Terrified to go out because, sick hospital die. But also because if I do go out, the masks I have are all N95. Says right there in big red letters. Everyone I know who is in the medical field has open season on the few dozen I have, they know that. But around here our hospitals aren’t hurting for supplies and I’m not going to be guilted into donating the ones I do have in order to protect me and mine.
I did a walmart grocery pickup order yesterday at 7:30pm (the only slot I could grab). I wrote what I needed to say to the attendant on a notepad and held it up to the window and he loaded everything in the way back (about 10' behind me) which I opened from the inside. Meanwhile I'm wiping all inside surfaces with lysol wipes and wrapping it up with hand sanitizer. When I get home all the groceries are wiped down followed by the SUV and all doorknobs and surfaces on the way up to the kitchen. Then we wash our hands and take jackets off. While I'm parked, people are streaming into and out of Walmart like it's a regular day. I saw maybe 3 masks total, one person wearing gloves . None of the workers are protected. The dumbass motherfucker in the spot beside me got out of his goddamn vehicle with his young granddaughter to deal with the pickup attendant. I was hoping being in a less populated rural area, we would be cushioned from the worst of this but after last night I have little hope. The cities are going to get their asses pounded due to population density and the rural places are going to get their asses pounded due to willful ignorance. And everybody's getting their shit pushed in over limited medical facility space.
There are also newer strains of it being reported that may be at play... Interestingly enough, the work that we're doing now has gained some huge momentum in the Canadian Government, and is now including more economic aspects to the modelling. Major economists and whole university departments are now engaged on my project, as well as provincial and federal leaders. In a nutshell, the high level decision makers are now struggling with the question of "how many dead can we live with?" It will not be possible to quarantine until it's all gone or run its course, but to release everyone now would be a nightmare. There is some place in the middle that says "this is an acceptable number of deaths to get society back in gear", and that is what people are trying to figure out. We're currently engaged with some very smart and some very powerful people trying to figure out that answer. Interestingly enough, we're doing it from a localized perspective... at a city or county level. What are the economic drivers for that small area? What is their current impact from COVID? We're trying to set up a system that provides local decision makers with the data they need to make the "resocialize" or "shelter in place" call, because the more we look into this, the more we realize that it is a very localized thing.
Well I’ve lucked out. I’ve been added to the “essential team” at my job, so I have a job for the next month at least. Plus my wife was added to the essential crew as well, and she can work from home. We both stay at 40 hour weeks. Relief. Also, I heard on the news today that a mayor (I didn’t catch the town) instructed his police chief to arrest anyone not abiding by the shelter-in-place guideline. So the police broke up a gathering at a bar, where they arrested...the mayor’s wife.
Whoever manufactures plexiglass sneezeguards is raking it in now. One night (and I do mean ONE NIGHT) these things went up and changed the look of everything. Every time I see I just want to punch it and yell at the person on the other side “A DOUBLE-MINOR FOR FUCKING WHAT?!?!?!” This is my nightmare: everything caged and looking like a corner store in The Bronx.
Not necessarily pointed at you, as I know several people who are doing the same, but man, that just sounds almost paranoid. I have one buddy who says he gets home from his essential job, steps into a kiddie pool filled with an inch of a water/bleach solution in his garage, strips down naked, puts his clothes into the washing machine, covers himself in a newly sanitized towel, heads straight to the shower while his wife cleans and disinfects the six feet of hallway he just walked through. They are about my age with no immune issues or anything. I think I'd rather just take my chances than to go through all that everyday. I try to be in the happy medium. Social distancing, eliminating unnecessary store trips, washing my hands, wiping down my office etc. On the other end, I still have customers trying to shake my hand. wtf? Get away from me freak!
People have shit going on, man. I'm 34 weeks pregnant. This would be a really bad time to catch the Rona.
Yeah, my sister has MS and has a compromised immune system, and my mom is old and is a prime target. I'm taking some "extra" precautions as a result, as is my sister. Hell, I wore my woodworking mask to the store yesterday... it's a big, full-faced thing that is meant to protect eyes and respiration from toxic fumes, and some people in cute "hello kitty" homemade masks looked at me a bit weird... but I'm 100% OK with that.
I was debating using my cartridge respirator, which is less than that. It does have an airtight for over the mouth and nose, though.
Wouldn't this be the perfect time to rob a bank? Everyone is wearing masks (down here, anyway; county order), and the cops have their hands full with other stuff.
Is there confirmation on Nevada's new cases today total?!?! 22,547?! https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/