The only issue that have is that both of them aren’t dead. That man did well. Hey look folks, morons have formed their own anti-intellectual militia: Interesting. Provisional CDC data for all deaths shows 92% of anticipated deaths comparatively from 2017-2019 nation-wide. That factors in NY State at 110% and NYC at 175%. NY did a large upward correction the other day, as did Massachusetts. It will be interesting to see the updates to this, clearly some states are way under reported still or no report at all. Another interesting piece of non-model data. Again, only 200 samples but 1/3 showing antibodies at this point. There are studies like this that are starting to pop up elsewhere as well. This is nice to see, finally. Some of you really need to see this.
you could remove the “selfish” part and it’d still be true. They’re putting themselves in danger as much as anyone.
Let me get this straight. Going outside, in the fresh air and sun, social distancing while doing it. That is selfish and idiotic? What basis is there for that? If that were true, why are grocery stores open?
How do you know? The beaches weren't that crowded, people walking close together could, you know, live under the same roof.
It clearly limits activities to those consistent with social distancing. To say "they" to assume all beachgoers are not social distancing is a lie. If there are some cases of people who are not social distancing then that is another thing, because it isn't widespread. At the same time, I would rather be in close proximty to people outdoors in the fresh air than in a grocery story.....that is, if I were to be that worried about catching COVID-19. Quite honestly, the fear mongering on this board
Before California closed the beaches, I went for my regular bike ride which goes down the beach and along a bike path on the beach. Despite orders to maintain social distancing it was packed and violations of social distancing were rampant. I cut the ride short and turned around because I wasn't comfortable with how people were ignoring the social distancing orders. This is just how people act. As for grocery stores, you're right that they're a risk, but since we have to eat they're a necessary risk. If people haven't been keeping their trips to a bare minimum and trying to get the necessary amount of food with the minimal exposure, they're not doing it right.
Surely, there must be a Government-provided anonymous tip line for you to call and tell on others at this point?
Guy on reddit does some sleuthing and finds that there's a significant astroturfing presence behind the "reopen" protests:
Astroturfing is such a meaningless term nowadays. EVERYONE has big money backers and every movement has underwriters. It's just the way it works. When it's for a cause you support (royal you not you specifically) the concept is a moot point. Perception of astroturfing doesn't mean a thing if it's ultimately successful.
It’s not meaningless if all of these movements have the same right wing backers. In this case the gun lobby.
It's not like a picture was posted showing people right on top of each other or anything. I love this "muh freedom" bullshit, I really do.
From NYT: "Covid-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, is arguably the leading cause of death in the United States right now. The virus has killed more than 1,800 Americans almost every day since April 7, and the official toll may be an undercount. By comparison, heart disease typically kills 1,774 Americans a day, and cancer kills 1,641." "Fear mongering" indeed.
The NYT is just part of a Soros funded One World Government misinformation campaign obviously. It's just the flu, bruh.