In Texas churches aren’t essential services, but liquor stores are. I have faith for this great state yet
Yeah. And, because resources are so focused to NYC and surrounding areas they’re still not testing as much as they’d like to here. So that and reports of “flattening curves in NY” there’s a false sense of security, at least here where I live.
One of the reasons that churches are such a problem is that people sing, and singing is an extremely effective way to share droplets and aerosolize the virus since people are projecting their voices and breathing deeply. There was a choir practice in Washington where something like 1/3 of the members got infected, even though no one was symptomatic, they did not touch, and tried to maintain more distance. The whole church/liquor store comparison feels silly because at a liquor store, you have minimal, brief contact with very few other people. Church is a disgusting stew of germs you go breathe in for hour(s). If liquor stores are closed we will see an increase in hospitalizations for alcohol withdrawals and isopropyl alcohol poisoning and fun stuff like that, which is not what anyone needs. In other news, I sent a swab in for myself last Tuesday and still haven't gotten my results back, but this is the first day in 12 that I haven't had a fever, so yay?
We've only conducted slightly more than 1m tests. I wouldn't trust anything suggesting we're through the worst of it until we have a LOT of testing coming online. Right now, we're focused on the following: -Beds, Staff and Stuff -Economic impact (dear, sweet baby Jesus) -Testing -Idiot smashing (false testing stations, miracle cures, morons thinking the gubmint is coming to lock them up). The testing is simply not likely to ever catch up. The beds and stuff we can theoretically come up with if we buy time, but the staff is going to be a bottleneck as the "hottest of the hot zones" shifts from NYC to another spot, and people get either run down, infected or both. To Juice's point, we're seeing "slosh": folks moving from NYC to other areas (going from high concentration/probability to low concentration/probability areas). It's a short-lived phenomenon, as the herd catches up and overwhelms/infects the new areas. So, for example, a ton of the early-movers in NYC see they need care, and rush down to CT or NJ, so then those places report in as overwhelmed and with a delay, a wave of infections. Then those folks go to Delaware, or Philly and so forth. So, the Northeast, with a fairly high concentration of urban centers will stabilize quicker than the rural areas (similar, functionally speaking, to Western Europe: you can drive from one place to another within reason.). The larger states where going from one population center to another is a significant drive or flight (thinking KC or Montana) will have a wildly different pattern.
why do people think that "quarantine at home" means it's also ok to be at your home, or your cousin's home, or your mother in law's home, or your friend's home but just if you're there for a few hours? In-laws wanna do an easter party with everyone to celebrate... I don't know, being stupid? Tried to explain to my mother in law that she can't be exposed to everyone because she's at risk. She said she didn't think she was that vulnerable, so I told her it's just not smart for older especially. Wanted to tell her it's also because she's insanely of shape (gets winded walking around the house too much), very obese from being sedentary and has more health problems than you can shake a stick at.
Yup. Does suck though that they're putting pressure on my wife, making her feel bad. Fortunately she's smart enough to realize that their bad decisions are on them and stand up for herself. I'm trying not to say anything because they're being so reckless that they're gonna get sick anyway. Don't wanna rub salt in the wound. But I will once they get over it if they keep this shit up.
There’s a lesson to be learned here, and that lesson is “Don’t shake hands with people when you’re told they have COVID-19.”
Things move fast as shit. There was a story this morning that he was "on oxygen" and someone rightly pointed out that the source was just The Daily Mail speculating that he might be. Fast forward a few hours and Downing Street itself is confirming he's in the ICU.
The US government is still holding up 3M masks that are purchased by Canada, for Canada at the border because they seem to think they’re important enough to steal from trading partners. That’s not how trade works.
That is how it works, under the Defense Production Act. The President can halt any export or import by any private company.
That will go over really well when he demands more material to make the masks and other PPE and gets told to go fuck himself. I mean sure, it’s an official act. But it’s an American act, not an international one. So to the rest of the world, your government is just pulling a fast one and taking a piss.
I get it. But how did you think it was going to work? The US was going to allow critical medical supplies made by American companies to go to other countries? It’s cold, for sure, no doubt about that. But that’s kind of the way it goes.