention. Not that many people go to the doctor when they get sick. You drink a bunch of gatorade, OD on cold meds, and ride it out.
Agreed. I think they are still having problems: This would also explain the use of mealy-mouthed language like "presumptive positive test results."
Speaking of mealy-mouthed language, have any of y'all noticed these sort of statements lately: Health officials: "The general public should not be buying respiratory masks because it does not stop the spread of the coronavirus." Also health officials: "The general public should not be buying respiratory masks because health workers need them to keep from catching the coronavirus." What? Doublespeak much?
That’s a low population number to draw conclusions from, it really depends on what the demographics of that group are. Sounds like they may or may not be from a nursing home. If 33% of people who get the virus were dying globally, people would be barricading themselves inside their homes.
It's retarded because most people are buying masks that protect themselves from drywall dust and larger particulate matter. Those home depot masks won't do shit against a virus. In addition, people who work in hospitals and other healthcare orgs have their own supply chain and don't require their workers to go buy their own PPE.
A really interesting article in regards to China's handling of the crisis.
News just broke that Georgia has a few cases now. I guess I’ll drive down to the CDC and inhale some smallpox since it’s all the same.
I thought health officials needed them for other things and were seeing shortages because people were getting them for the coronavirus, against which they are ineffective. I only scanned the headlines though.
Amazon just banned over 1 million sellers that were trying to sell bogus masks or trying to profiteer from COVID-19 fear mongering. I still find it sad to see all the drywall masks at Home Depot or the local hardware store all sold out. I even have people at my work screaming at people "wear a mask!" I try to point out that it's not the recommended course of action by world-class experts, like the CDC, and provide links. Their all-powerful response? "It can't hurt!" "Yes, bitch, it can... you're spreading bullshit that you THINK is right but is not... you ARE fake news, and you need to STFU"
Why am I not surprised that the sort of people already paranoid enough to adjust their daily lives around this outbreak are the same people almost exclusively using ineffective precautions?
gonna be interesting when they do come out with a vaccine then all the anti-vaxers don't wanna take it
I’ve been reading a lot about China saying they’re ramping up production again after US ports showed a 40% decline in Chinese containers. I take everything I read from China with a grain of salt. It doesn’t make much sense for them to be ramping up again if there’s no cure or containment. Unless the Coronavirus has been completely blown out of proportion from inception and people are starting to realize it’s not the end of the world. I won’t believe their supply chain is ramping up again until I hear from the port myself.
Well we were only suppose to have one ship in for the whole month of March, but now there is only a few chunks of a couple of days where we dont have a ship. Over all it is excepted that we are going to do less then last year, 1.0million TEU's versus 1.3million last year.
I think a lot of people underestimate just how fragile the Chinese economy is. I'm not sure how long they could afford to not produce stuff. I would not be surprised if, along with the "stop eating wild animals" edict, came a "sick or not, get back to work" command.
I've heard quite a few people saying it's racist to think that we'd have a lot less of these diseases if people stopped eating things they shouldn't. Like I get that there's different cultures with different worldviews, but isn't not eating bats just common sense?