Cabin fever is real. You hear stories about people going out in a blizzard to attempt to find rescue, and you think why didn’t they just stay inside until it cleared in a few days? Well, cabin fever. People act irrationally. You have to prepare for it and have systems in place to keep you from doing that kind of thing.
Being stir crazy makes sense to me if you’re in jail. Or living in an efficiency apartment with a family of eight with no terrace. That’s why domestic violence is up. These fuckers throwing tantrums in public just seem to think their slice of the shit sandwich we’re all eating is just so much bigger than everyone else’s. A lot of people also seem to think they’re not only beyond the reach of the law, but also invincible. Yesterday I went to drop off some things at my father-in-law’s and got to watch cops break up an illegal first-degree softball game in the school across the street. Had to be 15 to 20 guys playing right next to a busy intersection for all to see. And I can see them waving and screaming at the cops after they make contact , because they found out they’re about to be fined hundredsof dollars apiece. Fucking dummies. Then sooner you STOP defying everything and spreading shit , the sooner these temporary Demolition Man policies can be lifted.
my wife and I were talking about that this morning. She asked when I thought all these restrictions were gonna be lifted and things could go back to normal. “A few weeks after everyone stops being stupid and does what they’re supposed to.” “... so we’re gonna be like this into the summer then?” “Correct”
One unintentional benefit may be the nations discourse on prison reform changes. Most people can barely keep themselves in a fucking house with endless entertainment and food without going stir crazy. Puts much more perspective on solitary confinement. Shit can be inhuman. Though guy I work with spent his entire career as a prison guard and he claims there are just some prisoners that are too dangerous to be around anybody and everybody.
People who live normal lives and have no attachment to anything criminal have no idea—- NONE— just how horrible somebody is who is criminally insane. Convicts are a level of evil that most people can’t even imagine or grasp the concept of. “Oz” is fucking Sesame Street compared to real life. They have no frontal lobe function, no attachment whatsoever to anything except for the thrill of manipulating everyone around them at any cost. You’re friend is right. I’m against solitary confinement as much as anybody you will ever meet— but there are people out there that simply cannot be unleashed in any way. They are subhuman, unworthy of freedom, but it’s just too expensive to launch them into the sun.
My brother-in-law is a prison guard and I asked him about this not too long ago. His take was that for most prisoners, they would do well with more enrichment activities, educational services, etc. while behind bars. Its the boredom that makes them psychos inside. But for the 5-10% that are just evil to their core, he thinks solitary is the perfect solution for when we cant legally kill them.
how about they just legalize weed everywhere and give everyone a monthly stipend of it? It'd be a lot easier to keep everyone in one place if they were too stoned to get off the couch.
So we self isolate to flatten the curve, yet we can't self isolate forever and we rerelease ourselves over the next month or so, causing the outbreak to gear up again. So basically we just delayed the inevitable for a month or two, hoping a cure is found in the meantime while subjecting our economy to an unprecedented economical experiment. I wonder if this was the best course of action.
Wow, the head of the US Navy is a GIANT fucking asshole. officers and sailors are sick, maybe dying and he’s telling them they’re making the Navy look “weak”.
This is why I say that I hope I get it soon, before all the medical supplies run out. About how long it will take for things to get "back to normal": I'm afraid it won't. Even after all of this is "over," I have a feeling that the authorities will try to hold onto their extra power by putting a scare in everyone each flu season. Whenever you give those people a little more power, they NEVER give it back. Remember the days before 9/11? How much simpler life was? I remember that my dad and I went through airport security with THREE knives between us in the late '90s. Try that these days. We've NEVER gone through anything like this before, and it's a great way to start implementation of draconian policies in the name of "safety."
I had this conversation the other day and wanted to hear your thoughts- If the country removes all travel restrictions tomorrow- Would you go back to normal life? Or would you wait, and how long? I don’t think the economy is going to do a V shaped rebound like some predict because the fear will still be there for months to come.
Fuck no. I would stay home for another two weeks to see how shit shakes out. The economic rebound is dependent on so many factors. I think you'll start to see a lot of corporate incentives to hire American workers, suspension of the H1-B visa program for the foreseeable future, etc., but the underlying structure itself does not like anywhere near what it did in 2008, so I think it will be quicker than that recession.
The assumption now is that you are going to catch it, it's just a matter of when. Think about it this way. Your favorite sandwich shop is always busy at noon because everybody has to have their sandwich. In fact, the sandwich shop gets so busy that it leads to long waits for sandwiches and sometimes people have to go without because their lunch breaks aren't long enough to accommodate the wait. To alleviate the long sandwich waits, the businesses around the sandwich shop start staggering lunch breaks so everybody gets fed and the shop doesn't get overwhelmed with orders. The policy is working because Washington and California are actually sending ventilators to New York because they don't need them as badly. Both states enacted shelter in place orders fairly quickly.
I think the idea is for it to be gradual enough with people catching it that we have the medical capabilities to handle it, instead of overwhelming the system all at once. A slow and steady progression, vs a one shot deal so to speak. Everyone most likely is going to catch it, whether they show symptoms or not. It might just pass through and they don't even realize. But the issue is whether or not those who do have life-threatening symptoms are able to get proper care. If they can't -- because too many people also have those symptoms at the same time -- then they are more likely to die from it. It would happen quickly, society would return to normal quicker, but a lot of people would die. But if everyone is quarantining and being smart, then the medical system can deal with those who do have issues as it arises. Takes longer, the economy sucks, but you don't get millions of dead people. That make sense? Maybe I'm just explaining it wrong. It makes sense in my weird head.
For it to gradually infect the country we’re talking about several months, into a year or more. What’s the average pandemic lifespan? 18 months? If the strategy is really to gradually infect everyone- The two week isolation was a joke, as is the 30 day. Maybe 3-4 months and then, slowly acclimate people back into society. I was reading a strategy earlier where Europe is talking about letting anyone under 30 socialize again. That sounds better than our current path.
he's now offering to resign yeah that'd probably be a good idea edit* resignation was accepted. Sounds like it was a wee bit forced. Like you may resign or be fired, your choice.
Win-win. Good riddance, asshole. You’re now just the prick who PROUDLY put servicemen in harm’s way, and you’ll go the grave that way.
Correction: we've done 1.8M tests with about 180k pending. I feel like we're going to get to a certain point of distancing/quarantine, and just say fuck it. I do not think this will be over in May, not by any measure. However, I do not believe the administration will continue the distancing, quarantine, etc. No reason for them to start listening to the experts now, right? People simply will start to ignore it, if they haven't already. I am waiting on some Coronavirus lawsuits to get settled soon: The president and governors are all well and good, but if you get sued everytime someone gets won't open back up any time soon.
So here’s something weird: I applied for a Nexus card in June last year. Today I received notification that it was conditionally approved and that I have to go to the interview in May. What. The. Fuck. I going to be allowed to cross the border? How is it that this application was processed in the middle of a crisis when it wasn’t touched for almost a year? Also, I have to go to Sault St Marie. Again...why a five hour drive when the second busiest border crossing is 2km from my house? Strange times.
So did I hear this right.... Wisconsin has forced an election? That state alone has almost 100 COVID deaths as of right now, which has the population of around the same as greater Toronto. Our entire country has 375 deaths so far. Are they honestly trying to kill people? Seniors are the ones who vote, they pack the polls, they are the LAST people who should be out right now mixing with others. Guys seriously... what the hell? What are they DOING to you down there?? There’s no reason or justification for something this reckless. No free citizen in your country deserves to have their dice rolled for them in such a way.